Saturday, May 29, 2010


Myspace Graphics
Memorial Day Graphics at

With the holiday weekend here, and the time, we as Americans kick off the start of Summer, let us not forget the many men and women that have served our country strong so we may have the freedoms to enjoy a weekend like this. We can not forget the sacrifices they made for the cost of freedom. And, for our loved ones passed on within families so dear, may we remember with joy happy and memorable times we spent together.

As we fly our flags high this weekend and beyond, I wish for you a safe, fun and special Memorial Day.

Blessings to all as I see you here June 1st for the drawing of my Spring Giveaway. Any comments and followings will still enter you before the 1st. Thank you and Good Luck!

Smiles and Sunshine, Celestina Marie

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Swinging~Paint Brushes, Ceilings to Furniture!!

Working vacations are more work then vacation, but oh so good to get projects complete before the Texas heat sets in. Yesterday, we began the second of our to do's on the list~~ and it was to paint the garage ceiling. The first project is finished on the patio and I will share that another time.

So while BG started painting the ceiling (which is a huge undertaking seeing that he has so much stored in the overhead rafters) I began to paint a new coffee table I found for the library/family room. I'd been on a treasure hunt for some time searching for just the right size, shape and design. Well~~~~ I finally found it and couldn't wait to get this little gem painted and in it's new home. A great find for only 20 dollars. It came home with me quick!!

So many of you asked about the hutch I painted and posted a few posts ago, so here is a little first easy lesson in painting furniture.

First, to start, this wonderful and sturdy table is an Ethan Allen from the early 70's late 60's. It had beautiful clean line details, perfect for the room and to coordinate with the other pieces already there like my old hutch from the real early 60's brought from my parents home.

When painting furniture pieces I am a big advocate of prepping the piece first and using the right paints. There is nothing worse then taking the time and effort to paint, only to have it chip or peel off due to lack of preparation or proper paints. And, I am a big fan of brush on painting. There are only a few items I will spray paint and that is probably something in iron with tiny details and holes. LOL~~ So to get started, I first give the piece a good sanding to remove any residue, wax and dirt build up.

Once finished with the sanding, wipe the dust off with a tack cloth before priming the entire piece.
Next we prime with a quality Kilz, let dry and brush on your color. In this case, I used one of the custom colors I love which is a light ivory or soft off white in a FLAT finish. Please save yourself the trouble of using a gloss like or enamel paint on furniture. It really does not do well, chips easily and takes long to dry. You can always add varnish if you want or need a piece to shine. Believe me, use FLAT paint!
Another custom color I use a lot on furniture is Raw Cotton. It is lighter and nearly white. When painting or priming it is best to work in one direction with your brush. This gives a nice uniform smooth appearance.

Between coats of the final color I like to do a light sand to keep the surface smooth. Using very fine sandpaper works best~~ or a piece of a brown paper bag like a grocery bag, works like a charm. I know it is hard to find traditional brown grocery bags from the grocer these days since everything is plastic, but you can find lunch bags in the dollar stores or Walmart and those work nicely. Remember you are not taking paint back off at this point, just keeping the paint smooth while painting. Always sand in one direction with the grain of the wood or brush strokes.

Well, let's check on my BG and see how the ceiling is coming along.

Once the table is completely dry, I like to do a light sanding on the raised areas or around the edges to distress the entire piece. Here is the time to use restraint, and not overdue the sanding. Just a little wear showing through of the old table color is best. At this point, wipe off the dust again and you are finished. Sealing with a water base varnish in a matte or satin finish for this step works best. One coat should be enough, but I have been known to go with two coats to finish. An item that gets lots of use would be well to have 2 coats. You can also brown bag sand again between sealing coats to keep the surface pretty and smooth.

Now the table is dry and let's go place it in the room and add a few pretties to display.

The sun is really causing a glare, but I will try and show you this view.

As you might be able to see this room is decorated in blue's and off white with toile and blue willow as an accent. The wall color is a custom color called Churchill Maple, like a light tan. I really love light furniture against this color. You can go in any direction with your accents too. We enjoy this room for reading, watching TV and just relaxing. The TV is behind the pocket style doors on the builtin's. I guess I am not a fan of seeing the TV screen in a room, if at all possible to hide it. Not much you can do with a big screen in a room though. No room for one of those here~~ which is probably a good thing.

Well, I think we are going to enjoy the new table. The garage ceiling is finished too and looks clean and nice. Now, it's time to cross one more project off the list!

