By the sea, by the sea! Oh I so enjoyed to design and paint these beautiful large oyster shells last season. This year I have a few more on the way along with a few already in the shoppe. So many love to display beach cottage decor this time of year and when mixed with pink roses, it's all dreamy.
While treasure shopping, I came across these wonderful Oyster shells along with my dear friend and Treasure Buyer Miss Ann from Ann's Finds. Measuring 4" wide by 6" long. I painted 2 with seaside scenes and roses on the backside, and one, with roses inside and rose bud on the front. These have already found new homes so I am in the process of doing a few more. So much fun to dream while designing these. When you paint you can set the scene that is only imagined in your thoughts.
No friends, Miss Ann does not have an on line shoppe. She does have a brick and mortar spot in a great mall here in Texas where she offers vintage to new for repurpose and design, home decor and lots more. If you are going to be in the Dallas area, I will be glad to send you her way.
Oh how I wish to drift away in this sail boat and return to this rose cottage by the sea. Where roses are planted and the water so blue. Where days are lazy and the nights full of stars that twinkle off the water.
I will dream as I create, with pink roses that grow outside my window.
These rose shells with pink rose dreams, are the last shells left HERE before the new arrivals.

It's always special to have you visit.
Have a wonderful Summer's day full of Seaside Dreams!XO Celestina Marie