Welcome to a yummy celebration of Spring hosted by Cielo from House in the Roses. Make sure you visit The House in the Roses to attend other wonderful parties serving chocolate cookies and tea.
So glad you could join me today for a special Spring Party. I have brought my party indoors, instead of the back porch like requested, because I have my yard under a redo of sorts and it is not ready.
So welcome to my dining room where we will have home baked chocolate cookies with piped vanilla icing and an assortment of teas.
Listen to the Spring music in the background and enjoy your tea and cookies in any comfy spot I have set just for you.
Chocolate fudge cookies served on a rose plate atop a green leaf plate style bowl and our tea is an assortment of blueberry, cherry or raspberry.
Fresh cut flowers from my garden grace the table.
Our centerpiece is a vintage rose cake pedestal topped with a bell dome that showcases my vintage robin, overlooking her nest adorned with roses.
Tea will be served from another very old vintage tea pot, given to me many years ago by my mother. I love this tea set. Even the design is Spring inspiring.
Try a turkish delight to go with your cookie!
Perhaps you would like a cozy spot in the sitting room. I have scattered garden books and magazines to browse for planting ideas this season.
Enjoy the loveseat!!
Or this cozy spot~~
Maybe you would like to sit on the fireplace.
Or take a seat at the table.
Sitting by the side hutch is a comfy spot to chat.
Miss Beazy has even found the perfect spot to gaze out the window. Come sit on the bench, she loves to have a pat or two.
Sharing the recipe for today's cookies.
The piped icing recipe. This is a yummy icing used for decorator cookes either by spreading or piping like I have with these cookies. I used a pastry bag, but you could use a plastic sandwich bag with a cut corner to do the same thing. Food coloring can be added too.
Thank you for coming to my Spring Cookie Party. I so enjoyed to have you in my home. Remember to stop over at Cielo's to visit other participants today.
Blessings to you for the perfect season with Blue Skies being yours always.
Happy Spring, Celestina Marie
Thank you so much for inviting me into your home to celebrate spring! Your home looks lovely and those cookies sound yummy!
Hi Celestina Marie,
Oh how delightful ~ loved all your pretty photos and those cookies and tea and turkish delight all look so good.
thanks for sharing and I hope that you are having a great weekend
very sweet post! thank you for sharing, who doesn't love a cookie party!
A lovely party -- we're indoors on the prairie as well -- chilly and rainy!
Love your dishes and the robin is charming under the cloche.
What a nice visit I had!! Thank you... You are a gracious Hostess!! My fav spot is in my sunroom with my fav book & My Kitties!!
Have a Peaceful Weekend...
Everything looks just beautiful and the cookies look and sound delicious. You did an outstanding job of putting this together for us...many thanks.
xo bj
Celeste, what joy to come here first thing in the morning and be received by such a welcoming stage.... I love love the way you have arranged everything on that cozy table, the tea set, the plates, the cookies, everythings looks so inviting and yummy.... thanks for participating in welcoming Spring. Enjoy every minute of it!
Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love! (Sitting Bull)
wow! it all looks so pretty! i love the flowers from your garden:)
noelle ♥
Oh, I love your beautifully set table, and all of your special touches ~ so many cozy places to sit and have a cup of tea. Absolutely lovely.
Thank you for sharing your special recipes, too!
Please come by my blog ~ I have a place for you at the table to enjoy tea, cookies and daffodils! :) ~m.
Thank you for sharing. Everything looks so tempting and inviting. Enjoy a beautiful Spring day.
Hi Celeste! What a beautiful post! Those cookies look so good :) I love Miss Beazy sitting there so comfy and sweet :) I wish I could come over and have tea with you. Everything is so inviting! You always have the best parties :)
Love ya,
Ooooh, yours and the setting is so lovely, honey!! I've just put up a plain one. Should be called "scraping in the kitchen".....yes, SCRAPING and not SCRAPPING! I just don't bake much anymore.
What a lovely party you're having. Thank you for creating such a wonderful post for me to enjoy. Your home is so cozy. Cheers to a gorgeous beginning of Spring!
What a lovely party you're having. Thank you for creating such a wonderful post for me to enjoy. Your home is so cozy. Cheers to a gorgeous beginning of Spring!
Celeste, your welcome spring party is gorgeous. I love your table setting and all of the lovely sitting places to enjoy ones cookies and tea. Spring has arrived in your pretty home.
Celeste, I was wondering if Miss Beazey gets to have a cookie? ;-)
Everything looks so pretty and inviting.
Thanks for the invite of cookies and tea. I could curl up on that loveseat and get lost in the many garden and design books. The cookies look so yummy and easy to prepare, but I'll just eat the ones you've already baked.
I always enjoy the photos you share with us of your lovely home.
Have a happy day
The cookie party looks like so much fun. I wish I could come for a visit and sit awhile and have one of your "sweet" cookies and some tea. You have so many places that would be comfy to do just that. Every decorations looks great but I love your new little bunny best. Your did a wonderful job on it.
Best wishes always,
Dear C...
You continue to inspire me with your loving thoughts and graceful charm.
God has smiled upon you my friend. He has shown you such profound favor...
Do you know that?
I believe you to be incredibly blessed.
Love your Tea Party1 I love your sweet doggy. Love dogs! And your cookies look divine. Such a pretty table setting and the seat selection is wonderful! Just beautiful!
Have a wonderful day,
Oh my Celeste, I had so much fun at your tea party!!!!I felt right at home and loved looking at all the garden books! Ms. Beazy is so sweet and she didn't even mind the smell of all my dogs on me. LOL
Your cookies looked yummy and that centerpiece really caught my eye. I may have to try making one like it!
