Welcome Friends to another Tea Time Tuesday. Well, I hate to report, it is still HOT, HOT, HOT here and the triple digit temps are still hanging on. My poor flowers are reaching for the water that does not come from the skies, but rather my garden hose which is really getting a work out, along with the water meter that goes around like a Ferris wheel. LOL
Well, what does one do in a heat wave but serve tea~~~
Today our tea is in the dining room with a pretty tea cup given to me from my dear friend Ann of Ann's Finds. This cup is like a dainty mug in a black and white zebra design and topped with a gorgeous and detailed pink rose. I have teamed it up with a pretty black and white toile style saucer.
One of my favorite tea pots is this pretty white with gold trim. I have enjoyed it for 30 years and was a gift from my secret pal sister from church.
For a pretty back drop display, I have added another one of my favorite black and white plates. I only have two of these and always keep on the lookout for more.
Gingham napkin in a fan fold and tied with a pink ribbon is a nice accent and a special glass box with a pretty black and white chandelier on the lid holds our tea bag selection.
The scent of my beautiful Tyler Candle is rose and a nice addition to our visit. This candle was sent to me from my dear friend Mary who lives in Tyler, Texas and her blog is Crash and Smash.
Petite Roses fill this large toile mug with pink handle.
I so enjoyed having you today. It has been a relaxing break inside as the temps soar.
Thank God for the AC.
Please visit our gracious hostess, Sandi, of Rose Chintz Cottage, for many more participants for Tea Time Tuesday.

And, in case you did not see my last post, I have a Giveaway going on in honor of my wedding anniversary.
Visit HERE to read about it, but you can enter by commenting on any post till the drawing.
I will be on a little vacation, so I'll thank you in advance for stopping by and leaving any comments. I'll visit you when I return.
Good Luck!
Blessings to you,
Celestina Marie