Rachael over at The Rose Room is having a party in honor of her 100Th post! She has 2 requests to join the fun. Show a picture of where we blog and answer 10 simple questions! This party is going to be so fun and she designed it to help us all get to know each other a little better.
Congratulations Rachael on your 100Th post! I wish you many blessings and hundreds more!
Here is my cozy studio space where I blog, email, work on boutique offerings and spend a lot of time. I also use my lap top anywhere around my home when I am relaxing and stopping in to say hello to all my blog friends.
Now for the questions!
RELATIONSHIP?~ Married to my best friend for 35 years coming this August 11Th.
CHILDREN?~ Wonderful, handsome and amazing son!
PETS?~ Darling golden retriever named Miss Beazy Lee!
AGE?~ I forgot, I think it is 29 again! LOL!
STAR SIGN?~ Pisces
FAVE FOOD?~ Italian
HOME DECOR STYLE?~ Mix of Cottage Tuscan, French, and Vintage Shabby
COLLECTIONS?~ Dishes, angels, shoes, bird figurines, thimbles, pitchers, tea pots, bells, Santa's, blue and white dishes,books,vintage doilies,vintage jewelry, painted trays,boxes,quilts, aprons and the list could go on, but I can't think of anymore at the moment!
HOW DID YOU COME TO BLOG?~ Connie from PRH and Living Beautifully encouraged me and helped me get started!
Now wasn't that fun? Stop over to The Rose Room and wish Rachael a happy 100Th post and join the fun!
Till next time! Have a safe and happy Memorial Day!
Blessings, Celestina
I have always loved your studio/office!! It's just gorgeous, chickadee.......
Hi Celestina, thanks so much for coming to my party. What a beautiful studio:) Its so much fun seeing where other people blog from and getting to know them a bit better:) Rachael
cute! I love the aprons you bought below this post ..so cute!I will have to post on my blog where I blog from..
What a beautiful and inspiring place to blog in! I love your gifts from scrappy jessi...you girls are so talented and creative! The apron was so cute!
Hope you are having a great holiday weekend! Hugs, Rhonda ;)
Hello Celeste, your studio is just beautiful! Thank you so much for the sweet comment that you posted on my Memorial Day blog post! You are so sweet!
Love You! Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Olá Celestina!
Venho agradecer a sua visita e espreitar as maravilhas que tem por aqui.
Como ainda estou em Chicago , venho deixar votos de uma boa semana e um abraço americano.
Love your office and it was so much fun to get to know you a little better!
LOL we have quite a bit in common Celeste! One son, both love Italian food and both think we are still 29, hehehe!
BEAUTIFUL place to blog Celeste! Your truly have the most beautiful office!! And I LOVE all of your collections :)
I hope you had a beautiful weekend!
Love ya,
Wasn't that a fun party! Your blogging space is so charming I would want to be there all day...
Have a lovely day
Hi Sweetie ~ had so much fun chatting with you today!! You should call more often!
Always fun to see that beautiful studio you work & blog from! And wow, Connie got LOTS of us started into this time-consuming habit, didn't she?!?! LOL
Love you,
Angelic Accents
Your studio is so lovely. I love being surrounded by pretty things too. I like your list, wow 35 years and still in love. Your wonderful attitude about life is reflected in everything that you do. Karen
Oh Celestina, I love your studio! The black and white toile is scrumptious! You blog in beauty everyday, what fun that must be! I too have a laptop, so even though I have a PC, I find I'm dragging my laptop all over the house~
And Jessi's sweet apron matches your studio beautifully, what wonderful friends you have!
I look forward to visiting again, you always put a smile on my face...
In friendship,
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