Welcome Friends! I pray you enjoyed a wonderful New Year and looking forward to the days ahead. For me, I am so excited to start this new year and create lots of new treasures to fill the shelves of my shoppes.
Today begins the first Monday Market for 2011 and all week long you can visit HERE at Etsy Cottage Style Blog to browse the many shoppes participating in the market.
I am back in the studio and adding many new pretties later today to my shoppe HERE
The holiday just flew by and I had to take some time off to rest my painting arm, which kept me off the computer, but now I look forward to visiting you this week.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind comments.
Blessings to you for a wonderful first week of the new year.
Hugs from Texas,
Celestina Marie
Happy New Year Celeste!!
Sorry it's been a while since I've stopped long enough to say hello...but I stop by often and look at all your beautiful works of art and read stories of your creative exploits (loved the White House photos and story!!), and as always, I am inspired!
I hope you have a glorious New Year filled with the Lord's blessings as well as His peace!
Hugs & Blessigs,
Dearest Celestina Marie,
Welcome back into the New Year! Hope it will be a happy and healthy one for you and your loved ones.
Mariette's Back to Basics
Hello Celeste, and a very Happy New Year to you!... I do hope your arm is feeling some better... and that you had a nice vacation... I am looking forward to exciting new things in your shop also... love to you!... xoxo Julie Marie
Hola Celestina! estoy muy contenta de que seas mi seguidora, he colocado tu banner en mi blog como "fuente de inspiración". Admiro tu trabajo y trayectoria, es un honor para mí conocer tu espacio. Yo estoy comenzando con mis propias creaciones. originales que iré colocando en mi blog a medida que las confeccione! Siempre serás bienvenida en mi casita... un abrazo cariñoso en este 2011 desde el fin del mundo, Chile Claudia Lis
Hey sweets,
Hope you had a fabulous new years!!!
heres to 2011
have a great week
Hi Celestina!
I just had to come over to wish you and very Happy New Year! I wish you lots of good health and happiness. And have a fabulous week. xxoo
Janet's Creative Pillows
Blessings for a beautiful New Year, sweet Celeste ~ so missed you.
So looking forward to all the beautiful treasures you are going to create for us ... yummy, I know!
Hope you had a restful holiday season ...
Pop over for our lovely CSN GIVEAWAY!
Hugs, Marydon
Happy New Year to you dear Celestina Marie.
Hope that you have had a happy holiday and you are enjoying being back in the studio.
You asked about the flooding which is in Queensland, Australia.
We are here in NZ and the weather has been really hot and lovely.
Wishing you all the best for 2011 and all that makes you happy.
Thanks for your visit and kind words.
Hugs & blessings
Happy 2011, sweet friend!
Can't wait to see your newest creations!
Angelic Accents
Happy New Year, Celestina Marie. I love the new look of your blog - just beautiful!!
Hello my Beautiful Lady,
Did you have a wonderful New Year? I know you are getting busy.I'm going to start a new doll soon.
You take care,and by the way.The teapot on your etsy,does it have a teacup to go with it?
Hugs and kisses Dear One,
XXOO Marie Antionette
I love you blog and our beautiful paintings. Hope you have a great year too!
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