Sunday, January 25, 2009


Do you remember in my last post I referred to the 88 steps? Well, as silly and corny as it may be, when you enter the front door to my home, it is 88 steps to this new redesigned guest room. The last bedroom of the house, on the second floor. A room with a view, a reflection of my on line shoppes, an extension of my studio and a rose retreat for dreaming and moments of the heart. I know, 88 steps, kind of silly huh?

This was a really fun room to design like no other in my home. But, it works because of the location, set apart and far off from the rest of the rooms. One pretty spot to relax, read, plan and even paint on occasion, all while being a useful room for visitors.

Decorated with vintage treasures from my childhood home, gifts and found pretties all coming together to complete the final style. The furniture was all painted in a raw cotton against a background of light pale ballerina pink for the walls. White lace treats the windows in a pattern that reflects old world.

Thank you for stopping by to view my pink dreams. WELCOME!!
Down the long hall we walk, rounding out the last steps to the door with the wreath.

Color palette for this room.

The final details and treasures from family and friends. The 3 tier cake plate is from my sweet painting friend, Lorri. The cupcakes on the tiers are made by Jenn of Jennifer's Petal Palace. The plate topper rose box is made by Connie of Living Beautifully. The white porcelain rose in the header was a gift from Lorri too. The cupcake canvas painted by Amy from Bunny Rose Cottage. The cross stitch pillow in the tea cup, made by Stephanie from Angelic Accents.

Little pink rocker from my childhood. The aqua hanging nest on shelf, handmade by Shirl of Shirl's Cottage.

Hand painted roses on the ceiling fan. Hankie box. Vintage cup with a hankie napkin. These hankerchief's were my Father's. Heart box made by Bertie of Aunt May's Cottage. Bed quilt details.

Art work around the room.

The above angel was a sweet gift from my friend Lorri. The tea cup is from Vickie from Visuals by Vickie. The pillow is from Shabby Cats and Roses on ebay.

Thank you for stopping by and staying for this long post. There are just too many treasures to share so I will save them for another post, or maybe I should join Pink Saturday. So glad to have recovered from my yearly big decorating bug. Now it is on to new fun in the studio and lots on the drawing board there. Till next time, Blessings Always~~ Celestina Marie