Thanks for all the goodies! xo betzie
I have something for you on my blog waiting to be picked up... come get them! ;)
Your table is set so pretty! I'll sit anywhere you want me to as long as I get a cookie!
I love what you did for the cookie party. You have so many wonderful palces to sit it would be hard to pick just one. I especially loved that sweet pup looking out the window/snoozing in the sunshine. I was late(just got to do it today) joining the party but, it looked like al of you had such fun. Your home is lovely. And where did you get those beautiful yellow roses?
Any opportunity to peek into the corners of your home is wonderful. Those cookies look yummy too.
Everything looks just beautiful. I love your tablesetting. the photos are all great.
Happy Spring
Hello Celeste!
I always know we're in for a treat when you graciously open your doors to us, and this is no exception! Thank you for inviting us in for a gorgeous Spring party...not sure where to start...I LOVE it all! The tea set is a definite favorite...it is truly exquisite! And the rose and leaf dishes are perfect. (your centerpiece is just awesome as well!) I love all your cozy vignettes too, any one of which I would happily settle in for tea and a good read. (and a pat and rub for Miss Beaze) Finally, such yummy goodies...thanks for the chocolate cookie recipie...it looks divine..and turkish delight too....wow, I just may never leave!
You are one beautiful, gracious hostess Celeste...it is always a pleasure to visit!
Hugs and Blessings,
Becky S.
Well i would love to come again to your beautiful cozy home! Throw out more party so i will bring along my home bake cupcakes to your house too *hehe
Thanks! Will be going to do finish my flower painting..
Cute.. You make it so welcoming! And I love chocolate, do you remember the Norwegian kind..?
Hello Celeste. your chocolate cookie party is just lovely! I love all your little cozy places for tea and a good book! Miss Beazy looks beautiful looking out the window. I love the look of your black press back chairs with the terracotta floor. So cozy and warm.
Thank you for stopping by to visit me, the little boy doing the drawing for me is my Godchild not my grandson. My son has not left yet, he will be going to Afganistan in Jan. My Godchild is actually my sons best friends little boy. My son had no children yet. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for both my son and his best friend!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Dear Celeste,
NOW YOU HAVE DONE IT AGAIN.. love love love the sumptuous table you have set and all those cozy places with that splendid floral fabric. Even the dog looks inviting. Our little Taber would just love your dog. Wonderful and yes I would like to have about three cups of tea and just ponder life with you.
Have a Mighty and productive day.
Be well be happy.
Love and hugs,
Hi Sweetie!
Thanks for your sweet encouraging words on my work in progress!
Just love coming in a reading about what you have been up to. And I do see you have some sweet Spring decor up! Love Miss Beasley looking resting her head, looking out the window.
Did I tell that we now have a Hobby Lobby in Canton? I squealed with joy when I found out...and have been visiting often for goodies to use!
We could use your prayers. Gary is looking into changing careers and going in financial management. But its mostly commission...something we have never lived with and are unsure of this is GOD's direction! Thanks for your prayers so far. He will continue also to look in his field as well.
I might just have to try those cookies..they look YUM!!!
Hi Celestina, now this is my kind of party...a choclate cookie party. This is a really beautiful post and I wish I lived closer because I would come right over for this one. : )
Well, I have a very large smile...a warm heart, and a soul filled with expectation! Nicely done!
Are there any left? Your home is lovely and everything always looks perfect!
Thank you for inviting me to your lovely Spring Tea! Your table is so beautiful and inviting! The teapot your Mom gave you is so perfect for spring and the flowers from your garden are gorgeous to say the least! I think I would like to start at the table so I can use the rose plates and smell the fragrance of the roses as we sit and chat. Then I would like to wander to the window bench and pat Miss Beazy's head for a while. And then we can move to the loveseat and talk about what we are going to plant in our gardens this year.
What fun!! Thank you Celeste!
Big hugs, Sherry
Well IF you really want to know where I want to sit???? I'm heading off to the guest bedroom sweetie,,,I'm a bit under the weather and I think a cup of tea would do nicely right there....I'll pass on the sweets for now...just that delightful tea.
Everything looks so beautiful. The cookies look delicious! Your table is set so pretty and your home is beautiful. It looks so cozy and comfy. I am going to try your cookie recipe soon.
Lee Laurie
Such a lovely Spring party! I thought I would enjoy sitting in the black chair w/ pretty bunny pillow, til I saw that Miss Beazy was closer to the bench, so you just KNOW where I would end up!!
The cookies look delish, but now I'm intrigued by the Turkish Delights!! What are they?
Love you,
Angelic Accents
Wouldnt you know that I would love to be at your tea party. So inviting. But most of all I would love to give Miss Beazy a big hug. Is she a golden retriever? You can tell Im still grieving over my Hank. Give her a big smooch for me. Love your roses. I just added a little more to my blog.New pillow. Hugs sally
Those cookies look delish! That table setting is absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks for coming on over and entering my giveaway! I have really enjoyed getting to know you through your blog and your sweet comments on my blog over the past year! :)
This was so fun!! I really enjoyed this post! You are so creative!!
Thanks for the recipe too! I will try to make them!!
Love Lilly
How lovely and inviting.
Thank you for inviting me to your home for a wonderfully warm and yummy visit.
Love & Prayers,
Celeste, this post is beautiful, I enjoyed looking and relaxing so much. Just wonderful!
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