It is hard to believe two weeks have passed since the death of our dear Golden Retriever, Miss Beazy Lee. Our hearts are not any lighter and will be heavy for some time to come, but your prayers have been felt and most certainly are carrying us through these darkest hours. Hours that will become days, weeks and months in the healing process. Our faith is strong and holding us up.
Thank you so very much for your prayers, emails, e-cards, etsy messages, calls, visits, cards, text messages, voice messages, flowers, hugs and kind words of comfort. They have meant more then you can ever know. I have 145 emails to answer and I will with time. It is important to me that you know how much we appreciate your concerns and kindness.
The memory of Miss Beazy and her devoted, gentle and sweet ways will replace the horrific scene of that dreadful day when hit by a car on the highway. Her teachings of patience, constant love and loyalty will be our guide when we feel overwhelmed by grief. Her playfulness, curiosity, and mild temperament will give us remembered joys when we miss her hugs and kisses.
Miss Beazy's life was a gift from God even for a short time. She was our 4th Golden to leave our lives all to soon. We miss her more then I can ever express.
I will be gone from my blog for a while. I know Miss Beazy would want me to return to the life that I love and that she was such a big part of for so long. She would poke me with her cold nose, as if to say, mom, lets go to work, play, swim or cuddle.
Thank you for your friendship and visits. You have helped us in our darkest hour and may God Bless you always.
With Love, Celestina Marie and Family
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
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Celestina Marie
Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..

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Hello, my name is Celestina Marie, named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste. My designing fun extends over 30 plus years enjoying the love of decorative painting, redesigning old and new treasures along with interior design, styling and staging. You can often find me junkin for that perfect treasure.
Join me as I share my journey!
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Such a sweet tribute to your precious girl Celeste... I have thought of nothing else this past week... praying that you begin to heal from your tragic loss... and yes, I believe Miss Beazy wants you to go on with your lives and be happy... life will never be the same for you... but she is always close by and forever in your hearts... love to you all... Julie Marie
God bless you and your family,take care and take time for you,kiss.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Miss Beazy. I have a golden too, and I know how amazing these dogs are, and sew themselves into our hearts.
A few years back I lost my dog Twinkles. She was so young and we were all so sad. I felt as if I had lost my little soulmate. Yet one evening after I had to put her down, I was praying. Suddenly I could see that familiar painting of Jesus holding the lamb. Only this time she was holding my Twinkles. It was such a comfort and a realization that she is safe and romping around with our other family pets in heaven.
I hope that God comforts your heart.
Take all the time you need...we are here when you want to talk.
I know firsthand the pain you are feeling. It will always remain a bit...but it will get when you remember your precious will be a good memory and not all pain.
Awwww, Celeste, I wish I could give you and your family a big hug and I know our pups would love to kiss you!!!
Take care...know we're here, whenever you are. And that we're praying and thinking of you.
Jan ♥
Dearest Celestina Marie,
Miss Beazy almost made it to 8 happy years. However tragic her life ended, she knew pure love and has been loved, cared for and sheltered for almost 8 years in a home where she felt HAPPY.
A big hug to you girl,
We will continue to keep you in prayer, it will take some time to heal, we understand. Just take care of yourself.
Continuing to pray for you and your family...
Blessings and hugs,
My hear just breaks for you and I send you prayers. Take all the time you need.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Dear Celestina,
When we lost our dear 17 year old Smokey in January of this year, our daughter sent us this poem.I would like to share it with you.
"I Haven't Left at All"
I saw you gently weeping as you looked through photographs
You paused for just a moment at one that made you laugh;
But as you turned more pages, the tears began to flow
You whispered that you missed me and I just want you to know;
I softly licked those stinging tears that down your cheek did fall
I want to help you understand, I haven't left at all.
On those days that you are overcome with sorrow, pain and grief
I rest my head upon your leg to offer some relief
When you take our walking path I've seen you turn around
Because I know you surely heard my paws upon the ground.
At night while you are sleeping I snuggle at your side
You storke my fur as you touch that place where I used to lie.
You said it's just your heart playing tricks upon your mind
But rest assured I'm really there, my spirit's left behind.
I know your heart is hurting; it's like an open sore
You think my life has ended and you
won't see me anymore.
But for those of us bound tightly by love, death is not a curtain call;
It's really the eternal beginning that waits for us all
So, dear Master as you live your life I patiently await
For us to be together when you pass through Heaven's gate.
Please know we are thinking of you as you go through the grief.
hugs Eileen
The best gift I can send you is just pure unadulterated love at this time, my precious friend.
Celeste, your sweet tribute to Miss B is heart melting. Tears fill my eyes.
You know where I am & have my phone number ... I am only a call away, sweetie.
