This years vacation found us hitting the road before the sun came up.
Traveling along in the calm of the early morning to our destination on our 38th wedding anniversary.
Each year we plan a little getaway on our special day. It has become a tradition for us to celebrate a new year of marriage with a little R&R.
Our travels to Hot Springs, Arkansas was beautiful and relaxing as we enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. Many trees looked like they were turning rust with Fall colors, but we quickly realized they were fading fast due to the terribly hot temperatures we have and still have this summer. Just six hours away the heat was less intense and for that we were very happy to have a break even with a few degrees.
Hot Springs is a beautiful city surrounded by Pine Tree covered mountain tops. The countryside is beautiful and standing at the top of West Mountain over looking the city was breathtaking.
Walking around the old Victorian style city was so much fun. Beautiful buildings, vintage landmarks, special boutiques and of course a few hot springs were among the interesting sights. One of the cities oldest hotels is The Arlington. We did not stay here, but we did walk through the lobby and browsed the gift shops. The building is old and showing age.
The main street is lined with Southern Magnolia Trees and give such a sense of nostalgia as we walked all around.
Beautiful city fountains that continually stream a steady flow of HOT water. You can see steam coming right out of the fountain. I touched the water, and yes, it is hot.
The downtown area also has situated on the sidewalk, a tribute called The Walk Of Fame. The following pics are just a few of the many famous people included.
One side of the street flourishes the famous Bath House Row. These are establishments from the early 1900's when it was all the rage to be pampered in a hot bath. Beautiful large porches on the bath houses with relaxing chairs to over look the downtown area. Sculptures beautifully situated on the front lawns of the bath houses line the fronts where Magnolia trees scatter their ever dropping leaves. These bath houses are still operating today.
Lots of boutique and antique shopping all along the main and side streets. My "Best Guy" is a dear to carry my packages.
We found some great antique malls off the beaten path too. They were so large it took several hours to go through each one.
We enjoyed more beautiful mountain views in the pines and relaxing lake scenes.
As our stay continued we traveled about 7 minutes from Hot Springs to The Garvan Woodland Gardens where the Anthony Glass Chapel is situated in the wooded pines overlooking the beautiful gardens. We have visited here several years ago and was inside the chapel. It is beautiful to sit in a pew and look out over the nature all around. The bell tower rings out a hymn in chimes that echos across the pines. This year a wedding was taking place and no visitors could go inside until the wedding was over. So we walked around the gardens, took pics and enjoyed the restful peace of this gorgeous spot.
Another Anniversary vacation comes to a finish, but we will remember the peaceful and relaxing time shared in a beautiful part of our America. As the cows said goodbye, we take the road home thankful for a wonderful time.
Thank you for stopping by to share in our little trip. We always love to get away for a restful break, but even more thankful to return home.
Me and my "Best Guy" 38 years ~~ together forever in love and life!
Blessings always!

Wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary each year with a get away just for the two of you. Your depiction of Hot Springs Arkansas is absolutely right on. Mr. C's sister and husband live in Hot Springs Village and we have visited several times. She is active in the gardening and the designing club and gets to do plantings and holiday decorating for these wonderful places including the governors mansion. Your trip sounds perfect. Welcome home...
P.S. I am still overwhelmed with your generous give I won...I am posting it Friday.
Wishing you Happy Anniversary again!
The town looks lovely and a fun place to visit!
All the antique shops would be fun to visit.
You two look great in the pic at the table, holding hands and so much in love. Congrats on 38 yrs. It's rarer and rarer these days!
Enjoy your weekend, friend!
Hugs to you!
Congratulations on your 38 years, add l0 yrs that is what we will celebrate in October. We are hoping to get away, but it depends on several things. I am so happy that you shared your trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas. It looked like a beautiful place to visit. It does look so relaxing as you said. Have a great weekend. Your Missouri Friend.
Happy anniversary! 38 years is so inspiring! :-) Beautiful pictures!!
Have a great weekend.
Celestina Hello! What a great trip, romantic and fresh, is a great way to celebrate your love, congratulations! Again good luck, Lecoq
Beazutiful photos al...but especially the last one,a young couple who is in love like as the first of their weeding day.You are lucky to take care of a so gorgeus treasure,a true love.
great wacation and beautiful nature. thank you for share with us this divine photos,and you are so pretty!
have a nice weekend,xx tina
Celestina Marie,
What beautiful pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful time.
Happy anniversary!
Hi Celeste, what a beautiful place to spend your 38th anniversary in! I love all of the history that goes along with the town, especially the walk of fame. The buildings and countryside are all so pretty and I loved seeing some of the Autumn colors already... the chapel was my favorite, what a serene, calming spot. The photo of the cows saying goodbye is just too cute!... and what a perfect photo to end with of you and your best guy!... thanks for sharing your special vacation photos... xoxo Julie Marie
Awww, you two look like a couple of high schoolers going steady & having a soda after school. Just need two straws & one glass!