I just want to say a word about painting furniture. This project today is easy and great for the first time furniture painter to get started or the seasoned painter.

As for the hutch in the previous post, that style of painting takes a bit more time and practice. For that project, I did everything like I have shown here, but after the custom color was painted, I did an all over glaze to tone down the bright finish. Since my home has other areas with a french or tuscan style decor, the very light finish just doesn't work for those rooms. The liquid glaze I use is clear and I add a bit of burnt umber paint till I get the amount of color desired. It is better to start off with a little adding as you go. Once you have the amount of umber you need you are ready to brush on the piece and then wipe off before it dries. The piece will still be light but take on an aged look perfect for the tuscan style.

I also did a floating of paint technique on the hutch which does take practice to learn. Floating color is done with a wash brush and applied to the edges to give an aged appearance. You load a flat brush with paint on just one corner tip of the brush and the other side with water. Work it through on your palette and then apply to the piece. With practice it is fun to do and rewarding when you can see the aged look achieved. Lastly, a water base varnish finish is brushed on to protect the surface.

I hope you will try painting something for your home. It really is addicting once you get started, and after all, it's only paint. Antique collectors scream at my NO FEAR of painting furniture, but really, unless you are going to sell a valuable item you would not want to de-value it by painting, however, if it is yours to do what you choose. Hey~~~ I say PAINT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

See you again soon, I'm back to swinging those paint brushes.
Blessings and Blue Skies.

p.s. My Spring Giveaway Drawing is June 1st. Still time to comment and follow to be entered and mulitple comments count. Good Luck!!! Click HERE to see the gift someone will receive!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saying Goodbye~~

To the old Cypress Trees and Magnolia!!
If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you know that my best guy and I are always working on one project or another, and sometimes many at once. It is just what we love and enjoy to do with our home, which we feel is a gift from God to take care of.
Last Spring we re-landscaped one side of our backyard and this year the back area was next for attention. Trees had to be cut down in order to move forward. Cypress, old Photinias and a very large Grand Magnolia had seen their days, grown very old and needed removal. Sad, but necessary. So Goodbye to the lush green very tall overgrown trees and hello to a fresh new start.

We started by cutting down 10 plus trees across the back.

After 3 long days of endless work and planning, we look something like this now.

Small plantings with room to grow and easier to maintain. As you can see, we did leave 3 trees for an anchor and arranged the smaller new bushes and shrubs along the retaining wall.

The bubbler pots are so soothing to sit by in those pool color blue chairs.

The above table is a birdbath that BG turned into a table, adding a glass top and electrical power inside for a soft light at night. The light shows softly through the shells placed inside. A cozy evening spot to visit and enjoy the water sound from the bubbler.

A little paint to freshen the potting bench my dear son made for me one Christmas as a surprise. I have enjoyed this piece more then I can tell you and it comes in so handy when gardening. Next to the bench is the old vintage window and flower box I painted last year. I never took it down over the winter and it still looks just freshly painted.

Tucked among the foliage are my favorite garden angels.

Lastly, I freshened and painted my iron bistro table and made some seat cushions with small back pillows.

Now~~ I'm not done yet. Next is to freshen up the patio area which I will share that project for another time.
Before I go, I will share and show you a new lapghan I just finished for my toile studio. On hot summer days, with the AC cranked up in there, it gets really cold. Do you think I can keep paint off this pretty? I'm going to try.

Back to the studio for me. See you again soon.
Blessings always, Celestina Marie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Grand Opening of my New Little Pink Boutique on Make Mine Pink

My studio is buzzing with busy work and creating anxiously to fill the shelves in my new Little Pink Boutique. Visit HERE to browse my boutique. Many more pretties are on the way there and as always, my etsy shoppe too.
After sourcing many areas that promote women in business through networking and advertising, Make Mine Pink was my direction. I hope you can stop by, browse my boutique and the many other talented ladies that share their treasures there.

When going to the home page, you can find my boutique by clicking on the icon roof, Little Pink Boutiques. You will see Celestina Marie Designs in the listing which will take you to my site.
Here are a few items already gracing the shelves.

It's back to the studio for me and back to the creating I love so much. Last Sunday my BG (best guy) and I went afternoon treasure hunting and I found lots of new treasures ready to redesign and send to etsy and MMP.
So many of you have followed my journey in ways that are simply a true blessing to me and for that, I am very thankful and I can't tell you enough what a joy you are to me and how much I appreciate your encouraging words over the years. Anyone who creates in business has ups and downs, but the many emails and cards I have received over the years have meant the world to me and keep me inspired. I save each and every communication of encouragement and have filled scrapbooks full.

