It's that time again when Etsy Cottage Style Blog celebrates vintage treasures and creations featuring three letters of the alphabet. This is the first time for me to participate and what fun it is. To view more participants and their treasures click HERE and visit Etsy Cottage Style
Today's party is brought to you by the letters I, J, and K.
(I) can be a challenge, but I thought I would share my Italian Tea Set from Italy. It belonged to my grandmother and was passed on to me as a gift in our first move away from our home state of Michigan. It remains in perfect condition and I love it. Grandma knew I would care for it always. The set is shown here with 2 cups but I have all 6 in the set. I have displayed it throughout my cottage home, but for now it shows beautifully on my vintage cedar chest at the foot of the bed in the master bedroom.
The next letter is J and Vintage Jewelry comes to mind. Through the years I have gathered a nice collection of vintage jewels collected and passed down from my mother and grandma. Here are a few pins and earrings with pin sets.
Lastly our letter is K another challenging letter, but I have a few things in the knick knack catagory to share.
Bird figurines have always been a favorite of mine since I was first married and these are a few from my collection.
This concludes my Vintage Alphabet Party and the sharing of a few treasures this time. I so look forward to the next set in about a month. In the meantime, I have a lot going on in the studio to keep very busy. Many new hand painted and designed pretties coming your way to my shoppes.
Speaking of studios and creatve spaces. This past weekend's Where Bloggers Create Party was fantastic and so inspiring to visit the many wonderful spaces around blogland. If you are still visiting parites, I would love for you to attend mine by clicking HERE and going to that post for my Creative Space. From that post you can also click to visit the many others that participated. This year's party had 450 participants, so we may be partying all Summer long! You will enjoy the fantastic spaces that Creative Bloggers call their own. Big or small they are all special!
Enjoy and till next time, remember Stephanie of Angelic Accents Wedding Blog Party coming this Friday the 25th. I will be there and I hope to see you too.
Hugs, Celestina Marie