Monday, September 22, 2008


Today is the first official day of Autumn, and for me, I welcome the cooler days and nights with changes of color to arrive hopefully soon. Here in the Lone Star state it starts gradual, but very welcome when we get a break from the high temps we experienced this wonderful summer. I love fall and I like to view this time of year as mother nature's way of blessing us with a restful time when her glorious Godly creations can rest for awhile till we welcome back beautiful blooms in the spring.
Time to be outdoors enjoying daily walks and cozy times inside enjoying our homes and families. I just started to spruce up for the season and here are a few pictures to share today. But first, I received a special award from Sherry at Edie Marie's Attic

Thank you Sherry, I am so honored you passed this award on to me. I love to visit Sherry's blog. Each of her posts is a reflection of a kind and wonderful friend. She so deserves this award and Sherry I congratulate you.
Now I have to pass this on to 7 more blog friends. But before I get to that list, I want to also tell you that Sherry is having her 100th post GIVEAWAY to be drawn on Monday the 29th. Hurry over to read her post and leave a comment to enter. Her unique giveaway is just GRAND! Sherry, Blessings and Best Wishes for many more wonderful posts. Click on the link above to visit!

Now to pass on the Award.
1. Amanda from Catching up with Amanda
2. Randi from In My Mother's Name
3.Ruth from Artful Creations
4.Amy from Bunny Rose Cottage
5.Betzie from Time Enough
6.Joan from Joan's Journeys
7.Arleen from The Tea Room


In the Dining room I like to add to my tea display by adding fall candle rings around the cups using the saucer as the base. I fill the cup with a battery tea lite. These work great in places you do not want heat and will be unattended. I have also used these in my Irish candle holders to keep them clean. Have you tried these? They are gorgeous at night and the batteries can be replaced when needed.

Before I say so long for now, I just wanted to share with you Miss Beazy Lee and her sweet Lizard friend as they visit at the window. This lizard arrives each day to the studio window to visit with Beaz, and as you can see, Beazy is just fasinated! Sweet Lizard is smart though, knowing the window is between them.

Until next visit, Blessings and Blue Skies.