Thursday, July 10, 2008


What a beautiful blessing books hold in our lives. To pick up a book and escape to a place or idea, is a real thrill. Books can take us anywhere we want to go. Giving us valuable information and inspiring us on any topic we choose. For me, books have always been a joy ever since I was a small child listening to stories my Mother would read and visiting the Book Mobile in the parking lot of my elementary school. I was hooked from that moment. I love so many types of books, from a good story, learning books, spirit building volumes and of course, decorating books. I thought it might be fun to try and have a book review at least once a month, sharing a title or more with inside pages of books I enjoy and turn to for inspiration and reference.

The first I'd like to share is titled, "Putting the Heart in Your Home" by Jean LemMon~
This book is warm with gorgeous indoor and outdoor pictures and inspirations for the comforts and ideas to enhance our homes. With categories for moods to relax and create.
Just look at these gorgeous inside pages. It was hard to choose just a few for now. This book graces my coffee table and wonderful to pick up at anytime and learn something new.

Another favorite is Nell Hill's " Feather Your Nest" It's All in the Details, by Mary Carol Garrity

Filled with comfort yet elegant, soothing and tasteful. Each page is chock full of ideas and reads like a story. Brings you in and relates through style and details. Like the cover says, It's All in the Details!
Here are a few inside pages.

I have barely scratched the surface to the wonderful pages in these 2 books. If you have them, you already know what I mean. If not, I know you would enjoy these two titles.

Award Time "Brillante Weblog Award"

Today I had the kind surprise of receiving this award from Amy at Bunny Rose Cottage, and Cathy at Treasured Heirlooms. Congrats to both lovely ladies for receiving this honor and Thank you so much for passing it on to me.

Now it's time to pass this award on to 7 more Brillante Weblogs. This is always so hard because I love so many and would rather pass this on to everyone in blogland. I did go over the limit just like Cathy did. Here are the rules for the award.

1.Display logo and link to who gave it.
2.Nominate at least 7 blogs.
3.Add links to those 7 blogs
4.Leave the nominees a message that they received the award.

Passing this award on to:
Time Enough
Thinkin of Home
Edie Marie's Attic
Hummingbird Chats
Joan's Journey's
Just Between Us Girls
A Hint of Home
The House in the Roses
Thank you for stopping by and till next time, Blessing and Blue Skies!