The manger was painted with the holy family, the wise men and camels, the Shepard's and animals. The manger itself had 3 parts, but after our move here to Texas, the two side stalls had broken. However the blessing was the center manger stall was still in tack and for that I was thankful.
Simply elegant, it looks aged just the way mom intended it to be. Over the years, mom was asked by her church to display it for all to enjoy, which she so graciously did. These days, since mother's passing, it shows proudly here in our home with the reminders why we celebrate Christmas at all. The birth of the Lord Jesus and why he came to this world.
Without anymore words, I will just share the pics of a treasured keepsake that means so much. Included is the mantel where we also hang a painting of that special event.
May the true meaning of the season be your reason for celebration.
Merry Christmas