Monday, October 12, 2009

Vintage Recipe Collection

Welcome to another Tastey Tuesday. Today I want to share a true vintage keepsake that was among my Mother's old cookbooks and collectibles. As I was sharing with you last week. Mom was a fabulous cook, baker and all around gourmet. And, since I will never come close to her huge kitchen talents, I do have tons of recipes, clippings and cookbooks to try. This old vintage recipe box is a treasure. Filled with hand written recipe cards, paper clippings and old newsprint. Some in mint condition and others with spills and stains from many years of happy use.~~It is a special collection. What makes this so special, besides going through the great old recipes in the hundreds, is the paper and magazine clippings and even the comical ads dated from the early 1950's.
Enjoy a peek. Many can be read right from the pics and the ads speak for themselves.

It was hard to decide what to use for this post since the box is just packed with old ads. I even took a few pics of the backs of recipes, like the Coty ad and the Zane Grey ad. Not many in color back then, so these are special.

Thank you for sharing in this wonderul vintage recipe box. As time goes on, I will share more of the recipes inside, but till then, I will end this Tastey Tuesday with a special treat from my mom. Here is her recipe card, hand written by her and shared with you. Please feel free to copy and enjoy without publishing this as your own! A little cookbook may be on the horizon, "From Mom's Kitchen with Love"

See you Wednesday, sharing some fun from the Paint Palette!

Smiles, Celestina Marie

Monday Marvels and Musings

Welcome back to another Monday. I hope your weekend was a great and blessed one.
When I left off with Friday Fashions and Fun I talked about yard sale shopping. Well, not only did it rain out, but the weather turned very cool and not a good idea having been sick all week with an ear/sinus infection.

I am better today and thank you for your emails and well wishes. I so appreciate the kindness of you dear friends. However, before I got better, it got worse. It seems the antibiotic was not a good one for me. After one dose, I had a reaction and became very sick. It took 36 hours to work out of my system and I am much better now. One never knows when you might not tolerate a certain medication. It could have been worse, so I am marveling today that it has passed and I am better. Big thanks to my Best Guy as he took care of me all along the way. He came home from work twice and drove me to the doctor. And sweet Miss Beazy never left my side. She is so loyal!!

With lots to catch up on and many blogs to visit, I will leave you today with a few pretty pics to view. These sweet pics of a sweet kitty with birdie friend, were sent to me from my good friend Lorri. I so enjoyed these precious clips. I hope you stay healthy, happy and enjoying the Fall season in all it's pretty color!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian Friends too!!

Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.
......but about who came and never left your side.

See you tomorrow for Tastey Tuesday.
Smiles, Celestina Marie