Thursday, April 22, 2010

Knock Out, One Year!

It is hard to believe that one year has already passed since my dear best guy planted my pink Knock Out Roses in front of my studio. My how they have grown and filled in the area so nicely. Do you remember I wrote a little poem when he planted them for me? It went something like this~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Love's Roses
Outside my art shoppe window~
sweet roses I do see.
Planted by my dear love one~
especially for me.

He chose the spot directly~
by love for sun's delight.
With blessings only they can offer~
through petals pink and bright.

When inspiration I am seeking~
I only have to see~
Outside my art shoppe window~
Sweet roses bloom for me.
(c)CMD 3/29/09

Here are the new pics of my gorgeous roses. I can view these everyday while working in the studio, which are the windows you see here.

I also picked my first bouquet of roses from my garden yesterday. They are gorgeous bright colors. I had some fun with my photoscape and created a painting from the pic.

It has been a very busy time in the studio this season and I am loving every minute of it. Here is a few pics of the new treasures nearly ready for my shoppe. Ending with a little mosaic of pics which includes a little pic of a dress shop I found over the weekend in Boerne, Texas with my name for the shoppe. I also saw a pink Corvette and my best guy snapped a pic for me while in the shop.


I hope you have a great weekend and enjoying the warmer weather. See you again soon with details for my Spring Giveaway!
Smiles, Celestina Marie


Rebecca Nelson said...

Gorgeous work and beautiful blooms. I want one of EVERYTHING! :)


Gone said...

What lovely Roses!! Vibrant and beautiful!

Your "pretties" are fantastic!!


Anonymous said...

Your roses are so pretty! Here in Colorado mine are just now leafing out so it will be a while before I can take pictures!!

I wouldn't mind having that pink car either!

bee blessed

Julie Marie said...

Hello Celeste... what a pretty post! Your roses are just gorgeous! I am so excited for my new ones to bloom... and I love your little poem, it is perfect! What a lovely view you have out of your studio... the pink Corvette is too cute! And you look adorable standing by the shop that carries your name... all of your treasures for your shop are so fun! I'll bet I know who will purchase the bunny! tee hee hee... Amy! Love to you... xoxo Julie Marie

Connie said...

Beautiful roses, sweetpea. I hope ours along our back fence do this good. Hubs planted them last year so we'll see.


Anonymous said...

Oh, your paintings are so lovely! You're so talented! I smiled when I saw the pink corvette - it looks like a Barbie doll car! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Shirl said...

Hello Celeste, wow your roses are just beautiful. I have that same rose bush but did not plant mine as a hedge like yours. It's a great rose and blooms all summer. I have two of them now and just love them.
Your new items that you've made are just beautiful. Love those little push pins too.
I noticed you have a Southern Lady magazine, I get that magazine also and love it!

I have a three day weekend and I plan to really enjoy it. Lots planned to do!
It was nice to visit with you!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Chany said...

Cele Hola, que bonito, all the roses are in your house, your garden, a beauty, going by my store is a pink guitar like you, and recycling is the new blog, a hug, Chany

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What pretty roses and a lovely poem. What is that with the little bunny leaning against the flower pot. I think I want to buy it. All of your creations are so pretty. laurie

Anonymous said...

Hi, Celeste! I'm taking a break from packing to say hello and CUTE CAR! How sweet of your man to snap that pic for you! ♥

Marilyn said...

Great post and beautiful roses.....wondering if the knock out roses will tolerate a little shade.

A Hint of Home said...

Your roses are gorgeous! Mine are blooming but not as full as yours yet.
They do make a statement, don't they? They lift my spirits when I look out and see the bright colors. Loving this time of year even though it is so busy getting every thing outside spruced up. lol
Hubby has been scraping patio furniture and repainting it the last two days. Looks soooo much better now.
Your new Spring items are just beautiful.
Love the Vett and the pic of you in the doorway. You look darling.

Ginny said...

Hi Celeste, I can only say how beautiful those roses are! We are not blooming much around here. My lilac bush has green on it!
I am heading right to your etsy as soon as I am done here! I love to browse and drool over your pretty things!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What beautiful things that you have shown us today!!

Betty said...

The roses look so beautiful. Ours has not bloomed yet. Your work is just too pretty for words. My favorite is the heart boxes. I just love hearts.


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Dear! Love that sweet poem. Larry did a great job of planting those gorgeous roses for you. Looks like you have some wonderful new pretties that will be offered soon!

Much Love,
Angelic Accents

Anonymous said...

Oh, Celeste, the roses are sooo beautiful and they must scent your house so heavenly!

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Bearly Sane said...

It's always a pleasure to drop in here ... love all your new pretties, they are gorgeous.

As for the roses ... well, I think they must appear twice as beautiful to you as they were planted with love.

Have a lovely weekend.
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane

Anonymous said...

Beautiful roses.I love them as well.Mine are all to the front of my house.I need some in the back.Im thinking about a creeping rose to grow up a trelis.Im a new follower and do love your blog,hoping to come back soon!~~Becky

Shirley said...

Your roses are absolutely beautiful and I love the ones that you paint. You can tell by my blog how I love roses. To be able to look out the window at them makes it all the more wonderful. I love your poem. Have a wonderful weekend. Your Missouri Friend.

