Greetings blogster friends and Happy Labor Day. I hope you are enjoying the long weekend.
Today is once again Market Monday presented by Etsy Cottage Style and you can visit HERE to visit my shoppe and the many wonderful shoppes participating in a week of linked shopping.
I am knee deep in my studio creating as fast as my little brushes will move. It will be a busy, yet short week, but having lots of fun and trying to catch up on several special custom orders.
I will be back to share what has been going on here in the studio, home projects, treasure hunting fun and Fall decorating. So I hope you will visit back later in the week. Till then, have a wonderful day and remember Market Monday goes on all week with links ready to visit!
As always, many thanks for taking the time to stop by. I appreciate each and every friend that comes to visit and leaves a comment. Please know, I will see you soon to visit back. And, I will leave you with a little hint. My 50 thousand plus visitor giveaway is coming soon!!

Blessings be yours, Celestina Marie