Last summer 2007 I was thinking of redecorating my art studio to make it more organized but inspiring at the same time. As I was working out the details, I picked up the Romantic Country Magazine #88 and low and behold on page 82 was my answer. The gorgeous black toile office designed by FiFi O'Neill. As I drooled over the pages over and over again I knew I had the inspiration for my studio's new look.

I have always loved black toile and had lots of accessories already from a kitchen design in toile that I changed to a Tuscan look. And yes, redecorating is something I do every 4-5 years or sooner. Can't help this, the interior decorator in me has to make changes. Anyway, the black toile treasures where boxed away just waiting to be used again. So with ideas in mind and inspiration from the article, I began to design my vision.

My art studio is actually a 3rd car garage that my husband converted for me about 12 years ago to be my studio/office. It has served me well with plenty of room and one wall of windows that gives me plenty of light and a place to look out and day dream between brush strokes. This cozy room is home for my desk, computer, file cabinets and plenty of storage with shelves and cubbies for organizing my paints and supplies.
I can spend late nights in my studio and often do. I had to make it comfortable and stylish since I spend so much time here. Even hubby likes to work at my desk now and then while I paint. My sweet golden retriever, Miss Beazy, also enjoys this room and has her very own cushion under the table all designed for her comfort while I work.

I started with a neutral background and built the room from that point. Since the room is so busy with stuff, it needed the neutral walls and cabinets to anchor the room. I loved the desk toile skirt that Fifi had in her office so I decided that element would work for me as well, to hide the supplies and clutter when needed. I did add a little accent of pink here and there for interest and of course the girly girl in me.

It was fun and very inexpensive since I had most everything except the large amount of fabric for the skirt, which I might add, is attached with Velcro for easy removable when I am busy. Little by little the room came to a finish and I enjoy it so much. Below are pictures of the room and a few accents.
This is a picture of a black toile altered art treasure made by Amy of Bunny Rose Cottage. It is framed in white and graces my desk! I love it Amy, thank you!
My chic canvas painting over the work area that is home to the printer, TV and accessories.
Door eye candy~~I love aprons and these darlings hang on the back of my studio door. The rose and black was made by Connie of Living Beautifully, Rose Porch Designs. I love it Connie and thank you so much!
The shabby pink chair was the last one left from my grandmother's dining room in the 20's. Isn't it a dream? The sweet poodle and toile pillow was made by a very talented sewer that sells on ebay. Contact me for her name if you would like to peek at her goodies. The Blessed pillow was a gift from my hubby.
The picture that tops my cabinets is my hubby and I with Laura Bush at the White House Christmas 2004 when I was invited to hand paint ornaments for the Blue Room Christmas Tree. She was so wonderful to send us one for my office and also my hubbies office with a thank you letter.
Lastly, above the wall of windows I have painted the phrase my Father once said to me, "Find what you love to do and you will never work another day of your life."
It is such a blessing to work from your own home and I am very grateful for this 3rd car garage redesign. Little by little by stuff is taking over. Poor hubby says he only has the shed! LOL!! Thank you for letting me share my creative space with you and thank you to Fifi O'Neill for the inspirational Romantic Country Magazine feature. I would love to see your creative rooms. Till next time, blessings always!