Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unwelcome House Guest

Hi Friends,
Well, I guess it's my turn for a visit from the Cold/Flu Bug.
 Woke up with it's arrival on Thursday and it's been a battle ever since.
You know the visitor~~
The one who arrives and brings,

~Extreme Sore Throat~
Not a fun visitor to have around the house.
Time to doctor up,

Put the kettle on for hot tea,
Make a pot of chicken soup,
And cozy up!
 This one is a dozy!
I have not had a cold visitor for maybe 10 years like this.
  I know many of you had this house guest too.
Not good, they say, this one likes to linger!!
See you when I can hold my head up again.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Stay well.
Celestina Marie
p.s. sorry for the blurry pics, not too steady!


Jan Hermann said...

Awwwwwwwwww, Celeste. You need to kick that visitor to the curb!! Hope you feel better soon! I've added you to my Blog Prayer List and will be praying for you!

Jan ♥

Unknown said...

Feel better soon, that nasty visit came to visit me for 5 weeks, take care of yourself sweetie!
Hugs and love and wellness sent your way.
Marilou xoxo

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

So very sorry to hear you have the flu please look after yourself and hope you feel better soon.
I always find lemon and honey drinks for the sore throat and plenty of rest with a hot water bottle,

Warmest hugs and get well

Hayu Maselli said...

Oh no,my dearest Celeste,
those why I miss your presence.I can fell it.I am wishing you feel better soon. take a rest and keep warm.
I knew how does it feel.
anyway I love your kettle;)
take a good care and wishing you a warm weekend
love to you

Old Time Cindy said...

Please take care and take some down time. Hope you feel better real soon!
Farmhouse hugs,

Unknown said...

OMG Celestina, I am just getting over it, I coughed so much my stomach is still sore. Drink lots of tea and rest. Orange juice helps you feel better too. Wishing you a speedy recovery my sweet friend.

Denise said...

I just got over it even though I always get the vaccine in Oct.? Hang in there and take good care of yourself.Hope you feel better real soon.

NanaDiana said...

Oh, You poor girl. It is nasty ~ this one going around this year. Take good care and don't all you can- Love to you, sweet girl- Diana

Donna said...

I'm so sorry you are sick, Celestina! They say this is an especially bad year for the flu bug. Be sure to get ton's of rest, and drink lots of liquids. Feel better soon, ok?

Eileen said...

Dear Celestina,
So sorry to hear you are sick.That flu bug has taken a toll this year.I Pray that you will soon feel better. Take the time to just sit back, relax and enjoy all that you have put into your beautiful home. And most of all take the time to recovery fully.
hugs, Eileen

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am so sorry you are sick my friend. I hope you get well SOON! Just rest and get some extra sleep if you can! Sweet hugs!

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Celeste, so sorry you are sick. It is a rough winter for getting sick this year, seems it is happening to everyone. I wish you a speedy recovery.


Ginny said...

Oh Celeste, You are right to make chicken soup, drink lots of hot tea, and honey is good for the throat, and rest, rest, rest,! Will say a prayer for quick recovery. HUGS

Anonymous said...

Oh poor you! Dh and I both got flu shots this year so I think that has helped us a lot. However, I must admit to a scratchy throat the last couple of days...I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I can't believe you actually made chicken soup while being sick! Much more energy than I would be able to muster! Get lots of rest and stay hydrated, oh and of course the chicken soup!!! I hope you feel much better real soon.
Hugs from one of your new friends courtesy GYB party!
Beth P
Don't worry, you have already visited my blog as well :D

Unknown said...

I hope you stay better early!!!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

So sorry to hear you have that nasty visitor at your house. Please take care of yourself and get well soon.
Barb xoxo

Unknown said...

Hey sweetie,
So sorry to hear you have the crud. My daughter got the flu with a pretty high fever last week and I felt on the verge. I dont think mine was as bad because this year for the past few weeks i have been drinking, daily tea of ground cinammon and honey. It seems to lessen the symptoms for me. Hope you feel better soon!
Hus, Lorena

Unknown said...