Chany said...

Dear Cele, is pleased to receive word from you, always so polite, kind and loving.
It really is a joy to see you in my blog, you are a person who admires very much for your talent, your thoroughness, and your skill in the art of painting, crochet fabric, and much more, I hope God bless you and Have a HERMOSO FIN DE SEMANA, Chany

Mari said...


Charo said...

Love your roses, the real ones and the painted.


Ruth Welter said...

Hey Celeste, your roses are beautiful.

I have some knock out roses and flower carpet roses, they are lovely to grow. Mine will start to bloom later next month probably.

As always, your newest works are beautiful.


Unknown said...

G'day sweet Celeste ~
I only hope that my roses we just planted come to bloom as beautifully as yours ... yours are breathtaking.

Thank you for the beautiful gifts that you send, Celeste. They were so excitedly received ... absolutely gorgeous, as always.

Sherry left this AM & now we are off to Ansel's 9th birthday party.

Have a lovely weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Lori said...

Received your email, I am excited for my package but know it will arrive before I leave for Florida! I'm wondering how many roses bush do you have planted together, well that hubby planted. Where I live we can't plant ours too close together due to the climate, they tend to get diseased, yuk! I really never get to enjoy such lush plantings, ours are all spaced apart. Gee, every time I think of my goodies I get excited! I have been wanting for so long to hang hankies up, also the sifter, well all can say is it will fit here perfectly with my faux goodies around it! I'll make sure to post pictures and let you know! later,Lori

Lori said...

Oops, one last question. Was that a current issue of Southern Lady magazine? Thanks, Lori

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

It is always such a treat to come and visit and see what delightful things you have been creating, dear friend.
Love everything.
Your roses are so beautiful and must make you feel happy looking out the window at them. The poem is lovely.
Enjoy your pretty roses and Spring and have a great week.

Unknown said...

What a yummy rose filled post Celeste!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your knockout roses!!!!! I planted two bushes last summer and plan to plant a lot more this year. They are so beautiful and I love how long they last. I just gave my mom a bush of them for her birthday!
Your new paintings are so beautiful as always. Of course you know I love that sweet little bunny sitting amongst the roses!! I will have to go and see if it is there :)
Love you and miss you sweet friend!!

Cinnamonstitch said...

Beautiful, Thank you for sharing

Kelly Bookend Diaries said...

You are so gifted and talented.
Kelly Bookend Diaries

Olivia said...

Hello, Just thought I would say hi and let you know how beautiful your roses are thank you for sharing,

Tina said...

Hi Celestina

Your roses are stunning and love that you found a store with "OUR" name on it.

ALl your pieces are grand and can't wait to see more.

take care

Celestina (tina)

embellishments by tina

Cottage Sunshine said...

Hi Celestina Marie!

I love your roses that your honey planted for you and I love the poem you wrote in return! How romantic! :) I also love the fact that you love the Lord! All these sweet things mixed up make for a beautiful blog and beautiful work! :)

Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and for your sweet comment :) And too, for becoming my newest follower! Your roses are absolutely gorgeous...LOVE them! I am now your newest follower, and I look forward to stopping by often to see what you have posted :)

Warmest always, Brenda

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Celestina Sweetie...
I wanted to pop over and take a minute to thank you for the beautiful cherry basket. As you saw from the pictures I was so very moved. It will be treasured forever, and I simply adore the spoon Marydon had you make for me. I love anything cherry, and it is so hard to find them. I am going to find a stand of some sorts to hang my spoon on and my cherry basket will be placed in glory for all to see that enter my home. Thank you sweet friend, thank you.

I am off to your shop to see what you have added. I so adore your work. My pumpkin has been treasured since day one. I keep it out all the time. Thank you, thank you.

Have a beautiful day sweet friend, and thank you for sharing your roses. My they are happy in their place by your studio window. What beautiful inspiration to paint by. Love it. Your poetry just tugged at my heart. Thank you for sharing sweetie.

Country hugs and so much love, Sherry

Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie!
So good to see all of your wonderous goodies! PINK corvette!!! how special is that! and a store named C...WOW!

Your roses are amazing..your guy IS certainly a sweetie that is for sure! My couple of roses are starting to grow again..we don't get anything til I am patiently waiting. What a special thing to see everyday, too!

We continue to wait but KNOW God is in control! Thanks again my friends for you love, continued prayers and friendship!


Cathy said...

Hi Celeste,

Love those Knock-out Roses. Wow, just gorgeous!

I woke up this morning and my fever is down a bit, so I thought I would post some pictures of the P&P Art Event. Drop by and take a peak some time.

xo Cathy

Anonymous said...

It is my first to read the poem. I think it's very sweet. It made me smile :-)

Roses . . . one can look at it everyday and never ever tire of it :-) Love your roses in the vase cause not only are they beautiful (!) but I also like that each one is different.

MIzpah Celeste!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

I can't believe your roses are blooming. How wonderful!!! Looks like you are creating away. It's been awhile since I've stopped by as this Spring has been busy. Hope all is well with you and Miss Beazy!

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..