Just 19 days till springtime and how welcome it will be. Now granted, we had a very mild winter here in the Lone Star State, but spring and it's gorgeous colors are still longed for as I prepare to spend time in the garden once again.
I was going back through my pics for this time last year, and sure enough, the same flowers are returning in all their splendor. So, I wanted to share a few of those pics again this season as we approach a new time with warmer days. As my garden wakes up from it's winter nap, I hope these bright colors make you happy and inspire you for spring. I only have a few new blooms but wanted to share them anyway.
And getting ready for St. Patrick's Day, this plant will be huge in no time at all.
Sweet little plate set I created for spring and now lives in Italy with a wonderful customer.

I hope you have a wonderful first day of March and new season soon.
Hugs, Celestina Marie