This Temperature Thermometor is one of my latest treasures offered in my etsy shop.
As we go back to the second floor, and view where we left off last post, we are greeted by this gorgeous vintage table in the entry.
The guest bath, next to the guestroom (where we left off last post) was also a total redo by both Lorri and her talented hubby. They resurfaced the tub, replaced the sink with a furniture style piece, painted the cabinet black and textured the walls. The floor was also retiled. I love the sink and all the old world style with animal print accents.
Wasn't that an awesome bathroom? Now right next to this room, still on the second floor, is the office. Another French door leads to the office. Having these doors helps to open up the areas around the loft. Lorri designed this room with a nautical theme, accented with ships, ocean views and seascape collectibles. It has a wonderful window seat behind the desk. The drapes were another great find at Ross.
This winter painting is another talented Lorri has done on a cutting saw. The design is by Decorative Artist, Debbie Toews. I tell ya, in this heat, it is a refreshing piece to view.
Now moving on we walk to the Master Bedroom across the shabby garden sitting area. Gorgeous, elegant and regal is the feel to the beautiful room. Pretty light sage is the wall color that also goes through to the bathroom through the curtained french doors. Floral bedding gives a soft summer feel that is so relaxing. Lorri also dresses this room in purple shades at different times of the year. Lavender and purple also looks gorgeous with the light sage walls.
Meet Ellie! She is taking a break as we view the bedroom. Isn't she beautiful? Lorri loves dogs and is a dog groomer by trade. Ellie was a Greyhound rescue dog and the breed Lorri loves. Her love goes out to all animals, but the Greyhound has her heart. Ellie is her only Greyhound now, but she has had others in the past. When a Greyhound retires from the track, they need a loving home to spend the rest of their life. Lorri has provided this for Ellie and the two are inseparable.
From this room we turn to the left and face the french doors that lead to the master bath. Again, this room was a major redesign with color. The tiles all around the tub, shower and sink were, in their before life, a dark burgundy. Yes, what a transformation. They had the tiles all professionally painted in a soft white, painted the walls light sage green, framed the double sink mirror, painted the sink cabinets white and added new travertine tiles to the floor. It is an amazing space just by changing color. Lorri also stenciled some wispy leaves on the cabinet doors.
Notice the glass shelves that bank the shower surround. Great place for gorgeous collectibles. The tub is another wonderful display area for Lorri's pretties and accented like a garden room with those gorgeous curtains above the shutters.
As you look up, you see a decorators ledge graced with pretty boxes that Lorri also collects.
WOW~~ do you want to see one or her recent redos? This is a fabulous upgrade for a chair. Here is the before~~~
Now the after~~~ what a gorgeous redesign to a chair that had great bones and style. Just needed an upgrade. Lorri painted the wood our favorite raw cotton, distressed around the details and then recovered the gold fabric with a gorgeous green toile. Terrific job Lorri, this is awesome!

Sorry for the small pic. It was copied from an email and I could not size it up. Also sorry to say it will not enlarge either. But you can see the idea here. This chair is gorgeous.
This concludes are tour for today at Lorri's. Next time, we will be on the first floor and visit her gorgeous living room, family room, kitchen, half bath, dining room and go outside where she just redesigned her patio furniture cushions. You will be amazed with that redo too.
Thank you Lorri for having us over to tour your gorgeous home. You've given us lots of great ideas and inspiration. See you for part three next time.
Till then, I'll be back in the studio putting the final touches on many new treasures coming to my new web shoppe soon.
Blessings, Celestina Marie