Firstly, congratulations on your 38 years.. I pray you have many more.
Your photos were so relaxing to go through your trip with you. I found them extremely calming. From the road photo, to the mountains & then the running spring. Gorgeous Ms.C... just gorgeous.
What a gorgeous 'honey' & handsome couple you are. So glad you all had a marvelous time.
Beautiful countryside. I can just hear the chapel bells ringing sweetly.
The pictures are beckoning ... going on our list. Haven't done much down that way, tho been in Arkansas several times.
Again, may your 38th year be filled with many blessings & joys, sweet friend.
PS TYSM for the concerns ... yes, it will be a weekend of tests with this weather. I couldn't believe there was no damage in the house from the earthquake ... so fingers crossed with Irene.
Have a great weekend ~
Hugs of love,
Beautiful way to celebrate an anniversary!! Your photos were lovely and both places look breath taking... thank you for sharing the photos... Happy Anniversary!!! wishing you a fabulous week-end..xo HHL
You're so sweet! Thanks for thinking of us! We are far enough inland that we should be fine. Wind and rain possible but coastal area may be much worse.
Have a great weekend!
Your home now, what a beautiful vacation for your anniversary, I enjoyed every single picture. You have such a cute smile and your guy is quite handsome. Happy to have you back safe and sound and I just popped in to see if you were back. I had left you an anniversary wish hope you received it. Many blessings...Lu
What a fabulous trip, and thank you for sharing all of these wonderful photos. Looks like a beautiful place for a beautiful couple. Celeste you look like you are in your thirties, how could you be married for 38 years. You are gorgeous.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Dearest Celestina Marie,
That surely was a delightful trip and the Bride of 38 years looks still very charming and young! No wonder that the groom looks beaming too...
Those Hot Springs are special and so is the scenery, and the buildings and that paved walkway; wish I could stroll there now. Away from our heat.
Love to you,
What a beautiful place to visit and relax. You are very photogenic in your cute. And I loved the scenery. Have a lovely weekend.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Hi Celestina, I forgot to mention that while you were on vacation, I entered Tea Cup Tuesday and would like you to visit again so you could see my very first tea set, given to me by my dear mother. The Tea Cup Tuesday before that one is my work, I do the decal work and fire them in my kiln. Hope you find a minute to visit again, and thank you for your sweet comment. Blessings...Lu
Happy Anniversary:) So glad you had a great trip. I know Miss Beazy was glad you came home. Thank You for all my goodies and the cute hangers:)
You are so sweet,I always feel like it is a special occasion when I receive one of you pkg. We had our 30th.Aniv.June26. Hope you have a great weekend. Sweet Hugs,Mary:)
Celestina, thank you so much for coming back to see my tea sets, I appreciate it and it meant a lot to me that you did my friend. It was so sweet of you. Hugs...Lu
Happy Anniversary and many more! Your trip looks just delightful! I would love to have such a sweet trip! My oldest and her hubby celebrate 11 years today. Unfortunately they are in the midst of a move and she hurt her back earlier moving boxes! Hugs Anne
THIRTY EIGHT YEARS???? That is a blessing, such a gift! I will be celebrating my 30th this coming March. Celestina Marie, that was a dreamy trip for ME! I love how you textured the photos to give a dream look to them. And there was a beautiful low, compact little hedge with tiny white flowers that caught my attention. Magic, sweetness and love surely was part of this vacation for you!
Thank you for visiting; it is always wonderful to see you. AND I am also enjoying painting furniture this summer!I can't stop! Yesterday, I painted a mini theatre that I build about 2 years ago. I painted it with an under coat of black then with a top coat of light gray. It will get the "shabby" treatment. Such fun before school stress sets in!
Enjoy! Anita
Oh Celeste, Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful celebration for such a beautiful couple!! I hope you had the best time...and thank you for sharing such a gorgeous pictures, my friend.
WOW first I want to say you look way too young to be married 38 years! Looks like you had a wonderful and relaxing anniversary vacation. Thanks for sharing the pretty pics.
Oh and thanks for stopping by to say hello this morning. Its been a super busy week painting, wondering if we were going to get a hurricane, then my poor Trigger went lame in one leg out of the blue so I have been trying to nurse him back to health. Lots of tests at the vets office. Today he seems a little better.
Anyway, hope you have a wonderful week and check out my new post featuring my latest painting (I think you will like it)
Dear Celestina Marie
Congratulations! So nice your pictures!
Thank you for the nice comment on my blog.
I wish you a good start in the new week and send you a lot of greetings from Switzerland.
Hugs Yvonne
Happy Anniversary, I love Hot Springs Arkansas, I go there every year to a Women's Conference. Do you get a chance to get a spa treatment at the Bath House? It is wonderful!!! Your pictures were wonderful!!!!
Happy 38th Anniversary and congratulations! Your pictures are lovely, and so is your photography. You two make quite the beautiful couple.
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