Katie over at Hummingbird Chats http://hummingbirdchats.blogspot.com/ has tagged me for a six word memoir.
The rules are, your post your six word memoir and you may post a picture, and then link it back to who tagged you so we can follow it. Then you tag five more special people to play.
My six word memoir are~~~
Follow you dreams, Follow your heart!
The five special people I have tagged from here are~~
Connie from Living Beautifully
Rhea from Miss Rhea
Stephanie from Angelic Accents
Becky from Just Bee N Me
Holly from Whispering Oaks Cottage
Thank you for playing along and have fun!
Happy Spring, Celestina
I love it..great words..Katie
So beautiful, Celeste. I'll have to think about mine & try to add it tomorrow to my blog! Did ya hear we are in for some more snow?????
Big Warm Hugs,
Angelic Accents
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