Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday, hosted by the dear
Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage.
Today I would like to invite you to tea in my kitchen as I take an afternoon break from a very busy creating day. Summertime gives way to lots of breaks when the temps are soaring and while it is 100 degrees outside, it is cool and cozy inside.
I have set my table with a gorgeous vintage set given to me from my mother, when I married. She enjoyed it first in the 50's and then passed in on to me when I married in 1973. Called Luster ware, the design is so pretty and hand painted on each piece including the teapot, cream and sugar, cups and saucers. The china is thin and nearly transparent. The colors still brilliant after all these years. I remember how proud I was to display this set in our first little apartment 38 years ago. And, I am still just as happy to include it in my decor today. It is a sweet reminder of the love my mother had for me when she took the pieces off her hutch and passed them on to me.
So let's enjoy tea with my pretty white rooster and my fresh picked flowers from my garden, just for you!

Recently, I added two little bowls I had for some time, with two of the cups and saucers making a trio which I love together. The tea set has 4 cups total, so now I will be on the look out for 2 more bowls to add.

Love the floral tea cup design.

Love, the pretty bowl pattern.

The markings on the tea set from Japan and the bowls Pegasus, made in the USA.

With our table set and a rooster pillow for your comfort, let's enjoy Earl Grey tea and my banana tea bread topped with strawberries.

In my treasure hunt recently I found a set of 4 very pale pink water glasses. They are in perfect condition and I wish they had more, for I would have snapped them up.

Here is my recipe for the banana tea bread. I have been baking this for over 30 years and it has always been a hit.
Tea Bread
2 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
3 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons veg. oil or canola oil.
1 1/4 cups milk~ (I use skin milk)
1 egg
1 cup finely chopped nuts optional (I have used pecans, walnuts and peanuts at different times and all give an individual flavor)
Ready to be baked this way or by adding the bananas it changes slightly~~
For Banana bread as I have made today, decrease milk to 3/4 cup and add 1 cup mashed bananas, about 2-3 med. I have learned using 3 average size bananas makes for a more moist bread.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Mix all ingredients and pour into a greased and floured tube pan or loaf pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 55-65 minutes.
Makes approx. 16 slices.
Also freezes very well.

Thank you Sandi for hosting our Tea Time Tuesday. To visit more participants, travel
HERE to Sandi's and view the list of more tea parties to attend.
I'll send you off with my bouquet of flowers and many thanks for coming to tea today and taking a break with me this beautiful afternoon. As I put away my tea set in my kitchen hutch till next time, I hope you enjoy a beautiful rest of the day and all good blessings be yours.

Smiles from Texas,
Celestina Marie