For this special couple, their wedding was not glitz or glamour. No gorgeous dress and no big wedding reception. My dad had just come home from the war a couple weeks earlier and asked his beloved to marry him. They had no money and no way to prepare a gathering to celebrate, but my grandmother did make a wonderful day with dinner and special memories to last a lifetime. No one could even afford a camera and dads camera he used in the war, never made it home, so I have no pictures of that special day only the stories my precious mother and dad told me many times growing up.
In my mind I can see the day, cold and snowing, but warm with true love and hope for the future.
They did not want to wait to marry and do a lot of planning for they were already apart 3 years while dad served his time all over Europe in WWII. So marry they did and a union was blessed with God's love and faithfulness.
In all their days, that faith held strong and God did direct their path in many wonderful ways. They taught me what struggle and sacrifice was all about, how hard work and staying power would see you through tough times and that trust in God would be the rock on which to build your house.
Today I am very thankful for the life they gave me, the teachings I reflect on most everyday, and the love they gave unconditionally. I can't imagine how wonderful it would have been to marry just 3 days before Christmas and to celebrate for years that anniversary so many times before they passed away. Christmas was always special in our home with the anniversary of two sweet people and the celebration of Jesus' birth.
For me today, so close to Christmas, my thoughts go back to their special day, I give thanks to my most high FATHER for the gift he planned for me so many years ago.
Memories are very special and in honor of 66 years ago, I celebrate true love.
Our last picture at Christmas together, celebrating mother and dad's 52nd wedding anniversary.
Merry Christmas and Merry Memories!

Hi Celestina Marie,
Beautiful post and such happy memories of your dear parents.
Loved seeing the photograph of your lovely family.
May this be a Christmas you'll always treasure for the joy it brings and the memories it leaves.
Warmest wishes to you and may you have a year ahead filled with happy days.
What a beautiful post! I loved seeing the photo of your family.
I hope the rest of your holidays will be full of love and magic!
Celeste, thank you so much for sharing this story with us. It brought tears to my eyes! You see, my Mom and Dad also got married when my Dad came home on leave from the Air Force. He was being sent to Germany (during the Korean War) and they wanted to marry before he left. Like your parents, they didn't have a big wedding. Both of my parents have passed, also, and I miss them so much. Thank you for the lovely memories this morning. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas.
Hugs, Cindy
What a wonderful love story! How great that they had so many wonderful years together and produced such a sweetheart of a daughter!
You all look so happy in your family photo. What a great picture.
You're truly blessed to have those precious memories!
Dearest Celestina Marie,
Indeed this story makes one misty-eyed especially knowing that your Dad and others did go to Europe to liberate my Parents and family... It was a time of hardship. My parents had to wait for getting married till 1949 as they too had nothing after the war. They dated 7 years; forced to hold on... But they're united for almsot 62 yeas now, coming February. They are our true role models as they endured so much and yet the young generation thinks life is being handed to them from a wish list...
Let's hope that these high morals and values will once again be accepted and practiced! That is my Christmas wish...
Love to you dear friend,
Hi Celestina Marie! What a sweet remembrance post you made for your parents. The warmth of your family still glows through the picture. Memories live in such a special corner of our hearts and minds and always stay alive as if those moments or the people we shared the special moments with are still there and Thank God for the people who invented photocamera! You were so blessed to have such a warm nest!
Only 2 days to go and then we gather new memories for a new Christmas :-)
What a loving tribute to your precious parents. I can just feel the warmth of there smiles shinin' on you right now sweetie. They must be proud!
God bless and have a wonderfully blessed and beautiful Christmas Celestina Marie!!!
Dear friend,
Merry Christmas !!!!!
2012 heart I wish you full of creativity and friendship!
With love, Laura.
Your post brings warmth (and tears)to my heart. It is an amazing story of true love and celebration of what it means to truly give of each other. My mom and dad also married around Christmas when my father returned from the Korean war. They didn't want to wait any longer and remained married until my father passed away about 7 years ago now. We can be very thankful that they instilled in us good values.
Very delightful post!
Merry Christmas,
A beautiful story indeed, and it brought tears to my eyes because there are not many things in the world I am sure of, but I am sure of God's love. My mom and dad married very young too and right after they married, my dad was off overseas in WW11 and came back to my mom around a year later. They both have passed away also, but they are in my heart every day. I just love to hear stories of our precious loved ones, and I thank you for sharing yours with me. Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad. They raised such a lovely daughter.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Dearest Celeste, I love the stories you share about your family, they are always very touching and more often than not bring tears to my eyes.
You are very blessed to have had such a loving family.
I wish you and your family the very merriest Christmas and thank you for your friendship.
Warmest hugs,
What a beautiful post and such wonderful memories.
Thank you for always sharing your life with us. It is so awesome how both of our lives in a way mirror each other. Your parents were so broke when they got married and so were mine. Oh those stories are so precious aren't they? I never get tired of family history and the wonderful stories. Merry Christmas, Celeste to you and yours, and may your New Year bring so much more happiness to all of you! God bless you abundantly!
Hello Celestina Marie...what a beautiful name! Thank you for stopping by to say's nice 'meeting' you. What a wonderful memory of your Mom and Dad's wedding day and anniversary. My parents married right after the war also...only they married in England as my Dad was a Canadian soldier. Thank you for sharing such a special memory and day with all of us. Have a Very Merry Christmas and all the best to you and your family for 2012.
Maura :)
Celeste, beautiful words and memories. Nothing like wonderful memories especially with our beloved parents. I can feel the love in your lovely family. Merry Christmas to you and yours...Lu
OHHH Celeste, what beautiful and special memories you have, how romantic and so tender and so very sweet :) your truly blessed in so many ways, and to think you are the product of that beautiful love :)
Thanks so much for sharing your precious memories with us :)
Wishing you and your beautiful family a joyous and healthy holiday :)
Lots of love sweet friend,
Such a beautiful love story Celeste... and a wonderful picture of your family... I know how precious your family and all of your memories are to you, as mine are the same to me... thank you for sharing their story on their anniversary... xoxo Julie Marie
Dearest Celeste, your story was so beautiful. The memories we each have our times with our dear parents are so special. I miss mine so much, but treasure all those wonderful memories.
Merry Christmas my friend.
What a sweet tribute to such precious parents as you must have had ~ and thanks so very much for sharing such personal memories with us all, dear Celeste. I'll email you soon! Love you!
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