Thank you so very much and love to you all!
Celestina Marie

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prayers Needed!

Hello dear friends! I was just about to post something tonight when I heard from my dear friend Ginny, at Faith Hope and Tea Therapy, that her hubby took a fall, broke his hip and has undergone surgery Monday evening. He is in horrible pain and this is really been hard on Ginny. Many of you know her and visit her lovely blog often. She is a beautiful lady that loves Christ and writes many lessons on life and her Christian walk. She has been an inspiration to all, and now she needs us to pray for this situation, the days ahead and the recovery of her loved one.
I ask that you join me in lifting Ginny's hubby in pray.
You can also visit her blog and post since this happened.

I'll be back tomorrow to post and announce the opening of my Little Pink Boutique on Make Mine Pink.
Remember, each and every post comment till June 1st gets an entry for my Springtime giveaway.We have 114 entries thus far. Thank you in advance for your comments and thank you for your prayers for Ginny.

Blessings and love to all,
Celestina Marie

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday and a Makeover

Nothing delights me more then painting and redesigning furniture and this one is no exception. Many years ago in the 60's to be exact, my childhood neighbor and mom's best friend was moving from being our beloved neighbor in Michigan to Tennessee. She packed for days and had this wonderful hutch with table and 6 chairs for sale as she chose not to move it.
Mom always loved it and decided she would purchase the beautiful set when our dear friend decided she wanted mom to have it. Of course my mother couldn't hear of this for such a gorgeous set. So they settled on 20 dollars for all. Yes, that's right just 20 dollars between life long friends.

For years the hutch stored mom's gorgeous dishes and held the place settings for many dinners of family and friends in the years to follow.
Now that gorgeous piece holds a special place in my home as an entertainment center and I decided a makeover was in order. Taken from the original surface to a Villa Style Cottage finish. I also own and redesigned the table and six chairs which are now in my kitchen. But for now, this gorgeous hutch with it's orginal mirror, and leading glass doors went~~~~


Many steps bring the finish to this point. From the brush on base coat, light distress, glaze and lastly float a villa style edge and seal. I love how it turned out and lightens the old world style in my formal living room. Later I plan to design stained glass on the mirror and bring some transparent color to the leaded glass doors. All for another day.
Here are some close ups of the accents to decorate this piece. It will be changed often as I like to update with the seasons and accessories.

Back in the studio now and here is a peek at one of my new design treasures with everything you see included for an instant finished wall display. This will be available shortly in my etsy boutique.

Thank you for stopping by and remember my Spring Giveaway goes on all month and you can enter as a blogger with any post comment and or becoming a follower. Drawing takes place June 1st. For the post on the giveaway gift, click HERE!
Have a special day.
Blessings, Celestina Marie

Monday, May 3, 2010


in honor of Springtime and Mother's Day Sunday May 9th 2010.

Several years ago when my Mother was living with me, and I was caring for her while sick, I planted a climbing Pink Rose outside her bedroom window for her to enjoy. Pink roses were her very favorite and these gorgeous blooms made her so happy. Since Mom's passing the roses have continually bloomed each Spring and become prettier as time goes on. Not long after I planted this climber, I painted a design I named Mother's Rose from the inspirations of the vine itself, old graphics and the many roses mom had grown over the years. So in honor of Mother's Day coming I am giving away a print copy of that original work arriving to the winner oval matted in light off white and ready to frame with any 11" X 14" frame.

In addition to my print I am including a copy of the book, Delight in the Details by Lisa M. Pace. It is a gorgeous book with paper tag and card designs you will just love, using mixed media and accents.

To enter my giveaway, just leave a comment on any post between now and Memorial Day. Your blog name will enter each time you comment and if you become a follower, your name will be added once more. Just my way of saying thank you to all my blog friends for nearly 3 years of fun blogging and friendship. I hope you will enter and the drawing will be posted June 1st, 2010.

Here are a few pics of the pink rose vine this season.

Last week was very busy, and along the way I have reorganized my store room and redesigned another area of our backyard landscape with my best guy. Tired, but having fun!! It's back to the studio for me and lots of creating going on. Hope to see you again soon to share more creations.
Thank you for entering my Springtime giveaway in honor of the season, Mother's Day and YOU!

Blessings and Blue Skies, Celestina Marie