Welcome back to Fun Friday & Fashions. Let's see~~ we left off last week sharing some vintage jewelry passed down to me from my Mother and Grandma. This week I thought I would share a few more pieces that decorate and find a home in my shabby guestroom. It seemed perfect to showcase in this room and enjoy these precious pieces, as part of the decor.
Starting with the vintage dresser, I painted raw cotton, I added a bit of dresser fashion by adding a sweet jewel box displayed open with some vintage bling pouring over. I love seeing these treasured pieces overflowing like they were just worn and thrown back on the dresser. Like a lady in a hurry to dress for another special occasion.
The cross stitch pendant was made by my mother many years ago. It reminds me of a little picture framed with a rose in it. Mom was a pink girl and loved pink, wore pink and pink roses were her signature flower. It's no wonder I love to paint pink roses.
These choker style pearls were a favorite that mom wore most of her life. They are faux, but beautiful. She wore these till she passed away. As you can see, I refer to so many of these jewel pieces as my mom's, and yes, that's how much of my collection started. The love of her beautiful cherished pieces, gave me an appreciation for these items that can never be replaced and have so much meaning.
These next few pink bling fashions are some of my very favorites. The first pic is a pair of pink cyrstal beads that my mother wore on my wedding day with a pink dress. These are actually very much in fashion again.
Lastly, on the dresser I found this beautiful brush comb and mirror set. It already had the pink roses painted in it's original finish. I found this set on etsy and perfect for the dresser.
Last week I showed the pink shoes I painted and added the earrings to. Some of you asked to see the dress above, so here it is. A lace dress in a very pale pink. I added some vintage pearls and pale pink hat on the tree stand. On the side table I added a white beaded vintage purse and my grandma's church gloves. These are from a time when ladies wore gloves and hats to church every Sunday.
Now this Fashion Friday would not be complete if I did not share the pillow fashions on the bed. Made by many talented artists we all know and love right her in blogland and on line shops. These beautiful pillows grace this bed with shabby charm that only they can bring. A mix of fabrics all working together to inspire pink dreams.
Well that's Friday Fun for this week. I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit more of these vintage pieces and how I have added them into my decor.
I look forward to seeing you on Monday for Marvels and Musings. Till then have a wonderful weekend and blessings to you for happy times!
Hugs, Celestina Marie