Sunday, April 29, 2012
If The Shoe Fits~~~~
In: celestina marie design, Etsy Cottage Style, shoe molds 9:51:00 PM By: Celestina MarieSome of the molds he worked with are displayed in my home in their original form. I love seeing the knicks and dents, scratches and wear from years of use. I would never paint these from great grandpa, but I have painted and designed many. Small molds for Christmas tree ornaments and larger styles for desk accents holding pens and business cards. Even bookends work well with these old treasures. Today I am linking to The What-Not Party from Etsy Cottage Style. As you might also know, every Monday from Etsy Cottage Style we have a unique weekly party. Since this month has an extra Monday, this unusual topic is the feature.
As it was explained, A what-not is a piece of furniture derived from the French étagère, which was exceedingly popular in England in the first three-quarters of the 19th century. It usually consists of slender uprights or pillars, supporting a series of shelves for holding china, ornaments, trifles, or what not, hence the allusive name. In its English form, although a convenient piece of drawing room furniture, it was rarely beautiful. The early mahogany examples are, however, sometimes graceful in their simplicity. So, this party will showcase What-Nots, be it a piece of furniture with a collection in it or just the collection itself. Thus, my What-Not is my collection of shoe molds that I display on a very high staircase ledge going to my second floor.
Recently my dear friend Ann, from Ann's Finds, and I, were talking about the molds while shopping in one of our favorite antique markets, when we saw a "high heel" shoe mold sitting on the checkout desk for customers to use the pen and take a card. They are most unusual and hard to find today, but the one we saw was designed into a desk holder for pen and business cards. Of course we just loved it and I said how much I would love to find the high heel shoe mold sometime to create something special for a desk accessory.
Anyway, long story short, Ann was at an estate sale and found not one, but two molds shaped in the high heel style. She got them both and brought them to me to style. Now the one we saw in the antique market, had a high heel glued on from a vintage high heel. So I began to shop the local thrift stores in search of a skinny high heel pair of shoes to design the two molds Ann found. I did come across a size 7 triple A slinky shoe with lots of bling and straps in black. I checked out the heel and could see this one could be taken apart to use and also I thought the bling from the shoe would be an extra bonus.
Did you notice the shape of the mold? Very rare and hard to find these today. Molds like this can never stand on their own without a heel or pedestal. This pic is the shoe I found. Perfectly chic!!
Now this is the best part. I brought the slinky shoes home and they fit the molds perfectly. I'm not kidding, I couldn't believe it. It was like the molds could have been used to design these shoes. So I did not have to remove the heel, but could use the whole shoe as is and embellish it for the desk accessory we both wanted.
This first one, I created for my desk using some extra gemstones, feathers and added my pen and business cards.
The next pictures are the mold for Ann with more bling, black feathers, leopard print ribbon, gemstone pen and blingy buttons.
This was so much fun and really looks great on the desk. My great grandpa would love it. I think, he may be the reason I love shoes so much. It's in the genes. LOL The following pics are a few more I've created and sold in my shoppe.
Thank you for stopping by to visit my What-Not post for Etsy Cottage Style. I hope you enjoy this last day of April before we start the beautiful month of May. See you soon. Hugs, Celestina Marie
I just love vintage shoe molds! Many of you who follow my blog, know, my great grandfather designed shoes in Italy. When he came to this country with his large family, his wife, 4 girls and 2 boys, he carried many shoe molds to continue his work to support his crew. I am blessed to own several that my grandmother gave to me and I cherish them always for they represent the hard work and care my g...
Continue ReadingWednesday, April 25, 2012
Makeover for Miss Manny~
In: celestina marie design, dress forms, makeovers 12:00:00 AM By: Celestina MarieIt sure is a busy season here at CMD as I have been redecorating and giving upgrades to my living room and studio. Still have a bit to do here and there before I can give a reveal, but I do have a few things to share before then already complete in my studio.
Swinging paint brushes has been the order of the day around here between my decorating and customs orders. They all seem to do fine with my balancing act, and above all, it hardly seems like work.
I just love dress forms and they are all the rage everywhere. From formal to whimsical, they add so much to any room.
