At least 12 tornado's came through north Texas Tuesday with devastating results. Thank you to so many of you who emailed, sent texts and called last night and this morning to check on me. My family and I are okay, our town so close to the hit areas, are okay, but so many in the surrounding cities to the south of my area, have lost homes and a lifetime of their possession's. The good news, NO ONE LOST THEIR LIFE. The material can be replaced in time, but the fact that no one was seriously hurt is a miracle, while two cities are declared a disaster area. We are so thankful for God's protection to those fellow Texans.
Today the clean up begins and thousands are without power. It will be a challenge, but a thankful day too. Your prayers are much appreciated as we help our neighboring towns rebuild and go forward.
Above is a map that shows tornado alley. As you can see, north Texas is a part of that zone. We pray this season settles down and these kinds of storms do not come our way again.
Thank you again for your concerns. You truly are so kind and thoughtful to think of us and I send you a big hug for your friendship.
Praying for North Texas,
Blessings for today.
Celestina Marie
Hi dear Celestina Marie!
I'm so happy to hear you are not affected and on the same time i'm sorry for those who are. I saw it on the news yesterday evening (Dutch time), live on CNN and said to my husband I thought you are living in that area, so immediately thought about you!!! I'm really relieved you are fine! I so much hope those rotten tornadoes will stay away! It's such a devastation! I couldn't believe what I saw on the news. The power of the winds is enormous and just unbelievable. Stay well!!
hugs and blessings, always!
Celeste, I am so glad you were not hit by the tornadoes. I am praying for those who lost so much and am so glad there was no loss of life.
So glad you are okay, Celeste, and yes, praise God for no loss of life. THINGS can always be replaced!!
I was flying yesterday, and I had a stop in San Antonio (Vegas to Orlando, with a stop in San Antonio). When I got to Vegas to connect to that flight, I heard that DFW was grounded/shut down due to tornadoes. Knowing I was going to be flying over that area, I went into panic mode. But since we were south of the area, we weren't affected at all...smooth, uneventful flights!!
Blessings and hugs,
thanks be to God! thanks be to God! Continued prayers for those people who are left with nothing. You are right, materials can be replaced, but lives cannot. Happy you are safe.
Thank God you are o.k. my Friend. My step-brother & his family live near Dallas & they are o.k. too!!
When we saw the devistation I thought of all my blogging friend who live in Texas!!
Stay Safe .... Marilyn
I am so glad you are all alright! Praise, God!
Dear Celestina,
I'm so glad you are alright! Praise the Lord!!
What a terrible outbreak of storms! I watched it on our Weather Network and it was horrifying to watch the tractor-trailor fly through the air! Such weather!
Take care, my dear fiend, and Happy Easter to you and all those you love!
Blessings & hugs,
Dear Celeste... I had not heard of the tornados, thank God no one was killed or seriously hurt... I have not watched any news, I have not been feeling real well for some time... I loved your previous post about the Glenns... now THAT is an incredible story... I love Annie (and John) and I do not even know her... thank you for the beautiful Easter card... hoping the weather brings calm to Texas today... much love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
Celestina, I am so glad you and your family are alright. Tornadoes are scary creatures. I lived through one years ago in Ky.
Sweet friend I am so thankful that you made it through all that stuff. Whats up with all this crazy weather anyway.
So glad you and your home are safe...it is so sad to see the devastation. Take care...
Ohhhh dear Celeste, I'm soooooo happy your safe and no others have lost their lives, God is good....
I will keep you and yours in my prayers.....
I am so very relieved to hear you and your family are safe. The power of Mother Nature is so strong and it is a miracle no one lost their life. My prayers for those affected. Blessings...
That is great news that you are okay. I was wondering if you were affected by the tornados.
I heard about this on the news this morning. So glad to know you are okay!!
Prayers for a blessed Holy Week!
Hi Celeste, good to hear you are okay. I haven't been watching the news lately so didn't hear of this till I read your post. It must be terrible for those people who have lost everything, they might only be posessions, but it's things like family photos that cannot be replaced, that must be the most heartbreaking.
May the Lord watch over them all.
I am so glad you are OK. I worried that everyone in our blogging family was OK. So happy, but almost unbelievable that no lives were lost! I heard they gave an early warning that saved so many!
Hello Celeste! I'm delighted to hear that you are well and that nothing happened to you, hope you and your family to spend the next day for a Holy Easter serene. See you soon, Lecoq
I'm grateful no one, not one person, perished. It was awful watching those twisters on the news. It's amazing and yet we curse them when they come. I'm happy your okay as well as those you love. I pray for those who lost so much but it can be replaced in time. Hugs to you and your great state of Texas!
Happy Easter Celestina, I thought about you when I heard about Dallas and our family that lived there. They are o.k., but will be rebuilding. It was truly in God's hand that nobody got killed in it. It made me think about all of you and wonder how close or if you were in harms way. We live in Tornado Alley and you never know when they will pop up or what will happen. Take care. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.
Hi Celeste,
Been hearing about the tornados in the news...so glad you did well at your house and came through safe and sound.
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