I have been decorating, redoing and gathering my inspirations for decisions. Our old world kitchen remodel has begun. It's exciting and messy, but so welcome as the process goes along.
So while I have no pics of the kitchen yet, I do have living room changes to share. We still have the half walls to paint and then I really can call this spot complete.
Now you may be asking. You are painting after the redo? Well I know this is sort of backwards, but in this case, I had to pull the room together to get the direction for the wall color.
In the end it worked and I have come to a custom selection for the wall color called Chocolate Curl. It is so yummy, and, my sweetheart will paint for me since I am still trying/watching not to overdue my shoulder. He is a real gem and loves to paint, so I am very grateful! Plus, he gave me strict orders, no swinging paint brushes or rollers on the walls! Okay then!!
In the meantime, for this room, I started with an inspirational find with this little Dream journal from Hobby Lobby. I had 40% off coupons and over two visits,found a few treasures to help this redo along.
From this point, I found the most gorgeous rose garden fabric to design a new stationary chair I found at Lazy Boy after the holiday. They have the best quality furniture and fabric selections. I have never been disappointed working with them.
The chair finished!
Now adding another bit of inspiration with my 40% off finds. The Belle Fleur pillow. And I must say, this chair has already become the most comfortable chair in the house! So comfy!! I am also a fan of sitting on a piece of furniture, not in it.
Moving along I always order extra fabric with a redesign. So I had extra rose garden fabric to make pillows to tie in the sofa, which is another story.
You may remember my past sofa of microfiber in a soft mocha. Well, pretty in it's own right, but it's time was over for me. While still in "like new" condition, I traded it for a pretty sagey green love seat from my son's home. He was so happy to receive my old sofa and I was over the moon happy to acquire his sofa. So we both saved money and that is always fantastic. I must say, his home is amazing and since his living room is far bigger then mine, it worked out perfect.
To my DS~~ Thank you so much Ryan for going along with my idea. You are a gem of a guy and so kind to go along with the plan. Girls, he is still single too.
Anyway, I made a few pillows for the sage sofa to tie the look together in my new room. I added the rose garden fabric to a vintage pillow using my grandma's vintage handmade lace and tea stained lace to finish.
For me, my ideas always start with an inspiration which leads to the finished creation. I have always found that even the smallest of changes can make a big difference. It's not always about, totally gutting a room if you don't have too of course, but rather, making choices that really make a room pop.
Gathered Inspirations come from many sources in my ideas, from books to objects and even music. The following pics are a few more sources that gave me direction and comfort to turn too.
Roses in dark pink with hydrangeas top my piano, gathered on an iron piece for an anchor.
An Urn full of the same floral inspirations on the hearth.
Adding a keepsake Paris box to hold little treasures while staying clutter free. I tend to go with, more is less with anchor pieces. It's nice for the eye to have a place to stop and take in the pretties.
This design is from a little tilt table top I have enjoyed for 30 years. It is perfect for a cup of tea or tilt back in an empty corner.
And of course there is always lots of books to inspire, like one of my favorites by Frances Mayes.
Antique colored lace on the windows over look the winter garden.
So while my sweet red bird stays cozy and warm sitting by a pretty hydrangea, my fun continues.
I hope your days are filled with Gathered Inspirations while you Romance the Winter days still to come. And, if you are in the mood to shop, remember today is the last day of MMP's Friday shopping day of Winter Romance for the month of January. Click HERE to visit my shoppe with themed treasures to browse and the shopping bag at the top for other shoppes sure to offer great treasures.
Before I say so long for today, I want to give a big THANK YOU to Jill from Blessings of a Stay at Home Mom. Jill recently passed on 2 awards to me that I will display on my sidebar. While I do not take part in the awards any longer in blogland for lack of time, I am still always appreciative of those that think of me and pass them on. Take a moment to visit Jill. She is a dear sweet lady and shares wonderful adventures with her daughters and family. Jill is a beautiful spirit and wonderful mother. You will enjoy your visit to her lovely blog. Tell her I said hello!
Thank you so much Jill for these two awards.

In honor of Jill, I pass these two awards to all of you. Fill free to copy them and add to your gift awards if you'd like. I think you are all deserving!
Till next time, enjoy this day and may your Gathered Inspirations and Dreams all come true.
Blessings, Celestina Marie
Oh Celeste, your post is truly inspiring!... I love what you are doing and your rose covered chair is so pretty!... all of your pillows look just perfect in there, my favorite of course being the one you made with your grandmother's lace... all of your flower arrangements just add so much!... and how sweet of Ryan to trade couches with you!... I love all your little special touches you add here and there... and that dream journal from hobby lobby looks gorgeous, I wonder if they still have them? Looking forward to seeing the finished room... please don't over~use that shoulder!... enjoy a cozy day in your pretty little place... xoxo Julie Marie
Celeste, What a pretty post. I always love coming here and seeing what you've been up too. I'm glad that you are feeling better with your shoulder. I can't wait to see your re-do. That chair is beautiful and looks so comfty. Love the pillows. That was so sweet of your son to swap sofas with you. Can't wait to see your old world kitchen. Take care.
Lee Laurie
Your home was so pretty to begin with but I know you are going to make it very special with the re-do. Love the fabric on the chair - and I love a chair you can really sit it! Can't wait to see your new kitchen.
Your designs are beautiful! You have such a talent for pulling everything together! :-)
Thank you so much for your kind words! You deserve those awards and more!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Celeste! IT has been forever since I visited. So many beautiful changes to your already gorgeous home! I LOVE the fabric you chose for your chair, so beautiful an warm! Ryan was a doll to trade sofas, how perfect was that! And I love your inspiration pieces :)
I am off to read more of your blog. I love your background too!!
Love and hugs,
I hope your shoulder is much better too!!
Beautiful post as always Celeste!!! Wow, all your redos are perfect and everything goes so well together. I hope your shoulder is better! Your hubby and son both sound as sweet as you!
Glad you are still able to create and have fun...I love the winter for creating as well! Humidity and heat just make me lazy. :)
Have a great day and can't wait to see your kitchen!! xo Betzie
Muy lindo tu blog!!!
Mi blog : winyjack.blogspot.com.
Si te haces seguidora de mi blog compartiremos lindos trabajos.
Good Morning Celeste,I enjoyed reading your post this AM.May our Lord continue to bless you.
What a lovely post! I so enjoy hearing you make all your decisions and tie everything together. Decorating isn't easy and every little tidbit helps!
I am very interested to hear about your kitchen - and see it!
Busy lady! Did you cover that cushy chair yourself???? Or did Lazy Boy cover it for you? It's amazingly beautiful and inviting! The shades of the flowers...so pretty!
Winter is the perfect time for fluffing our nests, isn't it!
Hugs and love from snowy PA,
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