Remember the dress form I found awhile back for next to nothing because it had some damage? Well I fixed her up like new back then and enjoyed the look till now which seemed the time for a new look and makeover to go along with my new studio in the works.
Walls, cabinets, flooring and decor is getting a new look and I am so excited with all the changes. Here is what I did with the dress form.
You know you can paint almost anything and fabric is no exception. For this, I painted right over the original fabric with two coats of flat interior paint that I use to background most all my treasures. It's called Honeysuckle bloom and is a soft cottage creamy white.
Original design~
Fabric to paint over~
First coat of paint~
Final coat of paint~
Now it will cure and dry overnight~
Today Miss Manny is good and dry and ready for her new outfit. I even painted the pedestal she stands on with three coats of paint. Also, I should mention, this paint has primer mixed in, so it saves lots of time and makes the surface very durable.
I decided that since she happens to be the same size as myself, I would let her borrow my vintage blouse from the 80's and newer lace skirt I found at Ross while browsing for her bottom half. I no longer wear this blouse, but I have always loved it and could never part with it. So glad I did keep it. The skirt was a great find of lace over solid ivory fabric and waistband. It worked out perfect. All she needed was something to hold and her makeover complete. What a nice addition to my new studio. What do you think? Maybe she'll let me borrow the skirt sometime, do you think? LOL
Here are a few other new looks around the room. Still lots to do, but working on the little finishes at the same time.
Well, guess my breaks over. It's back to swingin those paint brushes.
Till next time, have a wonderful day.
Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie
Hello Blog Friends~ It sure is a busy season here at CMD as I have been redecorating and giving upgrades to my living room and studio. Still have a bit to do here and there before I can give a reveal, but I do have a few things to share before then already complete in my studio.Swinging paint brushes has been the order of the day around here between my decorating and customs orders. They all seem...
Continue ReadingFriday, April 20, 2012
Art Challenge from All In My Cottage
In: All in my Cottage, art challenge, celestina marie design 12:37:00 AM By: Celestina Marie
Recently I took the art challenge from Debbi of All In My Cottage. She shared this sweet vintage graphic for participants to design as they choose.
It was fun, and these are the few items I created for the challenge.
Thank you Debbi for hosting this springtime challenge and sharing this darling graphic. And, if anyone out there would like to participate there is still time to enter as the sign up will not end till June 1st.
Click HERE and it will take you to the post at All In My Cottage and the list of other participants.
Have fun and have a great weekend.
Blessings, Celestina Marie
Recently I took the art challenge from Debbi of All In My Cottage. She shared this sweet vintage graphic for participants to design as they choose.It was fun, and these are the few items I created for the challenge.Thank you Debbi for hosting this springtime challenge and sharing this darling graphic. And, if anyone out there would like to participate there is still time to enter as the sign up w...
Continue ReadingWednesday, April 18, 2012
Thursday Marketplace and Boutique Scrabble
In: 5 and 10 shop, celestina marie design, thursday marketplace 11:26:00 PM By: Celestina Marie
Each week at Shabby Cottage Shops we have a Thursday Marketplace where you can find lots of great treasures for you, your home, gift giving and more. We also have a fun game called Boutique Scrabble. Unscramble the mixed letters to reveal one special boutique and win something special offered from that shoppe.
Simply visit us Here at Shabby Cottage Shops and you will see the list of participants opening their shop with special sales and great finds plus directions to the Boutique Scrabble and the gift you could win. You can also visit me HERE in my 5 and 10 shop with weekly specials and newly added hand painted and vintage treasures.
Here are just a few of the offerings I have filling the shelves for Thursday Marketplace and much more on the way each week.

So have some fun as you visit Thursday Marketplace each week. You never know what you are going to find. It could be something special.
Thank you for stopping by. I will see you soon, and till then, I'll be very busy with studio work, customs and home decorating of my own. I'm having lots of fun this spring and I can't wait to share what I have been up to since this season.
Enjoy this spring day!!
Celestina Marie
Each week at Shabby Cottage Shops we have a Thursday Marketplace where you can find lots of great treasures for you, your home, gift giving and more. We also have a fun game called Boutique Scrabble. Unscramble the mixed letters to reveal one special boutique and win something special offered from that shoppe.Simply visit us Here at Shabby Cottage Shops and you will see the list of participants...
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