Greetings Blog friends. The last several weeks have just flown by here in my cottage villa while my dear guy and I have been very busy bees with our kitchen remodel. I have shared the process in past posts, and by now, I am sure you are tired of it already. Believe me, I am tired too and so glad to be finished and enjoying the fruits of our labor.
This project has been lots of work, but so worth the extra efforts to get to the final result. Inspiration for this update came from my childhood and happy days spent in my mother and grandmother's kitchen.
My family and I have always been kitchen people. We spend many wonderful hours around the kitchen table, visiting, dining, having tea and sharing our lives. When I was growing up, my mother's kitchen was the heart of our home and the place everyone wanted to be. That same traditional gathering has stayed with me over the years and it seems everyone congregates in my kitchen too. Great memories have been made right here in my cucina!
Now, this 20 year old, 12 X 22 foot kitchen has a new face and ready to tackle many more years of happy times with family and friends.
Thank you for stopping by as I share with you Bella Rose Cucina~~~~~

The above pic is the working kitchen side. The other side of the bar is the breakfast nook.

The french doors above to the left go out to the formal living area.

Stove area surrounded by a brick hearth. Cabinet above is accented with a gorgeous rose print, grapes, and vintage wine bottles from my grandpa who was a wine maker.
The basket was my grandmothers from childhood and very old. It is filled with vintage rolling pins. To the right hangs a unique wine bottle from Spain. The rose wagon framed over the stove top was an inspiration when I started this project. It is surround by a different framed back splash tile to set it off. I may add a soft teddy bear brown to these tiles later. For now, they are a very light ivory that picks up the ivory in the granite and contrasts with the black specks and light pinky salmon in the granite. The wall inside the stove top area is textured and painted chocolate curl. I am in love with this yummy color. It really anchors the room along with the black island and hood fan cabinet above.

The following pics include the island which I painted black and added little feet at the bottom to look like a free standing furniture piece. The chandelier above fills the space with much needed light. It is on a 3-way dimmer and the light globes are soft ivory petals. The non reveal sink was a must for me with no divided sink. It is about 10 inches deep and is one of my favorites. The cutting board was a gift from my fabricator and I love it by the sink.

Looking over the bar to the breakfast nook.

This area for the table has evolved over the years, but in it's previous life, many years ago, it was a banquette window seat for the backside of the table. Not pretty in our view, so it was the first thing my guy and I removed and finished with dry wall when we moved in. Now there is plenty of room around the table and the bay window overlooks the yard and pool. The french door to the outside is around the corner in the familyroom/library.

The pedestal table is hand painted with my fruit design painted 10 years ago. I inherited this table from my mother. It dates to the late 1800's. I painted and lightly distressed the bottom of the table and chairs with pecan sandie, also used on the built in hutch.

The sheer curtains are a soft ivory with lots of ivory embroidery on the panels. The valance tops are also embroiderd and finished with light pink roses trailing across the hemline.
Same Breakfast nook, two looks!

This dutch door goes to my laundry sewing room. My talented hubby built this many years ago and it is so charming to the kitchen.

I'll end my little remodel tour with a few pics from around the room. As you will notice, I kept the blue willow cobalt blue for my accent along with chocolate curl and a touch of pinky salmon with lots of rose accents.

Thank you for sharing in my remodel project. I am so glad to be finished and now in the studio painting my heart out for Easter with lots of bunnies and pretties on the way soon. But, our redesign journey does not stop here. We are going to update a guest bathroom next and my laundry room. Then I'll be done, I think, for now, maybe, oh~~ then there is the outside, and gardening, more painting and and and~~ okay I am a hopeless decorator. But I am in love with decor and it sure keeps me busy!! LOL
Have a wonderful day and thank you so very much for taking a moment to visit my Bella Rose Cucina. Your comments always warm my heart. Thank you also for all the dear birthday greetings. Love to you all! ~~~~La Dolce Vita!! (to the sweet life)

Blessings and Blue Skies be Yours Always.
Celestina Marie