All this week at Etsy Cottage Style Blog we are showing our cottage colors sharing treasures we love with the color YELLOW.
I have learned over the years that I like the color yellow in accessories or as an accent color, but I do not like it on the walls. Thus a bathroom redo in the works which I will share soon. But for now, on to the party to celebrate yellow for the month of May.
As I walked around my cottage I realized I have a little more yellow then I even realized. So to start I will share one of my favorite rose bowls that is displayed on the fireplace mantel at the moment.
Have a cozy rest in this soft darker yellow guestroom chair.
This Tuscan pitcher is a real favorite for long stem flowers and I found it about 9 years ago at Hobby Lobby down the 80% off aisle. It had one little chip that I filled in with paint and wha~la, like new!
Another favorite pitcher used for ice tea is this one in a very soft yellow.
Looking through my collection of cookbooks, I noticed this one for Springtime from Gooseberry Patch with a yellow binding.
And, among my garden books I have this vintage gem with a yellow background.
Very dear and very old is this sweet needle holder book my mother created in needlepoint many years ago.
For many years I have collected metal vintage signs that are displayed in the pantry off my kitchen. Here are a few with a bit of yellow!
In another room I have a touch of yellow by accenting with these red and YELLOW Poppy flowers. They always remind me of my grandmother who grew the most gorgeous Poppies.
Pretty pillows with a touch of yellow.
How about a cup of tea from this pretty yellow teapot,
which sits a top one of a pair of vintage yellow nightstands.
Letters and stationary find a spot in this yellow with red rose organizer.
I love the yellow face of my large porch rooster.
And the yellow roof of my garden fence birdhouse.
Sweet is the yellow of this vintage bird vase.
Just picked for you from the garden is my Yellow, New Day Roses or the Yellow Rose of Texas in my garden!
Lastly, I leave you with an angel from my collection holding a yellow rose.
Thank you for visiting Etsy Cottage Style, Show Your Colors Party today. The fun goes on all week and each day new participants arrive so visit again HERE if you'd like to see more treasures. Enjoy!
See you soon.
Blessings and Blue Skies Be Yours,
Celestina Marie
Hi Celestina, love all the yellow. You know it used to be my favorite color and had a yellow kitchen for 20 years. I still love the color but do not have much anymore. Pretty, Pretty. Blessings...Lu
I like veru much yellow,also in walls,it makes me positive!.Your creations are beautiful,no words to add...I couldn't choose between them!.Bye,have a nice week.
Hi Celestina, Great post you have there of yellow. I love yellow as an accent color but I do have a pale butter yellow bedroom and thought I would hate it but I love it. You can add soft greens, pinks, peach and blues. So it is an easy shade to work with but it is Butter and really soft so I found it to be very versatile like creams, Hugs and have a great week, Marilou
I'm loving your yellow collection.
OH love yellows, even on walls, just not the kind that's too bright.
Celestina, I enjoyed visiting you today and seeing all your pretty yellow things. I also visited yesterday and read about your customer and how she has collected your items for a long time. That must thrill your heart for a customer to do that. I know I would be thrilled. Have a wonderful rest of the week!.
Celestina, as usual a beautiful post! I love your yellow roses!! I have some red rose bushes, I will have to look for some yellow ones!! I love the bench too, so very pretty. What a treasure you have with your mother's little needle case.
Take care
All that beautiful yellow is eye candy!
Have a fabulous day my friend!
Hi Celeste, I love soft yellows especially when paired with blue. You have a very nice collection - it makes everything seem so cheery. I am off to find my "yellow" for todays party,
Celestina so happy to find you. Adore your assortment of special finds!!
Art by Karena
Do Come and enter my Great Giveaway from Serena & Lily!Ends the 25th
You will love it!
Oh Celeste, your yellows are so pretty!... I love the color yellow and everything you showed is so beautiful... that little vintage yellow nightstand is my favorite!... and of course your Yellow Rose of Texas... the little handmade bench is cute too... well, as you can tell, I loved it all!... yellow always cheers me up too!... Hope you do not get the tornadoes that you are under the watch for, and that Miss Beazy does not get too scared... Tessy sends her love and so do I... xoxo Julie Marie
Such a pretty accent color ~ yellow in small doses is beautiful and goes with so many other colors. Love all your sweet touches of it. I especially love the Olde Dutch Cleanser tin sign and of course, the precious needlepoint needle keeper of your dear mother's.
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Sweet Celeste ~ I love all your yellows but that teapot says 'it's tea time' ... I love it. A step back in time seeing all these treasures ...
I hope that you are safe during these terrible storms rampaging across the country.
Have a beautiful eve ~
Hugs & love,
Hello, Sweet Celeste!
The tour through your beautiful yellow treasures was pure joy!!
I love the gorgeous yellow nightstand and the pitchers, and......all of it!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. Have a wonderful week!
Grandma G's
My first visit here and what lovely yellow's you are showing. I am not a big lover of yellow I wouldn't have a yellow car or yellow rooms, I may well try some softer yellow accents though thanks for the ideas
Love Dawn xx
Yep, you ARE the yellow rose of Texas with all those lovely treasures. But wait, I am thinking you are more the PINK rose of Texas with the gorgeous roses you paint!!!
Thanks for joining in the ECS party:)
Hi Celestina Marie,
I love all the beautiful yellow around your home and isn't it always such a bright and cheery colour.
How sweet the darling needlepoint holder book your Mother created.
Also thanks for the Yellow Rose of Texas, it is so pretty.
Hope that you are having a lovely week
I love yellow too Celeste. I do love it on walls as well. I have my living room painted a nice buttery color. To each his own though on wall color, that is why paint companies make so many different ones. : )
Looking forward to seeing the bathroom.
I love all the wonderful yellows in your photos!
So glad I found you through the “All Kinds of Artists” Artist blog hop!
I am your newest blog follower. :)
Looking forward to seeing your upcoming posts!
I welcome you to check out my art blog, too!
Mary C. Nasser
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