Love you always,
Dear Celestina Marie,
You have shared such a beautiful tribute to your beautiful Miss Beazy.
My continued thoughts and prayers go out to you and can understand you needing some time away from your blog.
Sending my love and hugs and do hope as the days and weeks pass, the pain and grief will pass.
Sending hugs
Such a precious tribute to your Miss Beazy. Through your blog posts and our long conversations, I feel like a bit of her belonged to all of us. I'm sure she knew just how loved she was by the three of you. Loved, protected, pampered and adored. You were everything she ever needed, just as she was for you. Still remembering you in my prayers, dearest friend.
Much Love,
Dear Celestina,
Such a sweet tribute to your doggy!
My son and his wife had to put their 7 seven year old doggy Skye down just before Christmas because she was full of cancer. It was so so hard! We all loved her!
God bless you, sweet friend, and know that I am praying for you.
Love and hugs,
Celestina, Somehow I missed that you lost your precious Miss Beasley. I am so very sorry! Sweet friend you are in my prayers!
Continued prayers...
huge hug!
Ms C & family: As a person, a family who believes the companionship of a furry 4 legged can often be more soothing than any touch of a human, my heart aches, breaks & holds you close as you try to make your way through the days ahead. I know the heavy feeling you carry, I know the pain & the tears you cry. I also know the joy of having had her for those short 8 earthly years will carry you through until your celestial paths meet once again. We are never prepared to let them go but take comfort in knowing she is not gone, she simply awaits your arrival at home more glorious than the one we know here, with a tennis ball in her mouth waiting for a game of fetch.
My love & hugs fall short I'm sure but you are in my prayers my friend. Tammy
oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry to hear of your loss, I'm really glad you have your friends to help you through this difficult time.
What a beauty, you were truly blessed, I'm so sorry we had to meet on such circumstances by such is life.
I wan to thankyou so much for visiting me and your kind words,
You have really been in my thoughts this last week. Take care, rest up and take good care.
Dear Celestina,
I have been thinking about you lately, and hoping that you are o.k. I really love the last picture of Miss Beazy. She looks so kind there. Such a beloved dog and friend, indeed.
All My Love Sent To You,
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Dearest friend,
Chrissy & I are so heartbroken for you. We adored Miss Beazy! I pray your heart is healing little by little. I know Larry must be so saddened from losing her. We send you such big hugs Celeste.
Wanted to drop by and let you know that I am now sharing Marie's blog @ Dolls by Marie Antionette. I posted a new post about the fire that occurred in her kitchen which pulled her away from blogging for quite sometime. Marie & I hope you will stop by to visit with us.
Sending you much love, Sherry & Marie
I can hardly read this it is so sad, and you have to live it, oh dear. 8 years is not brief...It's a life time.
I'm so sorry Celestina, I think of you everyday and keep you and your family in my prayers. My heart is broken for you. I know what your going through as I have been through it to many times. So much harder for you I'm sure in how sweet Miss Beazy left this world. I will continue to pray for you.
Love you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Dear Celestina,
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through as we went through this same thing only 2 years ago. We still miss our sweet Savanna but she is forever in our hearts and we know she will be waiting at the Rainbow bridge for us as Miss Beazy will be waiting for you!!
My heart goes out to you....
Beautiful tribute to Miss B, she was a true friend as Miss M is too me. I will continue prayers for you, please take care and get better everyday. God Bless,
My dearest Celestina, I am so, so very sorry to hear of your beloved Miss Beazy Lee. I know she was always by your side, a constant companion. She was a beautiful girl. I know the empty feeling in your heart as we have also gone through this several times, yet it doesn't make things any easier. I send you love, prayers and blessings my friend. Hugs...Lu
I am so sorry to hear about the tragic demise of your beautiful Miss Beazy. The heart break of such a tragedy doesn't leave us, I never saw heart break so piercing until the day my daughters little chihuahua Lola was hit by a car. She still cry's over it. My heart goes out to you. TTTFN Wanda
So sorry I meant to send you an off blog note but my dogs have been sick for a week now. I am physically exhausted. I wish I knew something to say to help ease your pain. I miss her too, and I am sure your other blog friends do as well. It will take some time but think good happy thoughts, and I know that she knew she was always loved.
Dear Celestina, You will be missed from your blog but you need time to heal if even a little. Please do not worry about writing to me in an email you have more than enough to do and cope with. I think we all know that you are appreciative and that is enough.
Go and take time for yourself, we will all be here waiting for you when you come back, lots of hugs, Maureen.
Celeste, I'm so sorry to read about Miss Beazy's passing. For many people, including myself, our animals are members of our families. I know how hard it is to lose such a sweet dear companion. Hugs.
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