The colors of Spring and lots to share from my studio,HERE to browse.

My creative flow is back in spite of my little set back. You can imagine me, always so busy having to stay still and rest. It is a challenge my friends and very hard for me, so I used my time to plan and sketch ideas for new creations and business directions this Spring.
Here is a little peek of the new treasures lining the shelves in my shoppe.
More creations coming soon~ Altered Art Parisian Keepsake/Gift Boxes.
And, this little sweetie, open egg ornament with bunny is featured in my 55th treasury pick on etsy.HERE. Thank you Kim!

Also, Spring Green Bunny was also chosen for a treasury pick HERE as my 56th treasury inclusion. Thank you Miss Patti's Attic!
Remember I have a Spring Giveaway going on too, so if you have not entered and would like to, visit HERE to comment, follow or enter on that post only.
Lastly, I am also a new member with Shabby Cottage You can see my little cottage in the 6th frame down in the middle. It was an honor to be invited to join and I am overjoyed to be among such talented ladies as my neighboring shoppes.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and as always, many thanks all around for your visits, comments, giveaway entries and well wishes. You all are the best ever!!
Blessings always,
Celestina Marie
Beautiful creations from a gorgeus soul,I believe that so nice roses and decorations come from the hands of a special person!.I love them!.
Hi Celeste... sending lots of love and get well wishes your way, hoping your tests all turn out okay... love all of your gorgeous new Spring creations!... and congratulations on your Etsy items being showcased!... love that little birdie house, and of course the bunnies are just precious!... xoxo Julie Marie
Celeste, I am worried about you and hope you are okay :( You are in my thoughts and prayers always, you are such a dear, wonderful longtime friend and I love you!! Please keep me posted on how you are doing.
I LOVE everything you created!! I have been waiting for your bunnies and I just snatched up the gorgeous aqua!! Love her so much and she will look beautiful with my two pink standing bunnies from previous years :)
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on Savannah's birth. She is so precious and I am enjoying her so much, I dont want to put her down even for a second, lol! I am going to email you some pictures of her today.
Tons of love and hugs and I know Larry, Ryan and Miss Beazy are all taking good care of you and that makes me happy!!
Love all your beautiful creations! Magical roses!
Take care!
I am having huge problems with my internet filter, and it is blocking almost everyone's I can't see your lovely creations :(
I'm sorry you've been ill. I didn't know that. My blogging has been on the back burner since I started back to college. I have begun a classic movie blog, and I seem to spend more time writing on that one than Fill My Cup with Beauty, mostly because I was always relying on my kids to take photos for Fill My Cup, and they are in college now and working full-time and really don't have the time to play photographer for me. So, I've chosen to mostly write, instead of share photos, so my classic movie blog is easier for me to maintain right now. If you are interested in classic movies, feel free to stop by.
I hope you get a clean bill of health. Saying a prayer for you right now.
Celeste, every thing is beautiful as usual!!
Hi Celestina Marie,
Love all your beautiful creations you have shown today, the Easter bunnies are so pretty and the keepsake box with the black and white striped jacket girl is fabulous.
I will be thinking of you on Monday and sending lots of well wishes and prayers your way, dear friend.
Take care and hope that you are having a lovely, relaxing weekend.
Hola amiga linda!!
gracias por tu visita que alegra mi blog con tus comentarios!!!
tus trabajos preciosos!!
tu blog siempre maravilloso
te deseo un hermoso fin de semana
un abrazo grande
Celestina, I am so sorry to hear you haven't been well - I hope all your tests are fine and you are on the mend. It can't be easy for you to be sick and unable to do all teh things you usually do - take care and rest!
Fingers crossed and praying for you!
I hope you are well on your way to recovery now, and that the tests will be just fine and reassuring. Despite all the problems you still managed to create so many beautiful things, I admire you.
Well, you don;t seemed 'slowed down' to me, at least not that creative mind of yours. Happy Pink Saturday!
I'm sorry you've been ill. It certainly hasn't dampened your creative spirit any. I love all your creations; especially the bunnies and birdhouses! The bunny adorned with polka dots is very cute! Thank you for your visit and Happy Pink Saturday!
Congratulations on being asked to join The Cottage Shops. Your creations are always beautiful! I love the bunnies and the sweet birdhouses you create.
So sorry you are still not up to "par".
I've been praying for you and the doctors as you go through your tests.
I hope they are helpful in finding out how to help you.
Take care sweetie and hugs to you!
Just lovely Celeste, a breath of spring, such a pretty post.
Hi Celeste, I just received my two bunnies and they are so adorable, I have them sitting on my vanity. You do such beautiful work, I know I will treasure them for years to come. I'm a new follower as of today and I noticed you haven't been feeling well, I hope your tests come out fine and that you feel better real soon. I'm sending prayers and hugs, Jennifer
Everything you touch is more beautiful! I love the sweet bunnies and the precious little birdhouse! I hope things went well today! Take care of yourself, my friend! ♥♥♥
Hi Celestina Marie! I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick! I hope the tests came out good for you! Many blessings and healing wishes for you. Your painting and creating is absolutely stunning and so chique! I love the way you paint the flowers. Gorgeous! Have a wonderful day!
Good luck.
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