I have always loved Monday morning. Looking towards the new work week with ideas, direction and anticipation of what the week ahead could develop. Sounds crazy to some I'm sure, but for me, I always welcome the new work week Monday morning. Some Mondays, I am swamped to finish projects or start new creations. Some Mondays, I am out the door early to gather supplies for creations stuck in my head all weekend. Some Mondays, I have dozens of emails to answer~~~whatever the case, for me, Mondays are a blessing to be thankful for. Granted, I am blessed with the joys of working my small business from my home. It certainly beats, traffic, racing the clock to be at a place at a certain time. Been there, done that.
So with Monday in mind, sharing a little of this and a little of that, I had a studio dilemma. As most of you know, Miss Beazy spends lots of time with me in the studio and loves her special window sill free of furniture where she can lay down and look out the window with her head propped on the ledge. At times, she jumps on the ledge, barking at anyone going by, to let them know, this is my space so keep on going!! LOL!! That's fine, but it plays havoc with the painted sill. Many touch ups, only lead to more of the same. So I got the idea to fabric the window sills, (4 in total) in something to coordinate with the toile room. Going through my stash, I had just enough of a black and tan gingham to fabric all four. I still have the trim to do and I was not finished when I took these pictures, but you can see what a difference it made and it will be very hard to chip or mess up for the watch dog Miss Beazy!! The trim will go along the inside cut edge to finish the look and make the ledge look neat and tidy. To do this redo, I used a thin layer of Elmer's Glue painted on the sill. Next, I applied my fabric and worked it out smooth with a wet sponge. Finally, three coats of decoupage medium will give a gloss like finish and then the rope gold trim will be applied. No more touch ups!!


MISS BEAZY,taking right up where she left off, watching the world go by!

Well, after the window sill fix, one thing leads to another and I decided to cover the top portion of my studio chair with some great fabric I also stumbled on in my stash. It was long enough to be draped over the back, gathered in the center and embellished with an antique bar pin to finish.

Lastly, on my little of this and that fun~~ I will share my desk door, covered in toile fabric and embellished with rope trims and antique coat buttons my mother saved many years ago. Sorry this picture is kind of dark.

Recently one of my sweet customers and Christmas tree designer, contacted me about designing some ornaments for the annual fund raiser which raises money for the children in her local area. Her theme for this years tree is, Cottage Garden and Roses. The money raised will help the many children who do not have
enough to eat and many who have
nothing to eat. The tree will be beautiful when finished and she will share pictures with me, that I can post here, after the event. Her tree last year raised, six thousand dollars. Starting with a 7ft. fresh tree, each and every ornament has to be tied on for transport to the auction winners home or place of business. It is truly a labor of love, time and talent from the participants. I was certainly honored to design 18 winter rose ornaments to add to the Cottage Garden Rose theme.

Christmas is all around the studio this week and I just finished my newest design on a wood snowmen that my friend Lorri gave me. Ten altogether will be available in my eBay shoppe soon. The design, and the name I gave her is, Miss Snow Rose, she is embellished in her pink stocking hat with ribbon rose ~~ I made from pink socks. Scarf, from homespun pink and green fabric, snowflake wings and her twig arms holding a silver star to hang on this seasons Christmas tree. She can be displayed from ribbon attached to her wings. I will also design a few to free stand.
May I introduce Miss Snow Rose and her chorus line of identical friends.

Thank you so much for stopping by today. I hope you have a great week ahead and your Monday was a good start. I am off to ship lots of goodies. Till next time, blessings always. Celestina