Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Being Irish is a blessing to me and I look forward to this day each year. St. Patrick's Day brings back many memories growing up and our home celebrations with special meals and Irish music. My Father was Irish and my grandfather was from Dublin. I have not been to visit, but look forward to a trip one day.
I decided to bring back my post from last year sharing some history, pictures and books I love. I hope you enjoy this post once again and as always, I wish you many blessings for all times. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Ireland is about the size of West Virginia, and this tiny island has some of the richest history of the Western world. Some important dates are 600 B.C. when the Celtic arrived on Irish soil. In A.D. 432 St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland. During the time from 500- 800 known as the Golden Age of Ireland, great music, literary creativity made Ireland the most accomplished in Europe. When the Vikings invaded Ireland in 800, they founded the first towns including Dublin in 988. In 1002 Ireland is united for the first time under one leader and by 1801 Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. 1845 saw a million and a half Irish starve to death due to the Great Potato Famine and a million more people emigrate to avoid the same fate. By 1922 Ireland becomes a free state within the British Commonwealth except for six counties of Northern Ireland which still remain part of the United Kingdom. Leaving the year of 1949 to see the twenty six counties of Ireland become an independent republic.

St. Patrick is the man who converted the Irish to Christianity and is the most famous Irishman of all time. No one is sure where exactly the patron saint was born or buried, but they do know when he died, which is March 17Th. So on this day, the Irish worldwide celebrate the holiday in honor of his name. The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland and comes from Gaelic Seamrog, which refers to the plant's three leaves. As the story goes, It was in a heated debate with a Druid priest that St. Patrick bent down, picked a shamrock and used it to demonstrate the Christian trinity using the three leaves held together by one single stem. The Shamrock is regarded today as the national plant of Ireland and worn in many forms on St. Patrick's Day.

Churchill once said," We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English"

My grandfather was from Dublin and came to this country residing in Pennsylvania in 1921.

Here is a picture of Dublin today overlooking the River Liffey. Shown is a portion of the Ha'penny Bridge. The Dome building in the background is the Custom House.

Some of my favorite books!

Some pictures from the books to share! Pottery and shamrock bowl, ending with spring roses!

I hope you enjoy a bit of the Irish on St. Patrick's Day and may your day be filled with blessings and good cheer! The following pictures are a bit of Irish in my home.

Thank you for stopping by, Hope to see you again soon when I return with the finished Master Bath pics to share my remodel. ERIN GO BRAGH "Ireland Forever" Smiles, Celestina Marie~


Anonymous said...

I am having so much fun going around the blogs and reading about my countrymen and their history. Your was equally entertaining and educational. I enjoyed the picture of the green hutch with the pottery. How devine is that. Wonderful post

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

hello! thanks for visiting me today:) i loved your post; great things i never knew! i would love to visit ireland someday:)

noelle :)

chicroses said...

Hi, Enjoyed your storys on Ireland. I am almost half Irish but family came over in 1700s. My dh family half Irish also. I love everything Irish. My son went to Ireland on St Pattys day 2yrs ago. He said they love Americans and were really friendly. He went to a little town called Karlof(SP) and celebrated the day. Parade and big hall for party. They were all wearing green cowboy hats and cowboy music. All wanted to know if he had been to Nashville. He loved Ireland. Hope you get there some day. Happy St Patricks Day! Sally

Shabby Raggy Roses said...

Love all your Irish books and bits. My husband is from Scotland, and he was born on St Patrick's day so we have his birthday to celebrate also.
Best wishes,

Unknown said...

Happy St. Patricks Day Celeste!!! I LOVE how you celebrate and have so many Irish things! I have Irish in me but we never celebrated it and I never knew much about it :( I am glad you did this lovely post on it! You have beautiful Irish things too!

Love you :)

Unknown said...

Hi dear bloggy friend! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog just now!
I had no idea that you are Irish! That is very cool! What a lovely post! You know, I have seen that "Enchanted Ireland" book before. It sure has some beautiful photographs in it and shows off Ireland in such a charming way.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! :)

Kris said...

Hello Celeste,

Thanks so much for your visit and the lovely comments.
I enjoyed reading your St. Patricks/Ireland post. It's amazing such a small section of our world has so much history.

Have a Happy St. Patty's Day


Marilyn said...

Great, informative post, Celeste. I love all the great pics. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hello Celestina,What a wonderful post.Those pictures are just gorgeous.Irland is one of the few places I would love to visit. I'm mainly Scot Irish with Spainish and French, maybe thats why I'm weired...LOL...Yes this crude that is going around is a hanger oner.I've never had anything last this long.My heart attack did not last this long...LOL...I pray you don't get it.You take care.Hugs Marie Antionette

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Celeste!

