Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Remembering a Great Artist
In: celestina marie design, paintings, tea cups 8:16:00 AM By: Celestina Marie
Welcome Friends to a remembrance over tea. As you might have heard, the beloved and talented artist Thomas Kinkade passed away on GOOD FRIDAY at home of natural causes at the age of 54. It is a huge loss to the artistic community.For me, I was greatly inspired by his beautiful work and style. I love the warm glowing cottages and Light Houses he painted making simple strokes bring life to the canvas.Today, only 4 days later after his death, I am joining tea time to share my teapot and cups with "Home is Where the Heart Is" painting. I have shared this set before, but it is lovely to view again as I read through several books I also have from Thomas Kinkade. Yes, he also wrote many books about his works sharing the many paintings he designed on canvas, plates and other surfaces that are true collector treasures.He also wrote a series of novel stories of which I have read all. These spirit filled stories take place on the east coast in a small town called Cape Light. Another favorite of mine is a wonderful cookbook that shares favorite recipes from Mr. Kinkade created in the book around his beautiful paintings and seasons throughout the year. One of my favorite pieces is this gorgeous candle holder in cottage ivory with a painting of another lighthouse. Around the rim of the ceramic is cutout feet to reflect God walking with us as we go through our journeys. I love this piece.This large tea or coffee mug was a gift from my dear hubby. I have enjoyed it many years.One Christmas, our son made this gorgeous puzzle created from a canvas work of Thomas Kinkaid. He completed the piece, had it framed, and it looks like the large real canvas which would have cost thousands. This was a way to have a beautiful treasure hang over our family room fireplace and it is very special and means so much coming from our son.Thank you for stopping by for a cup of tea with me as I remember this wonderful artist renowned for his works in our modern time. Thomas Kinkade was once asked why he places light in all his designs on canvas. He answered by saying how he grew up in a single parent home and each day after school, came home to a dark and empty house. When he begin his painting career, he was determined to make the glow of warmth and light come from all the cottages through the windows, lighthouses and scenes he would create to reflect the love and warmth of home and someone there to greet you.I heard another artist say once, that inspiration is for amatures, that as an artist we should just show up and get to work. Well, I am off to my studio to show up and get to work. I am sure that Thomas Kinkade showed up for work everyday and will continue to encourage the warmth of home and heart through his creations for years to come.He will be greatly missed.But I know he is at home now with the Lord. Today I join the talented blogger, Sandi of Rose Chintz Cottage as she hosts tea time. Please stop by and visit her and the many others who also participate.Blessings, Celestina Marie
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Celestina Marie
Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..

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Hello, my name is Celestina Marie, named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste. My designing fun extends over 30 plus years enjoying the love of decorative painting, redesigning old and new treasures along with interior design, styling and staging. You can often find me junkin for that perfect treasure.
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Enjoyed this "cup of tea"! Thomas Kinkade was such a wonderful artist.
What a great tribute to Thomas Kinkaid. I love his work too and was fortunate to meet him and get his autograph when he opened the gallery at the Mall of America. I have one of his books and a couple of his plates with lighthouses on them. You really have a nice collection of his work.
I am having a giveaway on my blog. Hope you will stop by.
Barb xo
So beautiful your treasures to enjoy & the memories of an inspiration that is part of your life & breathtaking talent which we all enjoy, Celeste.
May he RIP.
Have a beautiful day, sweet friend
Love ya!
A great posting!...I was interested in the explanation abouut the light eminating from the windows
Hi Celestina Marie,
thank you for introducing me with Thomas Kinkaid. This little cottages look so inviting and cozy. He must have been a great artist. You made a wonderful tribute to him.
Best greetings, Johanna
I'm with you - I loved Thomas Kinkaid's paintings! They are remarkable.
Your tea set and books are all great reminders of this fabulous painter of light!
Thanks for sharing!
ps...I have just begun another Give-Away - please stop by and join!
I was thinking of you this morning when I hear the news... he will always make me think of you! Hug....
Oh how terribly sad Celestina, I'm very impressed as he didn't seem to old either! I loved and drooled over his gorgeous Xmas things and dolls and beautiful artwork, etc.! You're so lucky to have the teapot and teacup.
May he rest in piece. Thanks for sharing.
What a great tribute to such a talented man. Thanks for helping us remember!
Dearest Celestina Marie,
He was still young at age 54! Too bad, but he has given probably more to the world than the average person. His wife and four daughters will miss him and so does the world for his art work.
Love to you,
Hello my sweet friend,
I really appreciated your tea honouring the very talented Thomas Kincaid. He will surely be missed by his dear family and the world!
