Hey Friends, Welcome to the Barn party!! So glad to have you here today. My dear friend Julie Marie, from Idyllhours is guest hostess for this Special BARN CHICKS PARTY which she has entitled "UNDER OCTOBER"S MAGICAL SPELL." We are visiting Barns in the Autumn air and all things Fall including some harvest decor, recipes, a few paintings I have created over the years and just plain country Fall fun! Take a moment and stop by Julie Marie's wonderful blog to visit her party as well as her list of all those participating today. She is also having a party giveaway when you leave a comment, so have fun on your visit and the chance to win. You will enjoy the many parties and surely receive inspiration for this wonderful time of the year.
As you know, this blog of mine lives in Texas and from here we will take a little tour of barns in my area, Texas Style!! Now keep in mind, my once only countryside town, has now given way to a place more citified since our residence many years ago. So I had to go a close by mile and a half north and south to find a few gorgeous Texas barns. Most are taken from the road since they are private with no access to enter, but none the less, I think I have a few to share. Remember you can click to enlarge any picture for a better view.
So let's start our caravan to the barns and later return back here for some refreshments and a view of some Autumn decor.
I love old red barns and this one was a true charmer. Inspiration to paint sometime.

Oh look, we are met by some beautiful horses and old farming equipment. Love that the old equipment has a new life as countryside decor. You see, I view every space as a surface to display!
How's everyone doing? Are we staying together on this caravan from barn to barn? Okay, let's view some more~~
Let's stop to say hello to a couple more gorgeous horses. They wonder what we are doing? Viewing barns I told them. They gave a nod and a nay, happy to hear we are admiring their wonderful barn homes.
Oh look at our little ponies off in the distance unaware of our camera. So sweet enjoying the cooler Autumn weather.
Now as we round the bend to head back to my cottage for party pie and tea, it is beginning to cloud up. But hey, looks like our town pumpkin patch is starting to set out all the wonderful orange beauties for friends to enjoy, purchase and take pictures with family and friends. Looks like they are covering them with blue tarps since it looks like rain. Let's stop for a minute. I will have to come back in a couple weeks for more pictures when everything is set up. It is an amazing place and fun for young and old alike.
As we head back to my cottage, we are greeted by my bird house barn for my birdie friends. They like to decorate their home too.
How about those refreshments now? Have you worked up an appetite for my apple pie? Oh it's fresh from the oven. Grab a plate and I'll slice you a generous piece of pie!
Would you like a cup of acorn tea to go with your pie? Not sure there is such a thing as acorn tea, but hey, it's fun to name it that, after all, we are UNDER OCTOBER'S MAGICAL SPELL!
Sit for awhile at my table. I have a centerpiece made using my large rooster bowl filled with harvest finds and a fresh scented Fall candle. More pie anyone?
While we visit awhile and talk about the beautiful barns we have viewed on the tour, my scarecrows would like to say hello. They sit here and there among my Fall decor and pumpkins.
These next three are paintings I've done many years ago inspired from studies I have done with favorite artists over the years.
Well, this just about ends our barn chick party for today. But before we part, and you go off to visit HERE at Julie Marie's, I will share a painting I did for my B~Guy many years ago also completed from a study with one of my favorite barn artists. It is painted on a vintage saw of my dad's. My guy displays it on his work bench in the garage. Got to decorate there too, right?
Lastly, I completed this painting, inspired from another favorite study in Seasons from Pumpkin Ridge, just this week. It is a wall hanging on a metal canvas display piece. This piece will find it's way to my shoppe soon.
Thank you for coming to the party as I surely enjoyed your visit, time together touring and snacking on apple pie. Please come again to visit anytime. Your presence here and kind comments are so appreciated.
I also want to give a big Thank You to my friend Julie Marie for all she has done to host this wonderful party. It is always a lot of work to set up and she has done a wonderful job. Big hugs of thanks my friend. You are the true Barn Chick and I continue to be inspired by you and the wonderful place you call home.
Best wishes to you all for a wonderful Fall season with Blessings galore and many memories made with family and friends. As a parting gift I send you off with a pot of Fall Mums.
Big Texas Hugs,
Now, let's go to another party!
Smiles, Celestina Marie