Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Love From Yesterday"


There is a cozy little corner, within my cottage dear,
Crying for a visit and so I sat right there.

With chair that graced a redo and table close at hand,
I’ll sit my sweet green tea cup with thoughts of days to plan.

My mind so filled with ideas,
While sipping raspberry tea.

I’ll plan and wish and dream away
Of things not yet to be.

Sweet teacup was so lonely, until I filled her up,
My chance to recall memories of days and loved ones much.

Remembering this teacup a gift to Mother dear,
From a sweet little God child, for a birthday one fine year.

Wrapped in pink with ribbons and smiles of giving delight,
Mother opened the precious present for delicate was inside.

With glee and squeals of affection and hugs to go around,
Godchild was so happy for Mother was so proud.

Through the years sweet tea cup, gave joys and love untold,
Mother cherished it completely, for God had blessed her so.

With love and admiration for simple things in life,
I learned a faithful lesson, to give is always right.

Today this green sweet tea cup, lives with me right here,
Within my cozy corner forever to be dear.

Joined in many moments upon my comfy spot,
I cherish quiet blessings and tea within sweet cup.

For life has given joys never to compare,
And when I want to visit, I’ll sit upon my chair.

Sweet teacup will be waiting to meet me for the day,
And together we’ll remember,
Love from Yesterday!
author,© Celestina Marie 2011

Thank you for visiting!
Love from Texas,
Celestina Marie


Betty said...

A beautiful post and such a beautiful teacup and saucer.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

What a sweet corner to sit and have a cup of tea. I love the precious cup and saucer and your poem is wonderful.
Thanks for sharing and also your kind words in wishing my husband a happy birthday.
Hope that the rest of the week is beautiful.


Draffin Bears said...

Thank you for your kind words about my blog, Victoria helped me with this in the weekend.
I love your new look to your blog, the beautiful background and the delicate pink roses and bird on your header.


Mariette's Back to Basics said...

Dearest Celestina Marie,

Wow, you keep surprising us! You also write poetry and what a fitting poem for such a special and lovely Japanese teacup.

Lots of love from Georgia,


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a beautiful post and a beautiful tea cup and saucer!! Stunning!!


BrushedByAnAngel said...

Wow!! You write poetry, too. You have so many wonderful talents, Celeste. The poem is beautiful and so is your teacup. Happy Teacup Tuesday,

Susan said...

Celestina, what a beautiful poem! I could see sitting there drinking tea out of that cup and thinking about my mother...

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

What a beautiful little spot to get away and remember the ones we love so dear.

Beautiful post.


Julie Marie said...

Oooh Celeste, what a beautiful sweet little poem!... your creativity never ceases to amaze me... and your little green teacup is just precious!... enjoy your cozy little corner and happy memories as you sip you tea and daydream... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie

Snap said...

Gorgeous! Lovely words and beautiful tea cup. I think everyone needs a special place to sit and sip! Happy Tea Day!

Unknown said...

What a nice poem and a sweet teacup too. I visited you yesterday too and saw your beautiful hand painted treasures. You are so talented. Thank you for visiting me. I always enjoy stopping by to visit you. Have a great day my sweet friend from Texas.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I've ever seen such a beautiful tea cup!! So unique.

I love your poem C and especially so knowing you wrote it. It's beautiful.
Hugs and love

Unknown said...

You have incredible talent! You need to link this up to the Tea Party today how wonderful is this amazing poem. You are a lovely and beautiful women with quite a blog here to retreat too...I am so glad you found me so I can follow you! Blessings, Trish

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hello dear friend,
What an amazing and talented lady you are! Your poem is so sweet and the tea cup is lovely. It blessed my heart to see the tea cup with your open Bible. A lovely and touching post for Tea Time. Thank you for sharing it with us today and thank you for your prayers. Have a beautiful day.

Blessings and hugs,

Shirl said...

Hi Celeste, hope your doing well. Your poem is so sweet and your teacup is stunning! I love your cozy little corner of your room. I enjoyed your past few posts and I noticed you mentioned Earl Gray Tea on a previous post, that is my favorite tea. It's delish and the scent just calms your nerves right down. Loved your new painted items also.
Love, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Shirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shirl said...

Hi Celeste, my comment posted twice so I deleted one.

Ginny said...

Awww, that was such a sweet poem,Celese. I love the teacup! Thank you for sharing this lovely memory.

Happy-Sonne said...

Dear Celestina Marie
You have really a sweet corner to sit, dream and have a cup of tea. It's a beautiful teacup und saucer.
Thank you for your kind words about my blog.
Have a nice week and all the best from Switzerland.
Hugs Yvonne

Vintage Revival said...

wow doesnt a cup of tea just taste completely different and so much better out of a cute tea set like that!

Mari said...



Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
I just came from Lynn. I also love your Beautiful post so sweet, you have lots to look at!! I do love your Teacup so sweet. Im your newest follower on your lovely Blog. I hope you can come over to see my Tablescapes and join me.
I also hope you have a Great Week.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Such a precious post! Celeste, you've been holding out on me ~ I didn't know you also wrote poetry! I knew within the first couple of lines that this just sounded like you, the way you talk, the way you think. Just beautiful, dear friend!

Angelic Accents

tattina said...

So wonderful tea time.
It was a real pleasure to visit your nice blog.

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