Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Last Rose Of Summer

Celebrated by "SHOPPING WITH A TWIST" from, Make Mine Pink.
Happy September my friends. Today we are back to Friday shopping and the theme is "The Last Rose of Summer". I have been extremely busy already this season in the studio and enjoying full days of swinging a paint brush, glittering, gluing, styling and just fun creating. For today's Shopping with a Twist, Click HERE to visit my Friday offerings with Make Mine Pink. While there, stop over and visit the many other boutiques with pretty treasures with our theme.

Here are just a few new treasures for our themed shopping today.

The pumpkins are back and styling in light pink and a few traditional on the way too.
Some already off to good homes and others waiting for a special spot in a dear cottage. These can be found in my etsy shoppe.

Lastly, I wanted to share my newest baby shoe pincushion in my etsy shoppe.

Thank you for stopping by Friday shopping with a twist with themed treasures. I hope wherever you are, you also are enjoying The Last Rose of Summer.

Have a wonderful September day.
Blessings always, Celestina Marie

Celebrated by "SHOPPING WITH A TWIST" from, Make Mine Pink.Happy September my friends. Today we are back to Friday shopping and the theme is "The Last Rose of Summer". I have been extremely busy already this season in the studio and enjoying full days of swinging a paint brush, glittering, gluing, styling and just fun creating. For today's Shopping with a Twist, Click HERE to visit my Friday offe...

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