My dear guy enjoys treasure hunting with me and has a great eye for just the right items for me to paint, redesign and create with. He even sees goodies I miss. So together we make a great team to go junkin!
Last month we had some extra vacation days, so off to one of our favorite spots in Fort Worth, Texas we went and hit the road with great expectations of treasures to find.
As we traveled our beautiful Texas countryside, we passed scenery like this~
And the Tractor Supply here~
The Silo's there~
The Pink Smoothie here~ which wasn't open even though the sign said it was, but next time it's on my list!!
Finally we arrived at our destination, at this spot with the awesome gazebo in front.
No pictures to be taken inside, so I will see you in the next paragraph with my new treasures.
But first, we stopped for lunch here and had a wonderful time~~
Here are my great finds~~
Can't wait to tackle creations with these goodies.
So homeward bound we go, happy for a wonderful vacation day, past the beautiful countryside.
Past the lake and golf course~
Back home to our waiting Miss Beazy Lee~
Looking forward to more vacation days and I hope you enjoy a few day trips too.
Till next time,
Happy Junkin,
Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie