As I enjoyed her creative space and pictures, she shared a pic from her childhood, visiting Santa Claus. I, at once knew the setting had to be from my home town and my own visits to Santa with my dear dad. It was something we did every year, just he and I. The place was Muriheads Dept. Store. I emailed Claudia to inquire about the pic and she in deed confirmed the setting too. How fun. We emailed back and forth to find out we went to the same schools and lived only a couple blocks from each other. We played in the same parks and swam at the same neighborhood pool. She even had the same 5th grade teacher a couple years before me. What a small world we live in.
This is the picture taken visiting Santa. My dad carried this pic in his wallet till the day he passed away.
If you have a moment, please visit talented Claudia and her wonderful blog, say hello and tell her I sent you. You are sure to enjoy your visit. Click here on her button!

The 5th grade teacher we both had was Mrs. Hurlbert. She was my all time favorite teacher in elementary school. It was because of her I pursued my artistry. She always encouraged me to go in this direction. In 1966 she entered me in the Greenfield Village Country Fair of Yesteryear. I designed a floral mosaic with organic materials. It took several months to finish. When our class went to the fair to see our entries, to my surprise, I had won first place and a blue ribbon hung by my artwork. I was in childhood shock as my classmates cheered and hugged me wildly.
Mrs. Hurlbert was crying as I stood in disbelief. What a wonderful memory made by a special teacher who gave me the confidence and direction to challenge a dream and just try.
I know longer have the mosaic or even a picture of it. But when I emptied my parents home, my mother had kept it all these years later. With it's decaying organic materials it still hung on the wall. I should have grabbed the camera then and snapped a pic before it seen it's fate. I am so bad at remembering moments like this with my camera. I vow to do better.
Meeting Claudia was such a nice surprise and brought back so many memories of a special place growing up. I hope it did for her as well.
Have you thought of your childhood town lately? Maybe you live there still and raising a family or enjoying retirement. How wonderful! It's nice to go back in time and remember.
Wishing you fond remembrances of days gone by.
Smiles, Celestina Marie
Oh, how great to see your photo from Muirhead's! I loved the whole winter wonderland look of that place and the magic that seemed to be in the air. Mrs. Hurlbert was such a great teacher. She encouraged me as well. She was one of those teachers that have such an effect on students, wasn't she? I remember those fairs at Greenfield Village - you must have been so amazed when you won.
Years later, I acted in a few plays at the Greenfield Village Theater, and sang at many weddings at Martha-Mary Chapel. I also took swimming lessons at the pool there! We were so lucky to have that amazing place so close to our homes.
My reunion is this September and I am hoping to attend. Dearborn has changed so much since we grew up there - I think it is too big now. I'm so grateful to have gone through that school system.
So wonderful to meet a former neighbor so many years later.
Oooh Celeste, this post gives me goosebumps it is so exciting! I visited Claudia too during Where Bloggers Create, now I must go back for another peek! That is so wonderful that you recognized the photo and knew exactly where it was... I'll be you could not believe it! How fun Claudia lived just several blocks away from you and you went to all those familiar places... I love that you won first place for your creation, and that your mama kept it displayed in a special spot all those years... I also love that your 5th grade teacher encouraged you to pursue your dream of creating all of the beautiful art that you do... my favorite teacher was my 7th grade English teacher who encouraged me to write... isn't it amazing the impact someone so long ago had on us... the photo of you and your daddy with Santa is priceless... yes, I visit my childhood all the time in my thoughts... I don't think there is anything wrong with going back in time, being ten years old again for just a little while... thanks for sharing these precious memories and new found friend... xoxo Julie Marie
Yes, it truly is a small world. How wonderful that you made a new friend and that you share so many common memories of people and places.
I had a similar incident happen online. My daughter met a sweet young lady through blogging, and then as a result, I grew to know the mother. I grew up in Pittsburgh, and they live in a neighboring suburb from where I did. And get this...the lady's father lives in the SAME suburb I did AND on the same street where I grew up.
My daughter is currently visiting that family (she went last year too), and she spent a day running around my old neighborhood, taking photos for old house, street signs, my old hangouts, etc.
Isn't it fun that this great big blog world really isn't that big after all and that it brings us into contact with gals we might not otherwise get to meet.
What a sweet post, Celeste! And yes, it is certainly a small world indeed. How great that you and Claudia "found" each other! I've visited her blog many times and always have a delightful time there. She is so kind.
That pic of you is just too precious for words!
Hope you are getting ready for a nice relaxing weekend!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
How exciting, Celestina Marie.
I'm sure it was fun e-mailing back and forth and exchanging information of your youths.
I'm heading up that way soon. Love Greenfield Village. I won't get a chance to go there this trip but I do plan on going to Mackinac Island. Haven't been there in years.
I'm not familiar with that town you grew up in. Where is it located?
How sad you don't have that mosaic. I know your Mom treasured it.
I hope you have a wonderful July 4th.
Stay well and safe. friend!
Hi Celestina Marie, thanks for saying hello. I am sad that you will miss the Rooster Party but totally understand.
Have a wonderful and blessed July 4th.
Sending joy!
Barb ♥
Hi Celestina, It is wonderful to be able to visit the past and forget the present for those precious memories. That is one thing that no one can take away from us and I so enjoyed your post. Are You feeling any effects from the Hurricane? I always come to visit, but I don't always have time to leave a note especially if it is during my lunch hour. Have a wonderful 4th Your Missouri Friend.
Oh such wonderful memories, Celestine! I had this nun in grade school who affected me the same way. In fact, about 10 yrs ago, our parish/school celebrated 50 yrs. Well don't you know that this nun who was the principal and my 8th grade homeroom teacher, was present. I walked up to her and for a few moments I once again was that 12 yr. old girl with the uniform and beanie on her head and I began to weep. What a wonderful feeling!
We went to Hudsons for pictures or Federals.
Dearborn is nowhere like it was when you were growing up. It is now one of the largest Arabic communities in the U.S.
Keep your memories close to you always. Nothing changes in your heart.
Hi Celestina Marie,
What a lovely post you have shared today. The special memories of your dear Father holding the cute photo in his wallet, that was so special.
Also to find your friend Claudia ~ life does have a neat way of bringing people together.
I enjoyed reading about your favourite teacher and how neat that she helped and encouraged you with the art. Must have been a thrill taking the first place and seems like you have been talented all your life.
Many thanks for visiting me and the kind words you left for V.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, dear friend ~ Many blessings
How wonderful! Claudia is a sweetheart, and it is so great that you share so many wonderful memories!!!
How sweet that you and Claudia found each other on here. I know that must be so exciting! That picture of you and your daddy is priceless. Love to you and your family and have a Happy 4th!
Lee Laurie
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