Friday, October 2, 2009

C~~Stands For,

Creating, Customs,Crochet and Color. Wow, It has been so busy here in my toile studio and I have truly missed reaching my desk to post. I have also been under the weather, which is no fun, and I am not a fan of taking time off to rest. I am trying to do better, but that is a challenge for me.

Anyway, along the way I took a few pics to share some of what is going on here. My sweet friend Sue received a beautiful flower arrangement from her daughter in a huge glass vase. After the flowers were done with their bloom, she wanted me to design something with fruit for her kitchen on the vase. Glass painting is truly one of my favorite mediums and this vase, being large at approx. 18" tall, was so fun to design.
Sue's kitchen is a cottage style cozy and comfortable haven, with a mix of fruit along with her collectibles. It was my honor to create this custom for her.

It has become a stand alone piece and looks nice with or without flowers. For Christmas it would be wonderful filled with boughs of evergreen for a tall centerpiece. Thank you Sue and enjoy your vase!

Crocheting is also something that I do when I am not painting, along with all hand stitch work. I have many projects in the works at the moment and somehow one by one they finally get finished. With cooler days ahead, these, "in the lap projects" will keep me company in the evenings after work and powerwalks. LOL
This light pink broomstick lace throw is one I finished for my shabby rose guest room. I added a shell edge to complete.

I love how it turned out and is so soft and cozy.

My garden has also been a place of enjoyment. Most of the flowers are still in bloom and doing well, now that it is not 100 plus degrees.

It is also a busy time in the studio creating and painting new designs to fill the shelves, HERE and HERE
And, next week I am planning a new series that will feature, highlights for days of the week. It will be a busy direction for me, but something I have longed to share along this journey. I hope you will stop back to visit soon and see the new views.
Till then, I will share a few pics of past creations. Some art class and book studies and some originals. A few from many many years ago and others more recent. This first pic of my mother's vintage cake keeper was painted many years ago and I enjoy it in my tuscan kitchen.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful day and see you again soon!
Celestina Marie


Amanda said...

Hi Aunt Celeste,

The pink blanket is beautiful and I love that scalloped edge- you did a fantastic job, as always! Hope you all are doing well. Send my love.

Heart to Heart,

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Celestina Marie,

Sorry to hear that you have been a little under the weather and sometimes the change of seasons can do this. I hope that you are feeling better.
You are so clever. I love all the new things you have been creating, the vase and the pretty pink lace throw and your beautiful painting work.
Also your garden is delightful and must be heavenly walking around in it.

Enjoy your weekend

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

You are soooo talented. I love to see your creations!

Angela said...

Oh I just adore the cake plate cover like that. day, one day I will do something like that. Girl, if you lived close by, let me tell ya,,I would be ordering tons from you,,lol.

That vase is just beautiful. I have painted on glass and do enjoy it also. I painted on mason jars for Christmas one year and wrote out Galatians 5:22 on it, with some ivy and little tiny fruit all around it. I put something in the jars, I just can't remember what,,oh ya,,now I do..Canned peaches!!

Connie said...

Where have you been, sugar?!?!?! I haven't seen a post for awhile. Sure hope you, hubs, son and MIss Beazy are doing well.

Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie! I have missed you :) WOW, you sound so busy!! I can't wait to see all the new things you are working on! I love the vase, it is perfect! And that blanket is just gorgeous, it looks so soft and I love the color :):)
I hope you are feeling much better, I am so sorry you have been sick too!
Love you sweet friend,

Melissa Miller said...

~Gorgeous creations! Love the painted vase.
It's all so lovely.

Many Blessings and Happy Fall!
~Melissa :)

BrushedByAnAngel said...

As always, you did a great job on the pink throw. And the painted vase is a great idea for those non-discript vases we receive flowers in. And your paintings, of course, are lovely. I always look forward to seeing what you have been up to. Sorry to hear you have been under the weather.

Jennifer said...

Celeste Hi,Everything is so pretty that you have painted.I like the sea town,I have a cross stitch piece I started like it. I love your gardens too.I bet the crochet blanket is so warm.I loved when my grandmother made me blankets and robes to match my room.Hugs, to Beazy from Dutchess and me.Hope it is a bit cooler there for you.It is here and I love it!.Hugs,Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel aaaaaalllllll better soon, Celeste! I'd snatch that pink broomstick lace throw from the guest bed. That's sure to make a girl feel better!

(Those pink furry mittens in your etsy are so cute!)

Marilyn said...

I have missed you.....I come to your blog for inspiration! Gorgeous items, as always. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Deb said...

beautiful creations....I think Fall has hit Texas...your flowers look the vase...hope your feeling better...lots of colds and alergies going around...

Unknown said...

Hi Sweet Miss C...
So sorry to hear you've been under the weather...but I can see you NEVER cease to create...a TRUE artest! lol

Can't wait to see what your new plans for painting really have no subject that doesn't always seem to amaze me with your talent! I love visiting and seeing what you have been up to!

I have been albe to sqeazing in a few things, but not quite the amount that you are able to do...someday...sigh!

Love ya!

Ginny said...

celeste, ok, so now I feel like a real slug next to you!!LOL!
I love your creations and the vase turned out so pretty. I am looking forward to see what is next!!!
Feel better. Everyone here has been sick. We have had the coldest beginning of Oct. in thirty years! It has been so cold at night we had to start the furnace.

A Southern Rose said...

Thank you so much for stopping by the other day with the kind comments about my son's Uncle. It has been hard. I know that time with help ease the pain for my son.

I'm sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. So much of that going around.

I love everything that you have been creating. You truly have been blessed with so many talents.

Lee Laurie

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

Just calling by to send some get well wishes.
Sorry that you are having problems with your ears.
That can be so painful.
I hope that you are having a relaxing weekend so that you will feel better.
thanks for visiting me today.

Carolyn xo

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Oh how I adore that pink crocheted wrap!! Is there anything you can't do, sweetie?!? Your mom's cake cover is beautiful, so special that you still have that and have painted it so prettily. Love your music today!

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Charo said...

So gorgeous creations.
Son muy bellas!!!

A Hint of Home said...

Hi Friend,
Your talents are always shining. I love the vase you did for your friend. Your blanket is lovely in the soft color you did it.
I wish I had your mom's cake plate. The design is too cute.
I can't believe what you get done around your home. You must not get much sleep. (smile)
It's always busy here but wanted to pop in and say hello.
I hope you're going to have wonderful week.

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..