When you live in the Lone Star State, you prepare for and realize, it comes with a bit of adventure now and then. Last night was such the case when a tornado came through our town.
We were having dinner with friends when we served up a twister too.
My gosh it was scary and happened so fast. We are okay with no major damage, just a lot of mess to clean up and outdoor furniture thrown about. However many in my neighborhood have their large Oak Trees down, roofs off, fences down and car damage.
Today more storms are on the way and it has not stopped raining yet. It rained all night in fact and our Miss Beazy stayed under the bed as she does not do well in bad weather. I have not taken any pictures of the area since I can not go out yet and it is still raining, plus Beaz freaking out if I try and leave. Poor baby!
In the meantime, I will keep busy in the studio. I love to paint when it rains. So cozy and inspiring to me. But first, I will share a few treats with you. These recipes are easy fast and delish.
The first one is a cold Bean Pea Salad I have made for years. It is fast to make, great served as a side dish for a BBQ and refreshing summer vegetable salad.
Bean and Pea Salad
1 can French Style Green Beans
1 can English Peas
1 cup diced celery (optional)
1 cup each diced onions and green peppers
1 med. size jar chopped pimentos
Place all in a large bowl
In another bowl mix 1 cup sugar with 3/4 cup white vinegar till dissolved.
Add 1/2 cup veg. oil and 1 tsp. salt to sugar blend. Mix all well and pour over the veggies. Stir gently, cover, and let sit in frig over night. Drain to serve and enjoy.
Now I have also added one can of corn for a bit of color. You can omit the celery and peppers if you prefer as well. Really a yummy cold salad.

Nacho, Cracker Dip
2 cans Bean Dip spread in bottom of shallow bowl of your choice.
1 layer of guacamole fresh or jar style spread on top of bean dip
1 layer sour cream (optional) or just place on top last.
1 layer of shredded cheese~ colby style
Top with diced tomatoes and chives.
Cover, chill and serve with nacho chips or crackers. Can be made ahead. Yummy!!

Lastly I will share a new recipe I followed from my good friend Sue. She served this recently at her daughter's Graduation Party. It is so good. I made it last night and everyone loved it.
Fruit Dip
1 block 8oz. Creme Cheese
1 7 oz. jar Marshmellow Fluff.
Place all in a bowl and mix well with electric mixer. Pour in serving bowl and serve with fruit of your choice. I used strawberries and melons. Large Grapes are good too.
Very yummy!!

Still Raining and lots of Thunder~~ Poor Miss Beazy is not happy. But she was happy on Tuesday when she celebrated her 5th Birthday. I let her swim all day and she enjoyed a new pool toy from our son and a new aqua puppy from Mommy and Daddy. No, she is not spoiled!

Also, I like to share 2 new magazines I found. You may have seen them, but they are new to me. Mary Janes Farm, full of organic recipes, gardening, crafting, tips, features and more. Tuscan Style, also a new magazine featuring elegance, decorating and homes with an old villa flair.

Now the sky is black, more storms on the way. I will end here and turn off the computer. Thank you for stopping by and as always, blessing and blue skies be yours in your area.
Celestina Marie