Love's Roses
Outside my art shoppe window~
sweet roses I do see.
Planted by my dear love one~
especially for me.
He chose the spot directly~
by love for sun's delight.
With blessings only they can offer~
through petals pink and bright.
When inspiration I am seeking~
I only have to see~
Outside my art shoppe window~
Sweet roses bloom for me.
(c)CMD 3/29/09
Here are the new pics of my gorgeous roses. I can view these everyday while working in the studio, which are the windows you see here.
I also picked my first bouquet of roses from my garden yesterday. They are gorgeous bright colors. I had some fun with my photoscape and created a painting from the pic.
It has been a very busy time in the studio this season and I am loving every minute of it. Here is a few pics of the new treasures nearly ready for my shoppe. Ending with a little mosaic of pics which includes a little pic of a dress shop I found over the weekend in Boerne, Texas with my name for the shoppe. I also saw a pink Corvette and my best guy snapped a pic for me while in the shop.

I hope you have a great weekend and enjoying the warmer weather. See you again soon with details for my Spring Giveaway!
Smiles, Celestina Marie