Oh, sweet friend. so sorry to hear you are ill. Praying for your fast recovery.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Get better soon!!

Cindy said...

You got the right idea, tea and soup, and lots of rest. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

get well soon, give that nasty house guest the boot! ( I mean the flu,) just in case you have other guests thought I better clear that up,,

Dorthe said...

Dear Celestina,
Not you too!!
I so wish you soon to be recovered, soon to feel good again-
I`m still coughing and feeling sooo tired with a little fever...
Hope for you it will not be too long, sweet.

1CardCreator said...

My poor friend, I am so sorry this dreaded visitor has paid a call to your home. Make sure you get plenty of rest, liquids and love to make you feel better soon. I will pray for your speedy recovery my dear friend. Hugs, ~Diane

Susan said...

Celestina, take care of your self sweet friend. I told this visitor to leave my home, but I did not mean for it to come your way!

cynthia lee designs said...

So sorry to hear that the flu/cold bug came to visit you. Hope you feel better real soon.

DeeDee said...

Feel Better Soon... I wish it all away...

Little Miss Maggie said...

I hope you feel better soon. It is not fun to be sick especially when it's cold.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Celestina Marie,
Hope you feel better soon. Rest up and eat well; drink plenty.
Hugs to you,

Createology said...

I am so sorry to hear of your dreaded house-bug-guest. Lots of rest and fluids is the best. I adore Vicks and its refreshing menthol vapor. May you feel better very soon dear. Healing Hugs...

Linda M. said...

Get well soon Celeste, rest, adding you to my prayer list. Hugs, Linda

High Heeled Life said...

Dearest Celetina - sending you hugs across the miles and blessings that your guest leaves quickly. Stay warm and feel better ..Hugs, C. (HHL)

izary said...

Kochana duzo zdrowia Ci życzę, mam nadzieję, ze z dnie na dzień będzie lepiej :)

Grandma Linda's Daydreams said...

Sorry! Hope you feel better quick! It's been here too, really bad this bug! Rest, watch some good movies, sleep it off! My prayers and warm thoughts are with you! Linda

a shade fancier said...

Hope you are starting to feel better. It has hit our home also but somehow up to now I have managed to escape. Keep the fluids going!!
Missy M

Julie Marie said...

Sooo sorry the bug made it's way to you dear Celeste... it took me down for almost a month... still don't have all my strength back... please do take care and do all of those old~fashioned remedies that really do help the most... thinking of you... much love, xoxo Julie

Unknown said...

Hi sweet friend. I am sooo sorry you are so sick :(I feel so bad for you. I hope you get better really fast and that the bug doesnt linger like they say. I know you are taking good care of yourself and I am sending healing thoughts and love your way :) Also, you are the winner of my giveaway!! I will get this in the mail to you Wednesday.
Love you so much Celeste. Tons of hugs to you,

Jan Hermann said...

Hope you're feeling better! Take care! ♥

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Get well soon!

Lynda said...

So sorry to hear you're not well. Seems like you have what you need to nurse yourself back to health. Get plenty of rest, praying you're back on your feet in record time!!

E. Charlotte said...

I'm right there with ya! I got sick with the flu on Saturday! No fun!! I hope you feel better very quickly!!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Bless your heart! I hope you start feeling better soon. Take good care of yourself, get some rest and dream up more wonderful designs!

My Vintage Life said...

Do take care and get well soon!

Jenna said...

Hi Celestina! I'm sorry your not feeling well. I miss you and hope you start feeling better real soon :-)
Lotsa tea and chicken soup always makes me feel better. Take care friend, hugs Jennifer

Lululiz said...

Oh dear, you poor thing, I really do feel for you. I am sending you big get-better-real-quick hugs.

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