Welcome Friends to another Alphabet Party from Etsy Cottage Style and brought to you by the letters S, T and U. This is the party where we have fun showcasing our vintage treasures starting with the letters specified.
Here we are again in a new month and new treasures to share. So I will begin with the letter S.
One of my favorite treasures, from my Mother, is her 40's apple SIFTER. I love it and it remains in excellent condition even after many years of use preparing wonderful bakery goodies. I have retired it to my pot rack and it hangs with other vintage kitchen tools.
Another one of my apple favorites is a STONEWARE pie plate and sugar and creamer. These were a gift to me from my mom nearly 40 years ago. She happen to be in an old Drugstore with a gift section. At the time, I decorated with apples in my kitchen. As she browsed the pretties, she saw a sale with only a few pieces in this pattern. The gift also came with a mug and 2 candle holders. I love them especially in this season and I still enjoy to bring out my apple treasures in Autumn.
And for some more S's I have SALT and pepper Shakers. The sweet little pineapple set and a gorgeous milk glass set.
S, is for SLIPPERS too and these warm and cozy sets are handmade by my grandmother many many years ago. She even made a red and green Christmas pair. I love them.
Beloved memories are remembered with the treasure of these handmade SCARVES made by my grandmother for me when I went away to college. Growing up in Michigan was very cold in the winter and walking across campus was bitter cold. I remember how wonderful it was to have these scarves to keep warm. They always gave me a sense of security and I felt like grandma was with me. I still do!!
From my piano lesson days, I have many vintage SHEET music scores. They were already near vintage when I played them as a child. Most sheets were priced back then at $1.00. On occasion I still play them and they also make for great creative backgrounds for artwork.
My love of vintage SERVING platters brings me to share a few favorites.
The red design was my moms, and the green edge designed platter was my grandmas. I enjoy to use these at Christmas for the color and wonderful memories they continue to give. The last one is a gorgeous pattern of cherry blossoms. I found this one in my travels many years ago.
I also love glass serving pieces and this SALAD bowl is a beauty. It was given to me by my mother. Many wonderful dinner salads have been served from this gorgeous bowl. I can still see it being passed around the table as family and friends gathered for a special dinner together.
Moving on to the T's, I'll start with vintage TOOLS passed down to my Best Guy from my Dad's collection. I found this gorgeous vintage tool cabinet for him about 10 years ago and it is the perfect piece to keep these treasure in.
This hangs in the garage and among the tools, is a saw that was my grandfathers and a pair of vintage scissors that belonged to my Dad's father.
This next T is for TIMEPIECE and one of my favorite and cherished pieces belonging to my great grandfather and is over 140 years old. An Elgin pocket watch, which I keep in a keepsake dome.
Lace of all kinds is precious to me and this TABLECLOTH is a true treasure in my family. Gracing the table at many family dinners, it remains a loved vintage tablecloth.
And lastly for my T's, I have a beautiful Blue Willow vintage TEAPOT given to me from my Best Guy several years ago to add to my collection handed down from my mother and grandmother. Notice the birds on the teapot and how chubby they are. That is always a sign in Blue Willow for being vintage when the birds are full and round. In the newer and remake pieces the birds are thin and longer in length.
This bring us to the last letter for the party which is U. More of a challenge too, but I did have something to share. My old ceramic UMBRELLA stand handmade by Moi, many years ago in the 70's in an art class for ceramics. I have since repainted it to the black to compliment my villa decor. Notice the mushroom pattern in the ceramic. Popular back then and now just nostalgic. I use this piece to hold berries or flowers. But I have to share a little story here. The day I brought this home from class, I was carrying it into the house when my beloved Bru,(golden retrevier) was happy to see me, came charging at me full speed. The stand went flying and right into the hands of my best guy at the door. It was really a WOW moment and the piece was saved. Since then, it survived many moves and many dogs, so I guess it is meant to stay with me for many more years, Lord willing.
Well friends, that's the letters for this month and for more vintage treasures you can visit the participants HERE at Etsy Cottage Style Blog. If you love vintage collections, you will enjoy the list of participants which runs all week long. And if you would like to join in the fun, you are always welcome to link up.
As always, thank you for taking the time to stop by. I hope you have a great week and beautiful Autumn Monday.
Blessings always,
Celestina Marie