Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Welcome to the party today, hosted by my dear friend Stephanie of Angelic Accents. It will be a wonderful day filled with lots of wedding memories and inspiration. Be sure and click on Steph's blog name to visit the many participants today.

My party today will be filled with a focus on vintage pics from the past and a few from my own wedding. I have made a wedding cake and strawberry punch, just for the occasion.

To start the party, I have a few old vintage pics I came across while going through my past photos. I love black and white photos and the elegance of the details. All these brides are 2nd cousins of mine and all since passed away, but the memories of there special days of weddings in the early 40's, live on in these pretty photos.

Aren't they gorgeous, and couples at the time made lapel buttons to wear after their special day. How fun was that!!

And while I was browsing through the photo albums,preparing for this party, I again went through my own book. Such a wonderful day with special memories, I so hold dear. My own anniversary is just around the corner and my beloved and I will be celebrating 37 beautiful years together. Here is a bit from our special day.

Mother helping me with my head piece and one final look in the mirror. My Mother always wore a smile and always had a kind word for everyone. She was in my eyes an angel on earth!

My Father and I sharing a special moment. He was and is, along with my husband, my hero!

Look at my mother's pretty pink crystal necklace and earrings set she wore with her pink dress that day.

This is the simple pearl necklace and earrings I wore and still wear today.

Mother and Dad look on as I dream about the wedding and ready to go to the church.
Notice the pic on the wall of my soon to be husband. My parents loved him like their own son.

As we walked out on the porch for more pics, the hot and muggy August day began to rain. Oh I was getting nervous that it would rain all day long. Mother told me it was good luck to rain on your wedding day. I turned to hold a sweet bloom of a hanging porch flower, say a prayer for blue skies and suddenly the rains stopped and the sun shown brightly. All was right with the world!!

My beautiful wedding bouquet.

Tiers of lace flow from top to train of my wedding dress.

Time to cut the cake!

The cake had little white doves nestled around the flowers. I was able to save one and keep it safe in this sweet memory china box given by my mother.

Sneeking a kiss in the dark!

The Happy Couple August 11th 1973, 37 years ago!

Renewing our vows for our 30th wedding anniversary. It was a glorious day in a little chapel in California where we spent our 30th anniversary vacation.

Sweet little white chapel. My beloved planned this whole trip. I did not know where we were going till we got on the plane. All he did was tell me, about a month earlier, was to pack a dress I could get married in. It was a romantic surprise I will never forget.

Best Guy and I with the minister he chose to renew our vows. He was a beautiful and kind soul. My sweetheart also picked music that was played on our wedding day.

Wonderful memories! Hard to believe that was 7 years ago already and 37 years in all.

Now aren't you ready for some cake and punch! I have made one of my faux wedding cakes special for this blog party and we will enjoy a refreshing cup of strawberry lemon punch.

I created the cake from beautiful white brocade fabric, lace trims with a trail of pink rosebuds with gemstones and topped with the wedding couple figurine our son gave us for our 25th wedding anniversary. I cherish this piece and it makes a special cake topper too.

Enjoy some punch. This recipe is simply pink lemonade and 7up topped with fresh strawberries.

It has been so wonderful to have you visit my wedding party hosted by our gracious hostess Stephanie. This was her first party to host and she has done an amazing job. Thank you Stephanie for your time and effort to host this fun event. I look forward to visiting the other special parties listed today.
In honor of Summer weddings this year, I have hand painted a vintage tray. It is available in my little pink boutique on Make Mine Pink,Celestina Marie Designs.

Now as a parting gift, I have for you, one of my sweet pink faux cakes topped with a silver glitter bird and tulle.

Till next time, Blessings and Blue Skies be Yours.
Celestina Marie


Connie said...

Beautiful then and still beautiful, sweetpea!

Julie Marie said...

Hello Celeste... what a beautiful wedding day post! Your photos of your cousins are wonderful... and your wedding day looks like it must have been one of the very happiest days of your life... I love the photo of your mama and daddy looking over at you as you were thoughtful... your mama's pink crystal necklace and earrings she wore that day are priceless, I am so happy you have them... your pearls are pretty also. The little dove in the memory box from your mama is such a treasure... Your hubby is so romantic to plan that entire getaway and renewing your vows... you look just stunning! I am so happy the rain stopped on your original wedding day... see, magical things really do happen! I love your little wedding figurine topper your dear son gave you. The wedding cake and lemonade is yummy, thank you! And the little party favor bird is too cute! Thanks so much for sharing your special days and special people in your life... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie

Jillayne said...

What a post - I love how you recognize the beauty in the smallest of things. Celestina, you have such an eye for making beautiful things, like that fabulous "cake" - I love that. This was a real treat!

