As the redesign continues, today was the day to demo the master bath. Only the shower, doors, floor and tub surround are the focus this day. All went well, as out with the old took place. It looks awful right now, but like any painting I create, "it always looks bad, before it looks good!!"
So as the demo took place, I took my cozy position in the studio and painted away. Yes, it is so great to be back in the studio and creating to my hearts content. I have many new items on the way to my etsy shoppe. While the bathroom design takes place, before I can do my finishing touch, I will swing my paint brush in many directions.
Tomorrow starts the tile work and I am excited to watch the transformation, but first, I took a few pics of the weekend preparations and today's demo.
This picture shows the carpet pulled out!
Removing the shower walls and doors. What a mess!
My BG's talents serve him well as he put in the Roman Tub fixtures to coordinate with the sinks that he installed last week.
It has been a long day, but a lot was accomplished. The workman arrive early tomorrow to continue. Each day we get closer to the final design. Then the fun begins when I can pull the room together with the touches that make a house a home.
Thank you for stopping by to share in this design journey with me. To see the master bedroom finished, you can view the post below when my break was over.
More pics on the way as the work progresses. And, I invite you to stop by my Etsy shoppe to view more hand painted treasures on the way!
See you again soon!
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Miss Beazy Lee looks like she wants to supervise :)
Hope you have a lovely week my friend!
Hi Celeste... wow, that is alot of work going on there! I can't wait to see your posts when it is all finished and you have it all decorated with your beautiful treasures... Miss Beazy looks so interested! I am off to look at your Etsy shop... xoxo Julie Marie
I can't wait to see it finished. I'm sure you can't either! laurie
i adore tiling...i think it is like sculpting...!
can't wait to see the new life...
keep us posted :)
Hi Celestina Marie,
Look forward to seeing your finished bathroom ~ always wonderful to see the different stages, that goes on to get to the finished look.
Miss Beazy is such a sweet dog.
Happy week
WOW! It really is a COMPLETE over haul. Can't wait to see your finished product!
It may be a mess now but I am sure it will be more than worth it!! You will have a BEAUTIFUL bath....
Love your supervisor!! LOL!!
Take Care....
Love Ya',
HI Celeste, Hi Miss Beazy! Celeste, you are so lucky to be getting all these things done! I cannot wait to see the finished room, I know it will be to die for :):)
Love you!
Oooh, been there, done that! Looks like work, but I know it will be lovely when done!
I can't wait to see what it looks like when you are finished. We have to do ours in a few years.
I am like the rest of your friends I can't wait to see the finished bathroom. I know it is going to be beautiful with the way that you decorate from your other pictures. It may look like a mess at the present time, but it will be well worth it. Take care.
Bathrooms and Kitchens, always seem like the worst and messiest remodels to do - as well as the most costly. But they are so worth it in the creature comfort department. Bear with it you have come a long way and the end will be in sight soon.
Hi Sweet Celeste!
Thank goodness my computer woes are over! Now I can come have tea with my friends, like YOU! Oh what a project you & Larry are working on. I know it's going to be magazine worthy. Your master bedroom makeover is fabulous, the chandy is outstanding and I love the pale pick you incorporated. The Italian sage is perfect. That's the color of my kitchen and I have never tired of it. Actually mine is called Monet sage.
I think your home should be in Romantic Homes or Romantic Country (Fifi's mag). They would go nuts over all your decorating & design.
Thanks for a wonderful visit... what was the flavor of the tea you served?? I MUST get some!
Love & hugs to you & BG! Sherry
G'morn, Celeste ~ After that gorgeous bedroom re-creation I am DYING to see this bathroom! It is hard work demo-ing but I bet you the finished with be divine, like everything else you do.
Happy Valentine's
Have a great week!
Hugs, Marydon
More wonderful works in progress I see ... whatever will you do when it's all finished?
Love the bedroom ... takes me back in time!
Warmest hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
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