Monday, October 26, 2009

~~Being Thankful~~

Good Morning another Monday. Today's marvels and musings is all about being thankful.

Thankful for so many blessings, you can't begin to count them. For us here in Texas it is about to rain once again, but before it does, lets take a walk in my garden. Musing among the flowers that are enjoying the crisp fall air. I love to walk around and view the beauty that God has given us to enjoy, the colors that bring so much inspiration and the splendor of nature. When I take this garden walk, I use the time to pray and reflect.
I also want to send a special thank you to Katie from Hummingbird Chats. She gave me the Honest Scrap award and I am go grateful and honored. It will be among the others I have in my slideshow at the bottom. And, since I have done this one in the past, I will not go through my 10 things about me again, but pass this on to anyone that visits here today. Enjoy it and be awarded!

Now let's take that garden walk!

And last, a little bouquet I picked along the way.

Thank you for taking a garden walk with me. I so enjoyed your company today. Many prayers go out to all our blog friends in need and some in sadness for loved ones that have passed. May God be with you in the days ahead. See you again soon with something tastey on Tuesday. Till then, enjoy your Fall day, Be Thankful and Blessings be yours. Celestina Marie


Angela said...

Your pepper plant reminded me that I have one, than I couldn't find it. Got off the computer to search for it, LOL. Found it and noticed it needed watering BADLY..Thanks for reminding me,,lol.

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Love your garden, Celestina Marie. Your flowers still look so lovely. And there is nothing more beautiful than the face of a little pansy...

Blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

I so loved your Garden Walk as yesterday we finally cleaned up the last of ours. It was a lot of work but it makes it so much easier in the spring.
Have a Blessed Day!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Celestina Marie. Thank you for the wonderful comments you made on my blog. I love the garden walk. Our flowers are all gone here in WV, but we have beautiful fall folliage to look at.


Anonymous said...

Someone is up very, very early today!


Julie Marie said...

Hello Celeste... your garden is still beautiful, I love the pansies of course, and your "Yellow Rose of Texas"! I spent all day yesterday potting up my beautiful pink geraniums to bring in for the winter... they brighten up the nook in our kitchen... snow predicted for tomorrow here... YUCK! Always look forward to Tasty Tuesdays... the soup was yummy!... Bisous... Julie Marie

Unknown said...

CELESTE!! You are so lucky to still have so many beautiful flowers!!!! I am sooo jealous, lol! Our leaves are pretty much off the trees already! Yesterday, we went out and there was still some pretty color but a lot was gone. It has rained almost every day this month :( Very depressing! But seeing your beautiful garden pictures has really brightened the day!

I love that pumpkin in your first picture :) That is so pretty!!

Love you lots!!

A Southern Rose said...

Your flowers are beautiful! I love the pansies. I haven't had time to do much in my yard this Fall. Just been so busy with work and everything else. Your flower garden does inspire me though. I love the "Be Thankful" pumpkin. You are so right, we all need to count our blessings...everyday.
Thanks for the sweet comments that you left for me yesterday.

Have a great day!

Lee Laurie

Anonymous said...

what a delightful walk through your lovely garden!!! You have some gorgoeus specimens!!!

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Celeste, your flowers are beautiful...I so enjoyed the tour. What a cheerful way to start my Monday off.


Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie!
Oh My...your garden is just overflowing still. Of course you know here in MI everything is looking rather dead due to early frosts! The MUM's of course are gorgeous here this time of year! But the LEAVE colors are at height right now and so bright and vibrant!

Again, thanks so much for your cherished friendship and continued prayers. Many things seem to be popping up, job wise, so praying GOD will open up a door, finally.

You take care and have a great productive week!


Unknown said...

Look at all those peppers! Thank pumpkin is very sweet! Yes, giving thanks for many blessings is an important part of a healthy life!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Wondorous! All our flowers have frozen, so it's nice to know you still have a little flower joy going on at your home!

Charo said...

Thank you for the beautiful trip, how many beutiful flowers you have.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Dear Celestina,

Beautiful blog you have here and I love your shop.....I'm off to check out more of your goodies. A separate email is on the way :)


blushing rose said...

Celeste ~ This creation is FAB! I want to share that the (2) creations you made me EVERYONE is loving. I'll post a pics of mine in a couple days for all to see what a beautiful punkin' you did for me. Now I see one for each month of the year for each month celebration, don't you?!


Have a warm wonderful week. TTFN ~ Marydon

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

What a delightful walk I had around your garden. Thank you.
I loved the pansies, they are always one of my sweet favourite flowers.
The peppers are bright and colourful.
Enjoy the rain ~ we have rain here today which is lovely.

Happy week

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

What a delightful walk I had around your garden. Thank you.
I loved the pansies, they are always one of my sweet favourite flowers.
The peppers are bright and colourful.
Enjoy the rain ~ we have rain here today which is lovely.

Happy week

A Hint of Home said...

I enjoyed my walk through your garden of pretty flowers. They are still lovely. Frost got a couple of mine and now it's warmer again.
Hubby put in some pansies today.
I cleaned and am ready for company tomorrow. So thankful they can come. So many blessings to count.
Well, I'm off to bake a pie and do more blogging.
Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Your are The Best Gardner I will ever want to know in my life!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi B.G. Thank you sweetheart!

Girls, B.G. (best guy) stands for my hubby. LOL Gotta love him.
Celestina Marie

Shirl said...

Hello Celeste, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. THank you also for your concern for Molly. Were just thrilled that she has pulled through this. Still afraid to give her dog food, so I'm cooking for her everyday. Your garden flowers are beautiful and I loved your post on aprons. You have a lovely collection. I have been wanting to make some, I have collected several vintage ones and bought a few new ones. I have them in my new guest room that I still need to do a post on.
Have a great week!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..