Tanza said...

Hello Celeste,
Now this was just sooo beautiful !! The pictures, the sentiments, your SWEET BELOVED !! What a dream come true he is !! Congratulations on your 37 years of celebrating LoVe !! this was FuN sweet friend .. I feel as if I joined you on this special day ~
HuGs ~TeA~ xo

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

What a beautiful bride you were....both times. Congrats on 37 years together and may you have many, many more.
xo, Sherry

Ro said...

Just popped over from the wedding blog hop and wanted to say how lovely your post was! I love everything "wedding related" and cry at every wedding, and yes, did get tears in my eyes at your beautiful photos and memories of your special day! Such a wonderful example to see a couple who are happily married and still in love after 37 years. Thanks for sharing! :)

Christie said...

Your wedding pictures are so beautiful and so are you! I loved seeing the vintage ones too :)
That faux wedding cake is precious that you made! Thanks for sharing...I enjoyed all of your pictures, congratulations on 37 years!
Big Hugs,

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

What a lovely Wedding Party visit I had today.
Thank you for sharing all your beautiful family photos, aren't the old black and white ones great.
Also was wonderful to see and hear about the happy memories of your wedding day.
You looked beautiful then and you look more beautiful now. Lovely photos of your sweet parents too.
I love the pretty jewellery you and your Mother wore and the cute dove that was on the cake.
Wishing you happy days ahead.


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Dear Celeste, I've been enlarging each and every picture you've shared to drink it all in! I so love this post and realize how much time and thought went into putting it together! You did an outstanding job. You, L, K, and I were all babies when we married! You were such a beautiful bride (both times!) and your dress is just a frothy dream come true. I, too, love the picture of your parents looking so tenderly at you, with L's photo in the background. Such a wonderful and fun double exposure shot of the two of you kissing! How very special that you still have both yours and your mother's wedding jewelry. And what can I say about L ~ such a sweetheart to plan such a romantic getaway and vow renewal! Your gown was so elegant and you both were just beaming!

How special it is that you are the caretaker of such wonderful pictures of your 2nd cousins' weddings. And I had never heard of wedding lapel pins ~ such a sweet momento to help remember the day.

Your faux cake is just dreamy ~ love those blingy pink roses and all the lace trim! R's precious wedding couple topper is the crowning touch! The tablecloth beneath the punch bowl is gorgeous ~ did your mother make that also? The bridal tray is so elegant and your sweet glittered birdie cake box is adorable. As always, everything you touch is magical and beautiful.

Thanks so much for joining in the WEDDING BLOG PARTY and for always being such a dear friend. I wish for you and L another 37++ years of wedded bliss!

Much Love,
Angelic Accents

Rebecca Nelson said...


Oh my gosh....

I'm in tears. Seeing how young you were and how God has blessed you has me a complete mess.

He IS Faithful. So Faithful.

You've blessed me again.

Love you~


Terri Steffes said...

Those antique wedding photos are a treasure! I love that you renewed your vows at your 30th. Great idea. The wedding photos show how excited the two of you were and how much in love you were back then. Beautiful!

Barb said...

Hi Celestina Marie, your pictures are so lovely. Each one is totally charming. You were a beautiful bride!

Your punch and goodies look so wonderful. Such a lovely post!

Hugs, Barb ♥

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

How beautiful your wedding post is! I love the Carpenters singing in the background too. Your photos are just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your precious memories. You're still a beautiful couple!


Charo said...

Hi, so young and sweet bride, now your still as beautiful as that day! Love your photos.


Debbi said...

Celeste, I enjoyed walking thru your "then and now" wedding photos!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a wonderful post. The pictures are all so precious. Love your 2nd cousins photos. You are a beautiful bride, then and now. Wishing you all the best.

Saucy said...

Celestina Marie,

I so enjoyed all of those photos, especially the one of you looking down into your bouquet, it is a classic. I don't usually enjoy music on blogs but The Carpenters were perfect for this post today :)

Thanks for sharing!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I am enjoying reading about everyone's wedding & seeing the photos. And what a fabulous hubby you have to plan your vow renewal. Thanks for sharing your story. And your faux wedding cake is fabulous as well.

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

I truly enjoyed visiting your post. Your pictures are wonderful. You two look like you are still very happy. Hope you can get the time to drop by and visit. Debbie

All Bliss Be Thine said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog.
I have enjoyed your post very much starting with the vintage wedding photos.
Your wedding was beautiful and your hubby was so romantic to plan all of those things for your 30th anniversary.
I love all of the things you made including the faux cake.I have seen your art work many times on other blogs and you paint beautiful roses!
Happy 37th to you. It is our 37th year of marriage too!
Pink hugs,
Vicki Pink Pearl Girl

Ginny said...

