Greetings my friends. It seems we just celebrated a Friday shopping event and here we are again. The weeks are flying by and with Christmas shopping nearly upon us, I have added a few cupcake ornaments to our themed shopping HERE in my etsy shoppe.
Wood and hand painted cupcake gift tags.
Pumpkin spice cupcake ornies.
Mini Cupcake ornie sets for small shabby Christmas trees.
Original light pink cupcakes back in limited edition.
The weeks have me just swamped in the studio and working to bring many new items to my shoppes for the season. I am having a great time, but miss my blog visits and getting around to say hello. I look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you for understanding my busy schedule.
Victorian Graphic and Rose glass ornaments are also on the way, as well as Victorian hand painted faux candles.Hope you are enjoying the start of our new season and looking forward to the official first day of Fall on the 22nd. I surely am, and hoping for cooler temps. We are still hitting 90 plus degrees everyday.
Thank you for taking the time to visit. I appreciate all your comments and giveaway entries. Click HERE to read about my visitor giveaway and rules to enter with drawing on October 1st.
Blessings to you and enjoy a Fall Day!
Celestina Marie