What a fabulous post! I love the history of Ireland, so rich and warm. Wes is part Irish, his mother's parents were both from Ireland. Wes said his Mom could do the Irish jig and was as light as a feather as she danced! What a beautiful picture that must be in his mind.

May the Lord bless you comin' and goin' dear friend! Sherry

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Love your post! Have a great day!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a fun post and a wonderful collection you have! You are a beautiful Irish lass and it's so much fun to visit you!

Please stop by and see me today!


Rebecca Nelson said...

Hello C...

Just had to stop by and see what's new! Love the Post on Ireland...so much wonderful information and I love the pictures!

My daddy is Irish, too (Elliott surname). Maybe we are related in the distant past????? Wouldn't that just be awesome????

I love the thought!

Thank you for sharing...oxoxRebecca

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Maybe it's your lucky day and you'll get three chances to win my little mices! heeheehee! You are so cute!

Lavender Dreamer....Diane

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Good to hear from you!

Magnolia Memories08 said...

Beautiful post about Ireland. I feel like I have been there after visiting your blog. Learned so much about you.
Please visited when you get a chance.
Have a great week.

CIELO said...

HiGorgeous....! came by to say hi and to invite you to our spring party.... come see! you gonna love it1 ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Celestina. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm Irish, too -- over half. And, like you, I have many wonderful memories of having Irish grandparents. My grandfather used to dance the jig for us in his living room. I've not been to Ireland either but sure hope to visit some day. Erin Go Bragh! ~Arleen

Draffin Bears said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you dear
Celestina Marie.
I loved reading all the history and seeing all your lovely books and treasures ~ thanks for sharing.

I am like you, my Fathers family came out from Ireland, so it is always a special day for me also.
I have some corn beef cooking for our dinner tonight.

Have a happy week

Unknown said...

What a fabulous post. So many great reads and your images are perfect. My daughter Sarah is in Ireland this week visiting her friend who is spending a semester studying there. Can you imagine being in Dublin for St. Patty's Day. She is having the time of her life I am sure. Happy St. Patty's Day.


vickie said...

Oh Celeste, I love your Irish blog!
Thanks for sharing. Thanks also for wrapping and sending Steph the gift, beautiful job!

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Celestina....you also, have a wonderful St. Pat's day. I enjoyed this lovely post very much.

have fun and be creative.


Jennifer said...

Celeste,Happy St Pats Day.Your blog just won't load for me today.It is my dial up.I wanted to stop in and say hello though.Hugs,Jen

A Hint of Home said...

Hi Celestina,
I loved hearing your family backgroud and history of Ireland. I hope you get to go there someday. That would be so special for you. The picture is very pretty and you have some great books on Ireland.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, sweetie!! Love your post today! Especially love the sweet little pair of figurines!

Hey, I think if I used your music today while I clean house it might just go faster for me! Nothing like a lively little jig!

Erin Go Bragh!

Angelic Accents

roseroomnz.com said...

Hi Celeste, what a wonderful post. Happy St Patricks Day to you! Rachaelxo

~CC Catherine said...

Celestina, What a super informative and very well written awareness on what St. Patricks Day really means. I can tell much thought and research went into this...I loved it! ;) ~CC Catherine

Cherub Kisses Boutique said...

Hi Celeste!
I loved your post and just finished reading aloud to the younger boys. I hope you had a wonderful celebration. History rich with tradition is wonderful and I wish it was shared more often, especially with our children.
Thank you again for posting something so much more than than what is expected on this very special holiday.

Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Celeste.
You did an amazing job on this sweet blog. I remember happy times on this great day. I love it. Thank you for sharing with us. I also love your comments on my blog. They mean a lot to me. Thank you for stopping by.
Happy days,

Unknown said...

Celeste ~
Love your write & memories. Since you haven't been to Ireland I have shared today near the bottom of my write, a link with Roma Downey to view that will show you every inch of Ireland that we saw, & a wee bit more. I hope you'll pop over & view the link ... you will be moved.

On our trip to Ireland to take Mother's (heart) ashes back to our home ground in Blackwater, County Wexford ... it was one of the most breathtaking countries we have gone to ... the greens are a bazillion that our eyes have never before seen. It truly is God's land kissed by the angels.

I am a 2nd generation Irish gal, I also acquired dual American-Irish citizenship with great pride.

Shamrocks & blessings ~
Hugs, Marydon

Tina said...

Wow - thanks for the little history/heritage lesson. Lovely place - love all the green in Ireland. I hope your day was spent with wonderful friends.


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