Monday, April 25, 2011

Growing an Easy Garden Chandelier~

Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend with family and friends.

As most of you know, a few months ago, I redesigned my kitchen with a remodel that was so much fun to design and I am enjoying it so much.

Since finishing the project, I made a few simply changes and wanted to share it with you as some may have a need for the same type of look.
To view the updated and finished kitchen, you can view it HERE from a previous post.

The chandy over the table, I have so enjoyed, but kept thinking it just needed a little something to garden it up for Spring.
You know how it goes, after you live with something for a bit, you see where you can add or take away, making changes if needed.

I wanted the table area to take on a bit of a garden look bringing the outdoors in. I can certainly change the centerpiece to garden style, but going one step further, I added some changes to the iron style chandelier with roosters. It had 3 hooks included for hanging pots. The area is not right for pots over the table, so I found 3 small baskets in French, Tuscan style. They all are in the same coloring, with 3 different shapes, round oval and square. Keeping the baskets similar gives a uniform look, like they belong with the light.

I then added some faux greens trailing all around and growing up the chain. The greenery had to be small for an update and not reflect the large ivy from the past. So on the hunt I went and found just the style needed for a herb garden look. The leaves are tiny and do not over power the lights iron.

The ivory fabric pleated candle shades can be changed for the cooler months with the iron style that came with the light fixture, or taken off all together for just a candle look.
For the moment, I am enjoying the ivory shades and of course the chandy has a dimmer for a soft light in the evening. I love dimmers and have them everywhere. They are easy to install and make the room glow with a candle light effect.

Here is the BEFORE light fixture~

Here Is the AFTER garden style with hanging baskets and greenery~

What a difference it made to the room. So complete and cozy and easily changed when needed which is perfect for me since I like to redo rooms often.

Thank you for stopping by to let me share in a little decorating change. Hope this might inspire some ideas for you in some way.

Have a great week.
See you soon.
Blessings, Celestina Marie

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Sending best wishes through blogland for a special Easter and Happy Springtime to all.
Let us remember and hold dear the reason for Easter, I pray for God's love to bless and keep you this Blessed Holiday and many more Springtime's to follow.

As we are about to share this special time with family and friends. I have a few house guests wanting to say hello. They only come to stay once a year and I so enjoy their company around my cottage. Please meet the gang!

All La Bunnies enjoyed your visit and wish you a wonderful weekend. This gorgeous cross stitch from several years ago is just one of the beauties I cherish and hand created by my dear friend Stephanie from Angelic Accents. She also cross stitched the darling vintage spool.

New Items just sent over to my shoppe HERE and many more on the way!

From Storybook Cottage above, I wish you a wonderful Easter weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday Shopping with a Twist!

Happy Friday Friends,
As usual, lots going on here in my toile studio and I have many new treasures ready to fill the shelves. I am working a bit slower since being sick, but creating none the less and enjoying catching up with my brushes and treasures that are longing for a redo.
I just wanted to stop in to suggest a fun shopping day with a twist at Make Mine Pink. Each Friday continues this month with the theme, A Touch of French.
You can click the link above to visit participating shoppes or HERE to visit mine.
I had so hoped to list my newest shabby rose pretties of totes, french inspired bottles, trays, tea pot, altered art picture frames and the like, but the week ran short for me. Looks like the weekend may be busy doing just that. So I invite you to stop by and browse in the knowing you are always welcome.

Thank you for the many well wishes. Your kindness has meant so much.
Have a great weekend and Palm Sunday Blessings.
Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Touch of French~

is the theme for this month of shopping with a twist from Make Mine Pink! French inspired, chic accents, decor and vintage for your shopping enjoyment.
Click HERE to visit my shoppeHere are a few french inspired creations I have to offer this week, and many more in my etsy shoppe.

French and vintage inspired, treasure nest.

Finished Paris chic inspired keepsake altered mixed media boxes

Thank you for stopping by. It is always so special to have you visit and your comments are always enjoyed and welcome.
Happy Spring Blessings, Celestina Marie

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Faux Cakes!

Finally!! They are here. Some time ago, I received a few emails asking if I would be creating faux cakes again. So finally I have a few created and a few more on the way. These are not my usual rose petal cakes from my past designs, but today fluffy pink fabric faux cakes like rich pink icing and chocolate brown fabric, that gives a look of rich chocolate fudge icing.
Calorie free and so shabby pretty for a confectionay collection or the perfect little accent on the tea table or centerpiece.
Sharing a few pics today with you and added to my etsy shoppe HERE

I had so much fun creating these with lots of details and millinery trims and my ribbon roses accented with a bit of glitter. They look so yummy, yet not fattening at all! Fresh faux created, just for you~~~~~~~~~
Have a wonderful Spring Day and see you soon.

Blessings, Celestina Marie

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1st and NO FOOLIN~~THE WINNER IS~~for my Spring Giveaway!

First, let's go through the process of pulling the winner!
The pink cowgirl hat was filled with all the entry comments and followers.

My Dear Best Guy~ mixed up the contents~

He pulled an entry~

And the WINNER IS~~~~Sandi from Rose Chintz Cottage!!

Congratulations Sandi. Please email me your address and I will send your Spring Bunny to you promptly. Take a moment to stop by Sandi's, say hello and congratulate her on this win. I am always so humbled by the many entries and the kind words commented. I wish everyone could win!! Thank you to all who took the time to stop by and participate in my Spring Giveaway. It has been so much fun and I hope you will return and enter again in my next giveaway coming soon.
Happy Spring to all!

Enjoy a wonderful weekend and great month of April to all!
Blessings always,
Celestina Marie