Oh Celeste, I looked at your wedding pictures and cried. You would have thought I was there on that special day! LOL! It just reminded me of our wedding day. We were married 42 yrs. ago on July 6. I cannot believe it has been that many years. We renewed our vows two years ago on our 40th. My kids threw us a luncheon at a local restaurant and we had about 35 people there. I did not wear a dress as beautiful as yours. I wanted to wear red since it was our "ruby" anniv. LOL! And..I did!
Great memories, Celestina. Thanks for sharing.

Teena said...

How gorgeous! I have copies of several old weddings photos like that too, where my grandmother was the flower girl or a bridesmaid, they are so beautiful. <3

Unknown said...

What a beautiful Bride! Your Wedding memories are wonderful. Those vintage pics...Love the bouguets.

Terri Gordon said...

Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog, what a beautiful post, what a wonderful husband. I am a follower now. Have a wonderful weekend. Terri

Patti said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog today and for your kind and beautiful comments about my wedding post.

You, my dear, were a beautiful bride...both times!! Gorgeous wedding gown...and that!! Beautiful!! I also really love the simple pearl necklace you wore.

Such a wonderful romantic hubby you have. To think that he planned such a romantic getaway for your 30th anniversary!!

Love your gorgeous faux cakes. And I love your blog. I'm going to swipe your button for my blog.

Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

Vicki said...

Hello, Celestina Marie,
I enjoyed your wedding post very much. The vintage images of your family and their wedding days are gorgeous. I especially loved the pictures of you with your mom, dad, and hubby as you celebrated your special day. You and your husband are just as charming today as on your wedding day. He is a sweetheart to plan that celebration for your thirtieth anniversary. I wish you many many more happy days together, my sweet Texas friend. Love and blessings to you~ Vicki

Unknown said...

G'eve sweet Celeste ~ What precious treasures you have ... the pictures of love, the jewelry to cherish, the romantic sweet you off your feet renewal of vows ... awesome!

And, what a beautiful bride you made both times, with that gorgeous handsome hubby.

Have a lovely summer's eve ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Maxine said...

Oh wow. How special this all was. I came by to thank you for your visit, and was treated to this wonderful post. Your pictures are sweet, especially the vintage, but it was such a nice touch to see your 30th anniversary pictures. You are just as beautiful these many years later! And what talents the Lord has given to you. Thanks so much for sharing them with all of us, and for the cake and punch!

Shirl said...

Hello Celeste, Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. I love your old pictures of your cousins, their gowns and flowers are beautiful. Your wedding pics were adorable and your Mom and Dad look like a sweet couple. THe tier cake you made is stunning! Your Anniversary pics are beautiful. My little tray you asked about I purchased from Judy of Vintage Chic. I'm using that as one of my Pink Saturday items so I will be editing my post and linking her to it.
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

vickie said...

Oh Celeste, this is such a beautiful post, looking at the great vintage pictures, and you are so beautiful then and now. I love the
story of you two renewing your vows. Your faux
cakes are very pretty.

Unknown said...

You were a beautiful bride then, and a beautiful bride now. You are so young to be married 37 years. Such lovely photos. This was my wedding song in 1972.

Lovely post.

a Pocket Angel said...

Celestina Marie, What beautiful vintage wedding photos!
You were such a pretty bride..I love that you were able to save that precious little dove.
I have that very same memories box.
Blessings ~Mary~ :-}

Lovey said...

Oh wow Celestina! What a beautiful post!!! 37 years and counting! How blessed you truly are! Beautiful pictures and memories shared! I told you you were my Angel!

Victoria said...

That was just lovely! Your wedding dress was gorgeous!! You are still so beautiful, you don't look old enough to have been married for that long. What a romantic man you have, sounds like a keeper:)

Mari said...





Holly Lefevre said...

Fabulous. I never tire of looking at wedding photos. You make some really amazing items too! Lovely.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

What a lovely and romantic post. Thanks for sharing your beautiful memories.

Betzie said...

Fairy tales really do come true!!! Gosh, one would have to surely believe in them if they read this post!!! Magical times for you and your mom and dad were just soooooooo sweet looking and sooooooo proud of their gorgeous daughter!!! Photos I'm sure you hold dear to your heart and your romantic hubby!!! Now mine could take some lessons! :)
Great post sweet friend!!! xoxo Betzie

BrushedByAnAngel said...

Celeste, I was not within reach of my computer last year when this was posted. I was at the wedding of my niece so I missed this post. I am so glad you mentioned it again - your wedding must have been beautiful!! Your husband has to be one of the sweetest around to have thought to surprise you with a wedding renewal. And your mom and dad both look so proud. A wonderful post!

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..