Tuesday, March 6, 2012
~~Thursday Marketplace~~
Hello Blog Friends,
Welcome to Thursday Marketplace brought to you from Shabby Cottage Shops this week the 8th of March. We are back on with our Thursday Marketplace shopping for 2012, and oh boy, there are lots of great boutique participants with wonderful treasures in store to visit, view and give a new home. Many have wonderful sales, specials and items you do not want to miss.
And, to announce~~
I invite you also to visit my boutique HERE as I am opening my Thursday Marketplace shopping with a new section in my shop called the "5 and 10 shop"
Remember the days of the 5&Dimes? Well this is the idea where you can find many great bargains marked from 5 and 10 dollars. I will be adding goodies to this category every week and it is filling up fast and treasures leaving fast!!
Many items when marked down will arrive in this section too, so you never know what could be on the shelf next and what you might find that you have maybe had an eye on. Visit often as the inventory rotates around with lots of hand painted treasures embellished or painted shabby cottage based just for you.
Here is a little preview of what to expect.
Hope to see you then or any Thursday each week. Till then, I'll be swinging my paint brushes and creating in my french toile studio.
Smiles, Celestina Marie
I loved the 5 & dime stores. What a great idea to have for your shop. The candle holder is soo cute and so are the other things. Will hop over and take a look.
What beautiful decorative tiems for the home!!
Have a Great Day!!
I love your 5 and dime Thursdays Marketplace! The products are fabulous and such great prices!
Boutique Scrabble is going to be a fun new giveaway event every week during Thursdays Marketplace at Shabby Cottage Shops! I would like to invite all your lovely followers to come and join in the fun this Thursday as we debut Boutique Scrabble at Shabby Cottage Shops.
Lovin' all your "pretties"!!
Everywhere I look around my house, I find items I've gotten from you - from candles to decorated boxes to lamps!! Love 'em all!!!
ps...I'm having a give-away - please take a peek!!
I loved those old 5 and dimes stores and I love the idea of your 5 and 10 shop. I did check it out and also the Thursday Marketplace.
It's always great to see your beautiful things.
Hugs, Barb
sounds like fun, I will be sure to stop in!
Hi Celestina,
I came by to visit several times, but could never connect - I am finally able to. You have so many pretty items here. I love the little white bird and the 'Amore' sign. I have a thing for birds, and I am seeing them around alot lately. These lovelies are just perfect for spring. Have a good week.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
I love your jars and perfume bottle, I am off to visit your shop!
Aren't you the clever one Celeste, it's a great idea to have a shop within a shop...good luck with your five and ten! Not that you need luck, everything is delighful and is sure to sell in no time at all.
Beautiful items Celeste! You are so creative... the door plate is soooo cute.
Hope you had a great birthday with your guys. I love birthdays and the opportunity to be with loved ones.
Have a great week and hugs to Larry!
Love and hugs, Sherry
Hi Celestina Marie,
I love all the pretty gifts you have in your shop, the sweet bird and the Amore door plaque are gorgeous.
Happy week
When I lived in Boston as a girl there was a five and dime around the corner on my block. I loved that store as on birthdays or mother's day you could find little gifts for next to nothing. Then get your flowers free picking them on the way home to give along with the gift. Thanks for the memory! Hugs.
Hi Celeste... everything is so pretty!... oh how I loved the 5 and 10 cent stores, wish we still had those... I love that beautiful key holder!... hope you are having nice Spring weather, much love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
I well remember the 5 and dime stores. Oh, my how times have changes. You are such a genius in your marketing. Took a peek in your shop earlier, Celeste. Always elegance abounds.
Hope your feeling better, my friend. Have missed you.
Have a lovely PS weekend ~
~Giveaway ends 3/15 ~
Hi Celestina!
It's been too long since I visited you last. So sorry. Not intentional. I swear the days go by way too fast and next thing you know it's months. Hope you are doing great. I thought I would pop over and say hello. Love everything you posted. You always have the prettiest things around.
Wishing you sunshine and roses always,
Janet's Creative Pillows
Celester, everything looks great. Especially love the key holder. Enjoy spring...we're having lovely weather here in NY..
Hi Celestina Marie,
Many thanks for your kind visit today, always a pleasure to hear from you. Always such beautiful gifts in your shop, everything is so pretty.
Hope that you are enjoying your weekend and St Patrick's day
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