Friday, August 19, 2011

And, THE WINNER IS~~~~~~~~

Pulled from the Pink cowgirl hat, by my best guy~~Is Createology!! Yea!!
Congrats to our winner!! Please email your address with full name and your new treasures will be on the way to you promptly!! So excited to send you your giveaway gifts!

Thank you to everyone who entered, commented and became a follower for my Anniversary Giveaway. There were many entries to place in the hat and I appreciate each and everyone who continued to come by and visit even while I was on vacation and scheduled my posts. I always wish I could send a gift to everyone, but of course we know that is not possible. I have met so many special friends and look forward to catching up with my visits to you, now that I am attached to my laptop again. LOL!! It felt great to keep the laptop at home and really take a much needed break!

Our vacation days and anniversary were wonderful and I will share a bit of our trip soon. In the meantime, I am back in the studio and creating away for Fall, Christmas and everything in between.

While I was gone, a little purchase arrived from my dear friend Mariette's boutique. I ordered this darling little blue angel tote wonderfully created by an artist from Europe. An artist that Mariette has items from in her shoppe. The tote is going perfectly to the paws of my blue toile bunny to hold tiny books in my library. Oh how adorable it is and accents our room perfectly.

Visit Mariette HERE where you can be taken to her boutique and view the many gorgeous treasures she has from the U.S. and abroad.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I hope it is cool somewhere. It is still triple digits here in Texas. The ground is so dry that many yards are cracked wide open.
It's so HOT even this little lizard is swinging on my welcome wind chime trying to catch a breeze!

Thank you again for your interest in my giveaway and your dear friendship. Your visits and comments are always welcomed! Have a great weekend!

See you next week for Tea Time as I have a few tea cups found on vacation to share and pics of our trip.
In the meantime, I'll be in the studio
"swingin paint brushes"
Blessings and Blue Skies be yours~