Greetings to you in the New Year blog friends. I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Holiday!
As we enter into the winter months with our young new year ahead, I can't help but look towards a new journey and the anticipation of all to come our way. Everything fresh with a new start, a new outlook with faith for the days ahead. Do you feel this way each new year? Do you like to re-evaluate your direction? Do you make resolutions? I am not a believer in making resolutions per say, but rather a conviction to ask God's direction and listen for the answers. Having new plans and trying to do my best.
Whatever you have planned for your journey, I hope the new year is filled with all that makes you happy. All that gives you hope, and all that makes your heart sing with the blessing of meeting each new day. May God give you peace and love along your path and may this new year be one to remember!
I will be back soon on January 10th to share what's new from the studio and back to visiting you to see what's happening in your world.
Till then, Blessings and Blue Skies be Yours!
Celestina Marie