I loved his reasoning for having painted light in all of his cottages. Everyone needs someone to come home to. Of course he has 'gone home' where he will never ever be lonely again!
You have some beautiful pieces and I especially like the puzzle your son gifted you with!
Thank you for sharing this with us today in remembrance of a beloved artist.
Blessings and hugs,
Celestina, I was so sad that Thomas died! I did not know him personally but I loved his art. I always felt a since of peace every time I viewed his paintings. I will definitely miss him as will anyone who appreciates his art.
Hello Celeste... a beautiful tribute to Thomas Kinkade... I love all of your special treasures, especially your tea set... so tragic a loss, and at such a young age... I have about 8 of his prints (no originals) I wish I had an original painting of his... I too have a number of his books that I cherish... my sister Jo who passed away gave me my first Thomas Kinkade picture and book so they have extra special meaning to me... thank you for honoring him... I was saddened to see the derogatory remarks from the press about him... xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Celestina Marie,
How very sad to hear of the passing of such a talented Artist and so very young.
You have some wonderful pieces and I loved hearing about the light and glow at the window, so beautiful.
Thanks for the cup of tea and always a pleasure to come and visit you.
Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying the week
Oh how sad is that! I didn't knew that; didn't hear anything about it. That is so sad and he was so young still! I am a big fan of his work as well and his way of painting cottages are my dream and have been ever since I got to know his work years ago. It's obvious you are a big fan of his work too Celestina Marie! What a great tribute you made!!
Blessings and hugs,
You have some very lovely pieces from his collection. I am so saddened by his death as he was so extremely talented. I haven't read his series of books I will have to look into those.
Thank you for sharing.
What a beautiful post. I was saddened by his passing as well. I have always loved his work. I have a couple of his prints, books, dishes,etc. My daddy even bought me a couple of mugs for my new husband and I to have our morning coffee. He was such a talented artist. I know that we are all sad by his passing at such a young age, however I believe he is home now in the most beautiful place imaginable.
You have a beautiful collection, especially the puzzle that your son did for you.
Lee Laurie
I always admired his work, he was so talented. Wonderful tribute to an amazing artist. He went much too soon. Your tea set is fabulous. Hugs...Lu
I had not heard this sad news. He was so young. I love his paintings and he will be truly missed. Thanks for this sweet post.
What a shock to read your post, I hadn't heard...and he was so young. This is a beautiful tribute to a wonderful artist. My heavens this news will knock the sox of hubby when I tell him in the morning.
We spent many hours working on his jigsaw puzzles which we have had framed to hang on the wall, we thought they were much too beautiful to put back in the box. Also have some of his books of inspiration.
Sorry not to have been by sooner, but I have been somewhat proccupied this week, planning a motoring holiday. I hope this coming weekend is uneventful and more relaxing for you.
Celeste, yes, this is a very sad loss. I've also read a couple of his books and admire his work so much. His life was all too short...
Blessings to you!
XO Diane
Thank you Celeste for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice post!
And what a lovely blog post you have written for our fellow artist Thomas Kinkade. He left such a wonderful legacy through his art and he has gone on to meet the greatest artist of all :)
Oh my goodness, I didn't know Thomas Kinkade passed away. I loved his artwork. His quaint little cottages and scenery are beautiful to me. You know, every year I watch a Christmas show, and it is about Thomas Kinkade growing up and the town that he lived in. I was born and raised not very far from the area he grew up. It is a wonderful Christmas story, and it brings love and light to my family every year. He was such a special man. God Bless Thomas Kinkade. He was loved by so many of us.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Oh my goodness, I didn't know Thomas Kinkade passed away. I loved his artwork. His quaint little cottages and scenery are beautiful to me. You know, every year I watch a Christmas show, and it is about Thomas Kinkade growing up and the town that he lived in. I was born and raised not very far from the area he grew up. It is a wonderful Christmas story, and it brings love and light to my family every year. He was such a special man. God Bless Thomas Kinkade. He was loved by so many of us.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
It's been a long time since I've been over but something on another blog reminded me of you, sweetpea.
Come over and see our great-grandchild on my blog. She's quite cute and we're going to have another one the end of the year.
I also grieved about hearing the death of Thomas Kinkade. I was gifted with one of his paintings several years ago and just love his art.
Hope Miss B is doing well also,
Hi Celeste,
That is one of the sweetest blog comments anyone has ever left for me. I just saw it this morning and it gave me a super bright start to my day. Thanks my friend.
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